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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    I let the grunt's bullets hit me.

    "Oh, ow, the pain, make it stop..."

    I rushed over to one and knocked him out with a chop. as three more came at me from all other sides, I jumped high in the air and began spinning in the air, firing the Ratatta. When I landed, all of them were dead.

    "No, really, you did a fine job of yourselves."

    I proceeded killing. Hmm... should I use the LAYZOR? Well, only in an emergency, I mean this mountain is bare and all, but I must be careful.

    Too bad this is an emergency.

    I took out the LAYZOR and began whacking it at the aliens.

    "Trust me, this is much better than actually being shot by it!"


      Prison Sector - The Consumer

      John dropped down to the ground, but was hit twice.

      < Shield Strength 378% >

      (Careful John.)

      As soon as John hit the ground, he used his leg to trip Vladimir.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Kappa Village

        "It's a fairy!"
        "Are you sure? She seems too strong for one-"
        "She has wings and she is small! She is a fairy, and no fairy is going to beat us Grunts!"
        "Just stay quiet please." Daiyousei muttered as she continued to dodge the plasma bullets. Thanks to Barratta's unlimited ammo, Daiyousei didn't have to stop for a reload.

        Prison Sector - The Consumer

        "Whoa!" Vladimir went toppling down, but not before he managed to position his blade to John's throat. "Red Guillotine!"


          ...... PFFFT!

          "Um... I think... this may be... *snicker*... a challenge for me!"

          I changed forms to look like Daiyousei, only with the wings folded 'cuz god knows this thing can grow wings.

          "Alright, you crack me up. I'll set up a diversion. You do what you think you need to do next, because I don't quite have a plan."


            Prison Sector - The Consumer

            John saw in slow motion as the crimson blade came for his head.

            He quickly jerked his side and neck over to Vladimir's position, barely dodging the blade.

            (Well isn't that familiar.), John thought to himself as he recalled his fight with Ansem.

            John grabbed Vladimir by the arm, pulled out his Carbon-Steel Alloy Combat Knife, and stabbed down towards his stomach.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Kappa Village

              A- Admiral Damente!" The Grunts scrambled around, not knowing what to do. "We're done for, run!"
              Within seconds, the Grunts cleared out of the area, and the Kappas cheered for their victory yet again.

              Prison Sector, The Consumer

              "Yes! Pierce me!" Vladimir have seen blood. He was like a shark, uncontrollable when he smells that thick scent of iron. "Because the more blood you nd I spill, more powerful I become!"
              Vladimir wrested out of John's grasp. His wound was healing almost immediately. "Mad Mitosis. Allows me to regenerate cells and recover from flesh wounds in a zip."
              "Are you ready for carnage?" Vladimir asked as the blood he spilt gathered around his sword, staining it red.


                Prison Sector, The Consumer

                Blood, huh? Time to cauterize all that blood then.", John said as he put away his Combat Knife and began to form light in his hand.

                All of a sudden, the form of light took the shape of an Energy Sword while in his other hand, he formed a Combat Knife.

                As soon as the weapons fully formed, John lunged forth and swung his "Light-Energy Sword" at Vladimir's sword arm, trying to debilitate him.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  "Wait... are they retreating?" I said as I changed back into my body.


                    Kappa Village

                    The battle was fierce, but luckily it soon ended.

                    X shown signs of obvious damage, but nothing to severe. Just a few cracks and burn marks on his armor here and there.

                    However Bass was even more damaged. His body shown sighs of severe damage from all over. Bass was barely even standing. As X went to go help Bass, the black and yellow robot smacks X's hand. "I don't need you're sympathy Mega Man!" Said Bass quite simply as he limps off, away from the mountain. X just watches on in shock. He has never really met someone that refused help when they were injured... well except Zero of course.


                    Zero had just stood there. His hands shaking as he becomes filled with anger. He could have lost Nitori much like he did Iris.

                    When he lost Iris he was devastated. He literally began to doubt himself, and his reasons for fighting. If he were to lose Nitori... then he might not even have the will to continue living.

                    "Damn Nitori why do you have to be so stubborn..." Muttered Zero as he heads towards the exit of Kappa Village.


                      Prison Sector, The Consumer

                      As John was about to do his attack, the fox appeared behind him and put her paw on his back giving more energy and jumping backwards landing on the floor, she didnīt ran away, yet she faced Vladimir as the spartan was lunging his attack

                      Renamon then charged a power paw and directed it on the back of Vladimir
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        Prison Sector - The Consumer

                        "I though this was..." Vladimir grabbed incoming Renamon's throat by one hand. "Supposed to be..." His sword parried John's blow, then a blood splatter fron the parry blocked John's helmet vision. "A fair fight!" Renamon was flung into John at a velocity unknown by what seemed like a regular human. But Vladimir was no ordinary Nucleoid. He was a mad beast that has not tasted fresh meat, yearning for the thick life juice to flow through his mouth.
                        "Massacre." Vladimir muttered, and his sword began to hum, as if it was alive, thriving with vital energy. It was ready for the killing. "Let's see how refined your robot blood is."


                          Prison Sector - The Consumer

                          John couldn't see Renamon being flung towards him, but he could still see his radar.

                          John jumped to the side and barely dodged Renamon.

                          He then grabbed her by the paw and jumped in her trajectory, acting as some sort of anchor to slow her down.

                          It was a stretch for John's speed, but he managed to do it.

                          John couldn't see, due to the blood covering his shield's visor section.

                          (What? Why isn't it going away? It seems to be hovering in the way of my visor because of that guy's magic.), John thought to himself as he wiped the blood away.

                          "Let's see how refined your robot blood is.", Vladimir said.

                          "Not a robot.", John said in a matter-of-fact tone as he began to charge up both his light and darkness magic.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            The consumer

                            The fox didn't hesitate and evolved to sakuyamon --a fair fight? It would be only hand to hand combat, but since you are using magic, let me balance things-- she said ready with her staff for battle

                            Then she looked at the spartan --Nera took care of everyone on the other site, they are safe, so I came here to adsist you soldier boy hm?--

                            The shaman looked at the tortured versions of herself and Nera --They even make clones of us? Quite not my taste of idea--

                            Hakurei Shrine

                            The jackal and the mother and daughter reached the shrine with not much problem --Phew that was a close one, now you neef to rest-- she said preparing a room for them
                            Last edited by Kristia; 07-25-2013, 09:12 AM.
                            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                              Kappa Village

                              "Repair the walls and fortifications!" The Kappas were busy at work as Lady Kimehana tended to the wounded, both organic and mechanic.
                              "Anything that's needed repairing?" Lady Kimehana asked X, who was standing around, dazed.

                              "Yeah, it seems like they're going back to their siege position." Daiyousei nodded, Barratta still in her hand. "Keep your guard up, though. Who knows what's out here?"

                              The Consumer

                              "Bring out the caskets!" Vladimir shouted, swinging his sword around. The Massacre effect gave hin additional swinging speed, making the brandishin harder to perceive and dodge. What made the slashes more annoying was the coat of blood around it that increased the range of the slash and made the sword invulnerable to parries and counters.


                                "Got it. I'll go inspect."

                                I changed color and form to look like an alien.

                                "Wait here. I'll check it out."

