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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    "What is it?", John asked Yukari.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



      "When Patchouli said 'breached', she really meant breached. All my eyes there indicate that the sheer number of hostiles are going to make it hard for me to gap in there." Yukari responded.



        "Then gap me there. I'll clear a the area for everyone else. Just gap me in the air, and I'll contact you once I'm done.", John said to Yukari.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



          "We are coming with you soldier, wether you want it or not" Samus said puting her arm on the spartan´s shoulder

          "An air assault and landing, our best odds would be entering from a ceiling window" Nera suggested
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




            "Actually I got a better idea." Submos LuGaf swung his half-bitten donut around. "One that's not going to risk your pretty boy. Ooh, marmalade."
            "And what might that be?" Yukari asked.
            "You told me something about eyes." Submos began. "What if you hook my eyes up so you can see from me, and then I use a portal that is givn to all bases to teleport to this Scarlet Devil place."
            "And then with your eyesight, I can gap the team there for a surprise attack." Yukari nodded. "What say you, John, HM, Rena?"



              "That could work too.", John said.

              Isaac simply nodded in approval.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                The fox nodded "Im in and ready" she said crackling her knuckles
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  This is freaking awesome! This is the best robot suit ever!

                  O hai there, tree. I want you to meet MISTER LAZOR!!! BOOM!!!

                  Hey there, rock. You're a little big, let me help you out WITH MAH LAZOR!!! BOOM!!!

                  Oh look, an empty sentry post. Aw, feeling a little empty? Let me introduce you to SIR LAZOR THE FIFTH!!! BOOM!!!

                  I am having so much fun with this thing!!!


                    Devil May Cry Shop-China

                    "I've never seen a Yukkuri before. What are they exactly?" Said Lady as she takes a closer look at Komakoma.

                    "I can tell you what they are! They're creepy that's what!" Yelled Dante in a somewhat joking tone.
                    Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                      Devil May Cry; Komachi

                      "Dante is, well, half right. See, these are actually the pests of Gensokyo, which means they're all over the freaking place. And now that some portal opened up, the yukkuri's are beginning to breed here. This here is one of the rarest ones. It can sleep centuries on end, never to be starved nor disturbed. But they do wake up occasionally when Shiki-sama's around. then the damn thing won't shut up. But she sure takes after me, therefore she has my head! Who knows? Maybe you two will get one of your own."


                        Devil May Cry

                        "How... interesting. I do have to say. They are cute though. In that creepy kind of way." Said Lady as she takes a seat on the edge of Dante's desk.

                        Dante comes out of the kitchen after a few minutes passed. He looks slightly annoyed. "I'll be back. I need to go by some food to restock the fridge." He said as he grabs a set of keys from a key rack, and opens a door to his garage where he has a motorcycle.
                        Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                          "Alright. And don't get your ass handed to ya by some demon."

                          We reached the final checkpoint: the entrance.

                          "Sir, did you obtain the necessary papers?

                          "Yes. These are the papers that this thief had stolen."

                          "But why did you bring the thief here?"

                          "I'm a soldier, not a hacker. I had to put a gun to his head the entire time for him to actually do as I wanted, but I retrieved them nonetheless and am about to discuss these with the thief, asking what he knows, what he was looking for, etcetera etcetera."

                          "Very well then. Show him no mercy."

                          "I don't plan to."



                            Chris had followed Gerard back to the car. Chris just sat and listened to Gerard talk with the agent. Occasionally glancing at the papers. He obviously wants to get a look at those papers.


                              We arrived the apartment. I got out into the room. I sat down in a nearby chair and balanced a sheathe on the floor with my hands.

                              "So, what information have you recovered?"


                                Chris's Apartment

                                "It's all on the papers. Haven't gotten a chance to read them. So I guess you can do the honors by reading them first." Said Chris as he looks at the 2 papers in Gerard's hands. Those were all the info he could get on the T-Virus.

                                PAPER 1:

                                T-Virus Report:

                                Recently I have successfully reproduced the virus known as the "T-Virus." Under strict orders from our leader we are to use theT-Virus to recreate the Tyrant line of Bio Organic Weapons.
                                Also known as B.O.W.s. The Tyrant B.O.W.s are to be used on the battlefield as a replacement for most agents.

                                After the detonation of the Neo-Yakuza base in Japan I can see why we plan to use the Tyrants for this reason. The Tyrants all possess great combat capabilities on the field. Superhuman strength, a
                                strong regenerative abilities, and can be controlled. A single T-003 could easily replace a squad of ten men on the battlefield. The Tyrant T-Type also known as Nemesis could replace a squad of over twenty men.
                                Using the Tyrants would easily help in lowering the amount of agents to be used on the battlefield, as well as lower the mortality rate.

                                We also received plans to make a "bomb" out of the T-Virus. All I know is that we plan on using it to "control the human populace in this city." I don't know what our leader meant by that, but it sends a chill down my spine.
                                I mean the T-Virus turns people into zombies for crying out loud! Using a bomb on a city would spread the virus through the air and water supply. We would have a freaking pandemic over night. Pure chaos would ensue!
                                That's why I plan on making a sort of cure for the T-Virus. However I am making this in my private lab due to the fact that if I get caught making it I will surely be fired. I'd really hate if this virus spreads through the city. I have a family to take
                                care of after all.

                                *rest of report is blacked out with what seems to be a marker. As such it can't be read.*

                                PAPER 2:

                                I have some good news and some bad news... I have successfully developed a vaccine for the T-Virus, however it only works in the early stages of infection. Once the hosts brain is fully "zombified" there is no curing it.
                                That means there is only a time span of a few hours after being infected with the Virus for the Vaccine to actually work. I have only managed to create a few vials of the vaccine though. Working with limited supplies is tough. I wish I didn't
                                have to hide this from everyone. I would be able to make more if I had more materials to work with.

                                Now as for the bad news. I have overheard some people talking, and I have finally found out by what our leader meant by "control the populace." Turns out they plan on literally dropping the bomb on this city, to purposefully cause a pandemic.
                                Afterward they will give a warning to the U.S. Government that if they don't comply with something that they will drop bombs all over the United States. This is absolutely awful! I can't stand working here any longer!

                                I also received word that more bombs are being made as of this very minute. They plan on making over a hundred of these bombs.

                                I'm not going to help them this time.

                                I'm going to confront out leader and tell him that this is a foolish thing to do. This might be the last I will ever see my family again.

                                I'm so sorry... for anyone who finds this paper I have hidden the vaccine and the instructions on how to make it in my private study in case they actually do go through with their plan.

                                - Andrew Stevenson

