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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Akyuu's Mansion

    "Heat Resist..." Patchouli looked through her catalog. "I'll pick up a few grimoires and head to wherever you'll be at during the battle."


    She lay facedown, surrounded by bright mist that seemed to envelope her body instead of the nonexisting clothes. Nobody was around her, she was there herself.
    She rose up and looked around her. The mist seemed to extend far beyond reach but also seemed to be right around her: a truly phenomenal effect, reflected by the unknown source of light, giving off a grand, almost holy, mood.
    "Alas, you have woken up." An old man carrying a large staff boomed from behind, as he stepped forward from a pillar covered in mists as well.
    For the first time, Daiyousei wished she were clothed.
    "Who are you?" Daiyousei asked.
    "You wouldn't know even if I told you my name." The old man smiled warmly. "But the bigger question is: who are you?"
    "I..." Daiyousei began, but she couldn't say anything. Is she to impress this old man, or to tell him a truth? Is she to trust him? "I... Don't know."
    "A name will do. Once you speak your name aloud, the rest of your identity will follow." The old man smiled again as he drew closer to Daiyousei, his silken robe brushing against Daiyousei's bare arm. The old man was easily twice the size of Daiyousei.
    "I... My name is Daiyousei." Daiyousei said.
    "A fine name." The old man nodded.
    "Where am I?" Daiyousei asked.
    "This place..." The old man looked around, not because he was curious, but because he wanted to show his guest something. "This is what they call One."
    "Or All."
    "Or Self."
    "Or World."
    "Or Heaven."
    "Or Afterlife."
    "But this place is really called the Truth." The old man announced. "This is where all things true and holy are kept."
    "Am I... Dead?" Daiyousei inquired as the old man brushed past Daiyousei and took a book out of a bookshelves, both objects shrouded in the bright mist. "Is this where the Dead go?"
    "Do you not want to be dead?" The old man asked, which made Daiyousei think. On one point, she wanted to stay here... Such a soothing place this was. This old man, as mysterious as he seemed at first, did not seem to be hostile or violent at all. But on the other hand, she wanted to go back... Where all her friends missed her amongst the living...
    "No, I don't want to be dead." Daiyousei announced. The old man merely smiled and handed the book to Daiyousei.
    "Then read that book." The old man handed the book to Daiyousei.
    "How will reading a book help...?" Daiyousei wanted to ask, but the old man seemed to have vanished.
    Daiyousei observed and analyzed the book: which read librum et non infinitas. Daiyousei sat on a small couch chair conveniently positioned behind her and began to read.


      Akyuu's Mansion

      Mima popped her head in and tossed John a crystal. "Use that. Also, for it, at some point, I may ask a favor." Mima then left.

      Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

      You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


        Akyuu's Mansion

        Preparing her digivice and taking some talismans she created while being in her shaman mode, the fox looked at the sky "This is it, huh?" she said as her energy started surging through her veins

        "It is indeed, just another adventure for our story" the jackal said already forming a bone staff at her paw while her body had small shivers of energy coming for what could be their biggest battle
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          Eirin's Medical Camp

          Dr. Light had finished repairing X as well as uploading he Fourth Armor to his systems. "Thanks Dr. Light..." Said X as he looks up at the sky. He feels like the final battle is coming soon. He quickly activates his communicator to contact John. "John where are you?"


            Akyuu's Mansion

            John nodded at Mima, then put the crystals away. Surely the favor wouldn't be too extreme. Besides, anything would be worth saving the planet.

            All of a sudden, X began to talk to him via his communicator.

            "John where are you?"

            "I'm at the Human Village. Just follow my energy signature.", John said into the communicator in his helmet.

            John then walked over to Byakuren and asked her a question.

            "Byakuren, how long can you make a heat resistance buff last?", John asked Byakuren.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Akyuu's Mansion

              "As long as I can stand, almost indefinitely." Byakuren responded.


                Eirin's Medical Camp

                "Roger that." Said X as he activates his Falcon Armor. Before he flies off he turns to Dr. Light and Mega Man. "It was really nice meeting you both. I promise I'll be back. I promise that we won't lose this fight!" Said X as he takes off flying. Dr. Light and Mega Man simply smile and waves goodbye to him.

