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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    "Very well then. But let's hurry. I fear that the Neo-Yakuza are closing in on us as we speak... and it's closer than expected..."


      Skies over Vietnam

      The thought of those agent goons chasing us worried me.
      "Of course." I said. "Step on it."

      Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

      "trái cây tươi để bán! Giá rẻ nhất tại đường phố này!"
      "Ai đó lấy trộm ví của tôi!"
      "Di chuyển sang một bên xin, nội thất sắp tới thông qua!"

      The streets of Ho Chi Minh is a busy area, and amongst the clueless travellers and local merchants, there he was. Lucian.
      "Where could have those demon spawns run off to?" Lucian closed his eyes and let his senses direct him... there they are, up in the sky.


        "Very well then. Chrysalis, to-"


        "What? Identify the entity."


        "Damn! They got here sooner than expected! Chrysalis, to London, full throttle!"


        The Chrysalis took off at full throttle to London.


          Hahurei Shrine

          "Hey Spartan, catch it.", Renamon said as she threw him an apple.

          John quickly turned around, caught the apple, and nodded at Renamon.

          John then put the apple in one of his storage compartments for later.

          (Now to find Yukari...), John thought to himself.

          John entered the shrine and went to a secluded room.

          He then pulled out the gap crystal and spoke.

          "Hey Yukari? Can I speak to you for a moment?", John asked.

          On the outside, John was his usual calm self, but on the inside, he was a little bit nervous. He had never done this before. He didn't know what to expect, but he was still jumping into the situation feet first.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Hakurei Shrine

            "John, what are you doing, standing there?" Yuuka asked from behind. "We need you and your team over to the front of the shrine. The siege mission is going to commence soon."


              Hakurei Shrine

              (Damn. Maybe later...), John thought to himself as he turned to Yuuka.

              "Just preparing myself. I'm ready now.", John said as he walked to the group.

              John stood there, ready for his orders.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Hakurei Shrine

                Elec Man, Napalm Man, and Heat Man were all at the front of the shrine along with John.

                "We're ready for the mission!" They all yelled simultaneously as the saluted.


                  Hakurei Shrine

                  Yuuka looked over the team of outsiders, (Special Agents, Yukari joked about it to Yuuka about a week ago) scanning each and every one of them with careful consideration. "Okay, how many of you can fly?"


                    Hakurei Shrine

                    John raised his hand.

                    "200 mph."

                    All of a sudden, Isaac appeared out of the clouds and hovered six inches off the ground.

                    "Somewhere above Mach 5.", Isaac said as he landed on the ground with a slight thud.

                    Jason raised his hand and spoke.

                    "I can't fly. The Mantis can't fly.", Jason said.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Hakurei Shrine

                      The Elec Man and Napalm Man look at each other as they realized that they can't really fly. Heat Man however is about to raise his hand before getting slapped by Elec Man. "Oh be quiet Heat Man! You know you can't fly!" Said Elec Man as he bows down politely. "I apologize, but we can't really fly... unless we have the aid of a outside source... however our creator Dr. Wily might have something that could help us fly. You would have to speak with him." Replied Elec Man quite politely.


                        hakurei shrine

                        "I can fly and take at most 2 or three people with me" Renamon answered
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          Hakurei Shrine

                          John looked over at Renamon and spoke.

                          "Wait, you can fly?"

                          Isaac then spoke.

                          "I can carry two people as well. I can drop them off as I fly by."
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Hakurei Shrine

                            "No need, Renamon. We don't want you exhausted in the beginning of the siege." Yuuka shook her head. "Take Nera with you. As for you three..."
                            Yuuka looked around to find the girls of Gensokyo preparing themselves: writing new spell cards, polishing their weapons, all that. But they seem to be hiding something... Their trump card, their last straw... Something they have mastered or discovered in the short training time.
                            "Let's see..." Yuuka looked around and oh look! "Murasa, would you like to help these robo-boys out?"
                            "Uh, yeah sure." Murasa nodded, dropping her laptop to the porch and picking up a giant anchor that looked at least twice her size.
                            "Let me go too." Suwako volunteered. "I need to check on the shrine to see if everything is ok."
                            "You mean the Code Name H?" Yuuka looked at Suwako, who looked back mischievously.
                            "Yup." Suwako nodded. "It can help a great load when we tackle their ship directly."
                            "Very well, you can go." Yuuka smiled. "Last one, you three robots can pick."


                              Hakurei Shrine

                              The trio of robots look at each other and turn to Yuuka. "I guess we could go with the anchor girl, but... how is she going to get us there?" Replied Heat Man as he looked at Yuuka.


                                Sakuya suddenly appeared next to Yuuka.

                                "I hope I am not too late. Meiling is alright, and the bullet wound, well... it is of no hindrance to my performance. However, I do have some bad news."

