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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    I simply kept firing, taking another weapon as using two hand guns. This suit gave me increased accuracy. I never missed once.

    "John! I have to tell you something important!"


      Kappa Village

      At the sound of the Mortar being fired Zero made a jump left to avoid the shot.


        Cafeteria - Muenzuka

        "What is it?", John asked HM as he smashed the table down onto a group of grunts.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          "A general! One is coming this way! You have to tell Yukari so that she can consult the course of reaction to this upcoming news!"

          I saw them die, just not as brutally as earlier. To be honest, I actually somewhat fear that side of me. But it gives me such a satisfying feeling...

          "Okay, we passed all checkpoints safely. Where should we head to next, Chris?"



            Chris turns to Gerard. "We should try and find the computer where they keep all their files. Hopefully we can find out something there."


              Cafeteria - Muenzuka

              "Got it. I'll tell her in a moment.", John said to HM.

              After clearing the cafeteria of grunts, John went into the kitchen and made a sandwich for the "cowboy".

              He then exited the kitchen and came back to the cafeteria.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                There was one man in the middle of the chaos who did not budge. I sat down in a table across from his, my back turned to his.

                "Well then... you certainly are a cool and collected one, aren't you. I sure wish I had that level of calmness. To see blood flying everywhere..."

                "Lead the way."



                  Finally with all her marks ready, Taomon faced the warrior "You didnīt answer my question, do you really think doing this madness and killing billions of inocent people is acceptable?"

                  Samus grappled her whip to the admiral swordmaster "You only feel hate, isnīt there any piece of sympathy in your soul?" the bounty hunter asked

                  Nera finished with the information extraction yet she was rather annoyed that she was ignored by the man
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                    "Yeah." The unknown Nucleoid sat and drank from his glass a shot of gin. "Want a glass?"
                    "Ge- General, you can't just offer drinks to strangers!" A feisty-looking secretary scolded the unknown Nucleoid, now known as one of the 81 Generals.
                    "I can't? Why not?"
                    "They'll get drunk and rampage." The secretary responded, shoving her glass upward.
                    "Riiiiight." The General smirked, obviously not listening. "Still want a glass?"

                    "There is only bitter lies at the end of peace." Hyunlei growled. "Violence never loses."
                    "I lost my village to the Devourers. My family, my friends, they were all taken and turned. I vowed revenge, revenge in my own way. I've always had a knack in assassination: to rip the Devourer's throat out whem he least expects it. Until I get enough trust to be able to achieve that, I must fight!"
                    Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 07-16-2013, 08:48 PM.


                      "Thank you, I'd love to. But alas, I lost my human body. I am now a robot."

                      I shifted colors to exemplify, not that he could see me with our backs turned to eachother.

                      "So... general, huh?"



                        John overheard and placed a waypoint onto the General's energy signature.

                        He then managed to slip out the back, from the kitchen and went over to Yukari, Isaac, and the "cowboy".

                        "Here's your sandwich.", John said to the cowboy.

                        John then quickly turned over to Yukari and spoke.

                        "HM just told me that there's a General on his way. There's also a General inside of the cafeteria. What do you think we should do?", John asked her.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                          "Letīs say I let you go, this place is already lost, what will your superiors do to you? I donīt think they are really understanding" Samus said still grappling the admiral

                          Nera went out from the tower and saw Taomon speaking with another higher rank guard "I see you made a new friend"
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                            Chris looked at Gerard. "Actually I think you should. I may know a bit more on what they are developing here, but I don't know the exact layout. Besides if I were to lead the way then won't it seem like I'm holding you hostage?" Replied Chris as he takes out his Nine-Oh-Nine handgun.


                              "Then I guess it's time to wander..."

                              I began wandering around. I came across the testing chamber for the monsters. It was evident which one was broken, though it was recontained. Then, in the door, I placed a sign I made earlier:

                              Silence in the Testing Chamber. This is not a dare.



                                "Guarding the Hakurei.. Look, i was sealed there, but I didn't guard the thing. And as for the Borealis, it's a long story, so it's better if you just come with me." Mima said, putting her hands on each of their shoulders and teleporting them back to Marisa.

                                "Well, well, well, if it ain't the saint and the bowl girl." Marisa teased.

                                Edge of Gensokyo

                                A large earhquake rumbled across Gensokyo, and coming out of the ocean was a massive shape, with large, bony spikes which dwarfed the Youkai Mountain in height rising up, along with a heavily armored shell, with a large cabin of sorts on the creature's back, where there was Koishi, who seemingly tamed the Akrid she caught earlier.

                                "Go on, Red Eye, show 'em what'cha made of!" Koishi said with excitement, and the creature roared, it's gaping three jaw maw opening, revealing thousands of huge teeth, as it absolutely decimated the enemy forces, coming to a halt and large akrids coming out, and destroying more.

                                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.