                As he was flying he found Axl and Zero running down below him. "Axl, Zero!" He yelled as they both looked up at X.

                "X!" Said Axl as Zero smirks.

                "I'm heading to the Human Village. I feel like the final battle is coming soon!" Said X as he keeps flying.

                "Okay. We'll meet you there." Said Zero as him and Axl keeps running. X simply nods and flies off.
                The three of them are headed to the Human Village.


                  Akyuu's Mansion

                  "Good. I'm going to need it for my trip into the reactor. I'll meet you with Patchouli and Mima.", John said to Byakuren.

                  John then hastily walked over to Reimu for the final arm of support.

                  "You make sealing amulets, right? Is there any way to make ones that protect against heat?", John asked Reimu as he grabbed his helmet and held it at his side.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Akyuu's Mansion

                    A talisman darted towards the spartan and got pasted on his arm "That is an energy surge talisman, the moment you tear it, all of its energy will enter your body, but use it only when you truly need it, if it is misused, your body won´t hold all that energy and release it as steam from your boiling veins"
                    The fox said preparing more talismans
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      London-Apartment Complex-Parking Lot

                      "Well maybe after all this you could tell me about what it was like in your game.", Claire said to Six as she entered the car.

                      "Yea.", Six said as he entered the car as well.

                      It had been a long time since Six recalled what had happened on Reach. Many of his fellow Spartans died, just to give humanity a little bit of time, just enough time to get The Pillar of Autumn off of Reach. He also remembered how he was just an instant away from getting killed by an Elite with a Plasma Dagger, but was fortunate enough to get transported to the real world before the final blow.

                      Six looked over to Chris and asked him a question.

                      "So does this thing have a GPS?", Six asked.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        London-Apartment Complex

                        "I don't know let's see..." Said Chris as he checked everywhere for a GPS. Unfortunately he could not find one. "Sorry, no luck." Said Chris as Claire takes out her phone. "My phone has an in built GPS. Why don't we use that instead?" She said as she hands Chris her phone. "I guess it'll do..." He said as he looks at the small cellphone. "Here put the coordinates in Six."


                          London-Apartment Complex

                          "Got it.", Six said as he put in the address and handed the phone back to Chris.

                          "It won't be too long before we get there.", Six added as he leaned back in the seat and relaxed.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            London-Apartment Complex

                            Chris took the phone and looked at it. "Okay. Hopefully their won't be anymore stops." Said Chris as he pulls out of the driveway. He then begins to drive off towards Prometheus Labs.


                              Vietnam Skies

                              Vergil was sitting in the Chrysalis as this "battle" took place. Suddenly Vergil started feeling slightly dizzy as his vision begins switching between the real world and the demon world.

                              "No... I shall not let you send take me against my will!" Vergil said to an unseen being. The being is none other than the King of the Demon World Mundus.

                              Suddenly Vergil disappears from the Chrysalis in a flash of purple light.

                              He found himself in the Demon World. Where Vergil was, was a small pond of blood red water with surrounding stone spires. Up in the dark blue sky of the demon world were three red orbs. These orbs was Mundus, as Mundus draws closer images of a man in a black outfit fighting through a lab fills Vergil's mind. "W-What... is this!?" Said Vergil as he grabs his Yamato.

                              Suddenly a voice fills Vergil's head as well.
                              "Kill this man... and true power shall be yours..." Said the voice as suddenly a portal opens up beneath Vergil, causing him to fall in. This portal sent Vergil to London.

                              Suddenly Vergil falls from the other end of the portal which formed in the sky right above Chris's car which results in Vergil to come crashing down onto the hood of the vehicle.
                              Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                                London-Apartment Complex

                                As soon as Six saw Vergil, he pulled out his M6G Magnum and aimed it at him as he landed on the hood of the car. Despite the fact that Six looked relaxed a moment ago, he was actually ready for anything the whole time. He didn't survive this long without always being on guard.

                                "What was that?", Six asked as he kept his aim on the man on the hood of the car.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

