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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    The Consumer

    Seeing the Shikigami enraged the fox almost to the point of fury, but she maintained her calm mood "I suppose you enjoy your time with guests, be it an ally or someone from the other side of the battlefield" she said refusing politely the drink

    "Also, may I have the permision of taking my friend with me? I would like to stop this without the need of an unecessary fight, can´t we?" Renamon asked looking at Domino with ease, but cautious to the surroundings
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      "Oh, nothing really. i just made sure that the extractor deal was real by 'using my full power.' Quite funny, if I do say so, m'lord."

      I look to the lady that's tied up. "A special guest, I presume? To have her in this prison of all."

      Hmm... the respect is well and all, but coming from a fairy... it's just odd.

      "You're sure you're alright?"

      i then used my ability to detect bad in her.

      Man it's so cramped here!

      "Hey, what's the big ide-"


      I then began hearing a voice.

      "... I don't know where... Be. I... Got here, how... Know that she's still here? And plus, why would she even be here of all places? It's as if she were planning a death wish."

      Dio scorned. "Damn doctor."

      Aya began speaking. "Is that-"

      "Just thieves. Don't worry, they won't find anything."


      "Please, just stay quiet for a while."


      That's when I noticed: the rabbit was gone. It's out there! And guess what happened next? The doctor came in the room.

      "Ah... How nostalgic. Well, wherever my little girl is, I hope she turns up soon. After all, she is my most precious-"

      Then there was a rumbling where the rabbit was. If he finds it, he'll know we're here!

      He walks to the bunny. He picks it up and stares at it. Everyone is waiting in anticipation.

      "... Now how did you get out? Oh well."

      Then, I kind of... Slipped.

      The doctor turned around quickly and the maid doll forcefully opens the door. Aya screams. Then, Dio lunges at the maid doll.

      "GO, NOW!!!"

      I get up.

      "... Aya? Is that you? Oh, it's been so long!"

      "Daddy! You're alive!"

      Aya runs towards the doctor. Then the doctor grew a malicious smile. I noticed... His hand was behind his back. Then he tugs at something. I hear... A chainsaw?!


      "Aya... You have such pretty eyes... I cannot let them be soiled!!!"

      He takes out the chainsaw and plans on getting Aya with it.

      "AYA, NO!!!!!"

      I went up to the doctor and grabbed his arm. "Phantom, take Aya! Get away from this psycho!"

      Dio, still on the maid called to the mute girl. "Take the two to the first aid room! Help out Phantom and get away!"

      He was punching the maid. "This! Is! For! Killing! Me! You! Bitch!"
      Last edited by wonderweiss; 08-18-2013, 01:19 AM.


        The Consumer

        Dominus stared Renamon with such deadly gaze that the wall behind Renamon began melting, despite being made out of solid metal.

        "I don't want any fights, either." Dominus responded. "But I hardly think that's a fair deal for me."

        Dominus took another bottle of liquor: a 85 proof Bascus Dragon's saliva. Sounds disgusting, but it's better than the best sake that can be offered in Japan. "What do I get?"


          Battle of Gensokyo

          John was about to comment on Yukari's health, but all of a sudden, the ground began to shake, the wind blew stronger than before, and pieces of the ground began to rise.

          John knew what this was. He had seen it happen on the Halo Arrays whenever he destroyed them. The Earth was still being destroyed!

          John's eyes widened and he gasped.


          John then quickly turned his head over to Yukari.

          "The Earth is still being extracted! I know because this is what happened on the Halo Arrays! We need to find what is extracting the planet!", John said with a tone of urgency.

          Isaac woke up on the ground and looked at his surroundings. Everything was shaking and it looked as if it was the end of the world.

          "what's going on!? I thought we destroyed the Extractor!", Isaac asked Zero.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            The consumer

            "What would you like as a deal? the fox asked calmly noticing the melted wall, but not reacting negatively

            "Also I would like to suggest you some tea, not liquor filled, but has a great taste if you ask me" she said seeing the beverage Domino was drinking
            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



              Battle of Gensokyo

              "It's a decoy." Yukari grit her teeth. "Dammit, what do we do?"
              "We take the Devourer himself down." Yuuka flew in as more chunks of earth shifted and distorted.
              "Then you, me, and John." Yukari ordered. "We form a hit team and rush to his chamber and take him down."

              Human Village

              "I feel kind of dizzy, but it'll go away." Daiyousei grinned serenely. "Now, we have a battle ahead of us. Let's go."


                Battle of Gensokyo

                "Sounds good to me.", John said in a tone of determination as he nodded at Yukari and Yuuka.

                "Follow me.", John said as he opened up a corridor of darkness.

                John then jumped inside of the portal. If there was one benefit of having Ansem in his mind, it was his knowledge of portals.
                Last edited by S121; 08-18-2013, 01:39 AM.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  "... Very well then. Let's round up the others."

                  I head into the tent. Otori looked dumbfounded at some doctor in there.

                  "You're Huey?! This is amazing! I can't believe I'm seeing you in person!!!"

                  "A fan, I see. Nice to meet you."

                  "I'm Otori."

                  "Hey, Otori, the two are here."

                  "Yes. It's time to head out."

                  "Got it. Alright, time to kick ass!"


                    Battle of Gensokyo

                    Nera followed the spartan quickly as the portal got opened "So we will face the leader? maybe we will see Rena close on the ship" she said while walking
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      Battle of Gensokyo

                      Isaac saw in the distance that John, Nera, Yukari, and Yuuka were entering some kind of portal.

                      "Looks like it's time to go! Sorry in advance for the ride, Zero!", Isaac said as he grabbed Zero's hand and flew towards the portal.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                        "Phantom looks at Ocelot and Dio and nods. He quickly grabs Aya with his good arm and takes out a smoke bomb. As he tosses the smoke bomb onto the ground the entire room fills with smoke as Phantom, Aya, and the mute girl Maya take off running.


                          Battle of Gensokyo

                          "Go on ahead." Yukari mentioned Yuuka to go ahead. Then she looked for anyone to take command... Perfect!

                          "Flandre!" Yukari shouted to Flandre who has been laying waste on the enemy for a couple of minutes now. "I entrust you with the rest of the battle!"

                          Flandre nodded. This was a signal. A sad one, but nonetheless a signal. "Roger that!"

                          Hearing this, the now-relieved Yukari gap'd to John.


                            The Consumer

                            All of a sudden, a giant pillar of black opened up in the corner of the room and John emerged with his Barret .950 JDJ at the ready.

                            John looked around and saw all of the Generals and the Devourer himself.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              I went to the blood stained infirmary.

                              "So... What now?"

                              Then, I felt someting thak my burrette!

                              "Hey, what the-"

                              There was no one there when I turned around.


                              There was a girl that tood in front of me.

                              "Hee hee! A bit jumpy, aren't we?"

                              I snatched my burrette from her hand and put it back on.

                              "I'm Coron! What's your name?"

                              "... Ocelot."


                                The consumer

                                Nera saw the many generals and was surprised to see all those generals and the devourer himself "John, I suggest you to not attack unless they start the fight" she said calmly

                                Domino´s room

                                Renamon was calm watching the general and waiting for what he wanted as a deal
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


