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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Misty Lake

    "I... Cirno... I don't want her to get hurt..." Daiyousei broke ino tears, dropping her cleaver and falling on her knees.

    Hakurei Shrine

    "It's all I know." Reisen shrugged. "Sorry, I'm not exactly a show stopper."
    "I'll be alone for a while." Yukari sobbed, her voice shaken up with tears, as she gap'd herself out.
    "I'll go contact Yuuka. You guys take care of that clown." Reimu announced as she flew off.


      Hakurei Shrine

      Wily looks at John and sneers. "At least you have the courtesy to greet me." Said Wily as he stared at Nera and Renamon leave the shrine. Wily then begins coughing, his lungs still not completely clear of the smoke from his UFO.


        Hakurei Shrine

        "Thanks for the concern, but trust me on this. Fighting armies and saving the world is pretty normal for me. I don't get stressed by that. Funny thing is, I get stressed by every day stuff, things that I don't understand, things that don't have to do with combat.", John said to Nera.

        "I'll be alone for a while." Yukari sobbed as she gapped herself out.

        John turned over to Yukari and spoke, but it was too late.


        John felt upset that Yukari was crying. His heart dropped into his stomach as she left.

        He tilted his head down, and slumped his shoulders.

        "*sigh* Things like this stress me out... I really hope she's okay.", John said to Nera in a tone of slight resignation and sadness.

        Wily then spoke to John.

        "Are you feeling okay?", John asked Wily in the same tone he used to talk to Nera.
        Last edited by S121; 07-21-2013, 04:01 AM.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Hakurei Shrine

          "Yes, yes I'm alright. My vehicle isn't though." Said Wily as he looks over at his UFO. Smoke can still be seen coming from it.


            Hakurei Shrine

            "What happened to it?", John asked Wily as he looked at the smoking craft.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Aw crap. Well, I gotta take care of something real quick. I went outside and blasted a hell of a beam.

              I went back inside. Damn, what to do...well, I can try this.

              I changed appearance back into my body. I hope my charm works on fairies. If not, then I hope to make a big brother impression on her. *sigh* here goes.

              I went up to the fairy and laid my hand on her shoulder. Then I began talking in the smoothest of voice.

              "Hey now, listen. I don't know where your friend is, and I don't want to hurt her. I am going to help. I'm here to help anyone here that's in danger. But I'm going to need you for this. Don't let your friend down. Once I find out what happened to her, I'll tell you right away. And if an alien took her, then I promise on my life that I will get her back."

              I used one hand to gently lift her chin.

              "I can sense... You are a mischievous one, who plays alot. But when the time comes, you become the one who will do anything to protect their friends. This is a big change for you. But listen: you're just going to have to trust me..."

              I looked into her eyes.

              "... Okay?"

              I just hope I didn't completely seduce her... Probably not. It only worked on humans... But what if fairies are more vulnerable to it? Only one way to find out.
              Last edited by wonderweiss; 07-21-2013, 04:20 AM.


                Hakurei Shrine

                "I warped here looking for Zero, and as soon as I did guess what happened? My UFO appeared over a battlefield and became the center of attention! Both sides were attacking! I'm lucky I made it out of there alive..." Said Wily.

                "Oh I also brought some company along..." Said Wily as suddenly a light blue beam of light falls from the sky. As the light fades a large robot with a body structure resembling an igloo appears standing at 9 feet tall.

                The Robot known as Frost Man lifts his arms in the air and begins pumping cold air from the vents on his feet and knuckles, causing the area to quickly drop in temperature. "I'm Frost Man!" Said the Robot as Wily facepalms. "Yes, we know Frost Man. You don't have to say you're name every time you warp!" Exclaimed Wily as Frost Man rubs the back of his head. "Sorry Wily... Frost Man can't help it." Replied Frost Man. Already this robot reeks of stupidity.


                  Hakurei Shrine

                  This giant Robot Master reminded John of Cirno.

                  They both had control over ice, and were both... not quite there.

                  "Hehehe, he actually reminds me of someone, an ice fairy named Cirno.", John said to Dr. Wily.

                  "As for your ship, I'll see if I can get Isaac on that, if he ever returns from The Nameless Hill. Do you have anyone that we can deploy over there, to check up on Isaac?"
                  Last edited by S121; 07-21-2013, 04:37 AM.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                    "Alright. What are we waiting for? It's freaking hot in here."


                    I ran to Hank.

                    "Hank, do you know what happened? All of a sudden, the clown and your opponent have disappeared, with nothing left but this sign."

                    I handed him the sign.


                      Hakurei Shrine

                      Wily chuckles a bit. "I wonder who will win in an idiocy contest." Said Wily as he just brushes off John's request of trying to get Isaac to help repair the UFO. "Oh no need I can repair it myself. In fact it gets destroyed on a daily basis where I'm from." Wily said as he noticed Frost Man is gone. "Oh this is not good..." Said Wily as the large Robot Master had seemingly disappeared completely. Though large footprints lead into the forest.
                      Last edited by NeoFox; 07-21-2013, 07:24 AM.


                        Hakurei Shrine

                        John looked at the footprints, then to Dr. Wily.

                        "Do you want me to go get him, or should we let him go?", John asked Wily.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Hakurei Shrine

                          "No no. I'm sure he won't get into to much trouble. I will send one of my robots out to keep an eye on him. "Quick Man!" Yelled Wily as a bright red beam falls from the sky. As the beam fades a red robot with a boomerang shaped ornament on his head can be seen.

                          The robot gives a salute to Wily and John. "Quick Man reporting for duty sir!" Said the red robot as Wily turns to Quick Man. "Go follow Frost Man! Make sure he doesn't get into trouble!" Said Wily as he pointed in the direction Frost Man went. Quick Man nods and takes off running so fast his movement was equal to that of a Formula 1 Race car at full throttle. That was only half of Quick Man's top speed.


                            Hakurei Shrine

                            John watched as Quickman ran off, speeding along Frostman's tracks.

                            "Hmm, impressive. I can only run at about 60 mph. It's not very often when I meet someone that runs faster than me.", John said to Dr. Wily.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Hakurei Shrine

                              "It sure is impressive. Quick Man's top speed is unknown. Even I can't find out how fast he is. Every time I try to record his speed the speedometer just explodes in my hands! No seriously one time I had to have my hand bandaged for a few months because of him breaking a speedometer. That's why he is better as a scout than anything else. Though he can still hold his own in a battle." Said Wily as he walks over to his UFO. "Looks like this thing needs a new power supply... the current one is completely busted..." He said as he opened a panel on the flying machine to look at the engine.


                                Hakurei Shrine

                                "I've brought Yuuka." Reimu announced.
                                Yuuka was landing next to her, and, as she saw John, she beamed widely, "John! Long time no see! How were you?"
                                "No time for friendly chat." Reimu stopped Yuuka from rushing over giving John. "We need you on command now that Yukari went AWOL."
                                "Right. I'll fill myself with details. Get me some coffee."
                                "We don't have coffee, how many times must I tell you!"

