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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Chris got out of the vehicle and aimed his Assault Rifle at the beast. "Not sure, I haven't exactly gone up against one of these things until recently. What I know about them is from what I heard from a friend! Though I don't exactly remember this form!" Said Chris as the Nemesis turns to the two. It then fires a few of it's tentacles at the two. Chris quickly reacted by jumping out of the way, however one of the tentacles wraps around the soldiers leg and begins dragging him towards the creature.



      Six was being dragged closer and closer to the creature's mouth, ready to be eaten.

      "Well, it looks like we're about to find out.", Six said to himself as he readied his M319 Individual Grenade Launcher.

      Six was ready, just in case the Nemesis T-Type tried to impale him before eating him.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



        "Six!" Chris yelled as he sees that the Nemesis is readying a tentacle to impale Six right through the skull. Chris quickly takes his Assault Rifle and fires into the tentacle that is wrapped around Six's leg, then at the Tentacle that is about to impale Six. However there is a tentacle behind Chris about to strike him.

        Suddenly the sound of a gun being fired can be heard as the tentacle behind Chris is shot, causing it to retract back into the beast's body. The person who fired the gun was none other than Claire Redfield.

        "Chris!" Yelled Claire as she ran up to Chris, she had her handgun aimed at the Nemesis as it was about to crush Six with one of it's legs.

        Chris turned to his sister, shocked that she was here of all places. "Claire what the hell are you doing here!?" Yelled Chris.

        "It's a long story! I'll tell you after we kill this thing!" Replied Claire.

        "We!? Claire it's too dangerous you need to leave!" Said Chris as he began unloading his Assault Rifle into the creature.



          Six rolled out of the way of the creature's leg, then began to sprint straight towards the Nemesis T-Type's mouth, ready to jump inside.

          (This thing's skin may be strong enough to take Railgun blasts, but I bet it's innards are weaker.), Six thought to himself as he fired a 40mm grenade straight into the creature's mouth.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



            As the grenade flew into the Nemesis T-Type's mouth it detonated. The explosion caused signs of obvious damage as there was a hole in it's side. Though sharp bone like spines emerge from it's flesh to cover the hole for protection. The creature roared as more tentacles sprouted from it's back, all the while it sealed it's mouth with some more spines. A few tentacles ready to strike Six, Chris, and Claire. At this sight Chris quickly grabs his sister and jumps out of the way. However Chris's leg was grabbed by one of the tentacles which proceeded to lift him high into the air.
            "Shit! Six quick, in the back of the truck there are some acid rounds for a grenade launcher! Quickly get them and USE THEM!" Yelled Chris as Claire quickly stands up. She quickly opens the trunk of Chris's truck and finds a few acid rounds and a grenade launcher.

            The Grenade Launcher was filled with normal explosive rounds. She quickly grabs the Grenade Launcher and the acid rounds. "Catch!" Yelled Claire to Six as she tosses a acid round to him.

            ((Acid Rounds are grenade rounds filled with well... Acid. They can melt an enemies flesh and also melt the bone-like protrusions Nemesis is using to protect itself. They are special rounds that can be used in just about any Grenade Launcher. The rounds explode on contact.))



              Six quickly grabbed the round, loaded it into his Grenade Launcher, and fired at the bone protrusion, melting it wide open.

              As soon as Six got within range, he jumped and went straight down the Nemesis T-Type's throat.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                The Nemesis quickly dropped Chris as it was hit by the acid round.

                As Six went inside the creature's mouth the immediate smell of rotten flesh fill the creature's insides.

                Meanwhile outside Chris quickly reloaded his Assault Rifle while Claire aims her new Grenade Launcher at the creature.

                As Claire fired the Grenade Round from the Launcher it impacted the Nemesis in the head, causing it to get stunned. Meanwhile Chris got finished reloading his Assault Rifle and quickly took aim. He began firing his rifle at the Creature's "eyes" which served to cause it to roar in pain.



                  Thanks to Six's suit, he didn't have to fight through the god awful stench of rotting flesh and stomach bile.

                  Six landed inside of the creature's stomach and looked around. All around him there were corpses. The acid was slowly eating away at Six's shields, so he decided to act fast. Six pulled out his Carbon Steel Alloy Combat Knife and stabbed straight into the side of the creature's stomach.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                    As Six drove his knife through the Nemesis T-Type's stomach the creature roared yet again, though it was still standing.

                    It's weakness is now revealed. It's insides are far weaker than it's outer flesh.



                      six grinned inside of his helmet and mutilating the Nemesis T-Type's stomach, stabbing his knife into the walls of the stomach and dragging it across, leaving giant cuts inside of the creature's stomach.

                      (Now the stomach acids will spill out and this monster will literally digest itself. Couldn't happen to a nicer abomination.), Six thought to himself as he then made a giant cut on the very bottom of the stomach, causing the acid to spill out everywhere inside of the Nemesis T-Type.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                        As Six cut the bottom of the Nemesis's stomach the beast began shrieking in pain as it's inside quickly began melting. It was eating itself from the inside.

                        Outside the beast Chris and Claire continued to hold the creature off. They were unloading their weapons onto the creature.

                        As the creature began shrieking in pain Chris and Claire quickly lower their weapons. "Did Six do it? Did he really kill that thing!?" Said Chris as he keeps his guard up.



                          As Six fell through the hole inside of the creature's stomach, he began to wildly stab and slash at anything within arm's reach.

                          Six stabbed and slashed through various organs, causing even more damage to the Nemesis T-Type.

                          Eventually, Six fell out the bottom of the creature, along with all the stomach acid and eaten bits of Nemesis.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                            As the creature fell to the ground, severely injured and on it's last bit of life. Six fell out of the creature along with the creatures diced up entrails.

                            "Six are you alright?" Asked Chris as he ran up to Six. The Nemesis began to degenerate into a mass of flesh and bones. Just as it was about to strike the group with it's remaining Tentacle the sound of a rifle shot echoes the streets as a 12.7 x 99 mm hollow-point rifle round strike the creature, finishing it off for good.

                            Chris and Claire looked up at where the gunshot came from, only to see what appeared to be a girl dressed in Gothic Lolita style clothing.

                            "Who's that?" Asked Claire as Chris tries to get a closer look. However the girl just seems to fade away until she disappears.

                            The girl was Margaret Moonlight. She had reappeared in an alleyway behind the building. She proceeded to walk off, with her rifles resting on her shoulders.



                              Six stood back up and waited for the acid to roll off of his frictionless shields.

                              "Well, that was unusual. Who is she?", Six asked in a casual tone as he pointed to the girl walking away.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                                "I have no idea... but whoever she is. She saved our life." Said Chris as he walks up to his truck. The front was completely smashed in and wouldn't start. "Damn it..." He said as he turns to Six. "The truck's totaled. There's no using it in it's current state." He said as he turns to Claire. "Okay Claire, I demand an explanation. Why are you here in London?" He asked as Claire sighs.

                                "I came here to give you a visit. I was in the next town over when I had gotten word that you were in London. So I made my way here, and well... here I am now." She said, trying to make it as simple as possible.

                                Already Margaret was already out of sight as the group continued talking. This is not the last that they will see the assassin known as the Goddess of Death.

