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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    The Consumer

    "And we meet at last." The Devourer smiled while the Generals alarmingly stood for battle.

    The Devourer grinned and tapped his finger, followed by Yuuka suddenly falling to the ground, a spurt of blood from her mouth as she fell.


      The Consumer

      Nera quickly faced the devourer "So you attack first without any feeling of effort? huh? why do you do this madness?" she asked while taking the injured Yuuka on her arms
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        I turn around to see the green man himself.

        "Ah, hello again. Thought you saw the last of me, huh? Well, in the mean time, I was playing around with a man named Isaac Clark. Too bad... He couldn't handle it. So... He died. But he shouldn't matter to you, should he?"


          The Consumer

          John looked over to the injured Yuuka, shocked that his friend was injured so badly.

          He then took off his helmet and looked at her with a pained look.

          John's pained look then turned into an emotionless one as he looked at the Devourer and his Generals.

          "You're going to pay. Pay for all the damage, all the pain and suffering you have caused. Nobody's getting out of here alive.", John said with no emotion whatsoever.

          John then pulled out one of the Genesong pills and swallowed it.

          The very moment he did, he felt a burning sensation in his brain, causing him to fall on his knees.

          "Duh-.. GAH!", John uttered as the pill began to alter his genetic code.

          He couldn't hear what Zenmari was saying, he was in too much pain.

          All of a sudden, Isaac popped into the room with Zero in tow.

          "You were saying?", Isaac asked Zenmari.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            "What the hell?! Where did you come from?!"

            I turned to the Devourer.

            "M'lord, I'll rid of the red one. The green one is a threat."


              The Consumer

              All of a sudden, Isaac put a stasis field on Zenmari and spoke.

              "No! You shut the f*ck up you half-baked b*stard! I have never fought such a self conscious person before, so afraid to tarnish your reputation of being calm!", Isaac shouted at Zenmari.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                The Consumer

                "Yuuka!" Yukari shouted in panic as Yuuka fell. "What happened?"
                "So strong..." Yuuka huffed. Every time she breathed, a wheezing sound came out. Upon closer inspection, Yuuka had a hole through her right lung. "He only flicked..."
                "He flicked..." Yukari looked over to the Devourer, who maliciously smiled. "How strong is he?"


                  The Consumer

                  Nera faced the devourer "Im only asking you once.. stop this madness of war and leave us, we won´t attack your fleet if you and your whole army leave our dimension" she said taking a step forward with not even a hint of fear

                  Domino´s room

                  "I see you fell silent, may I know what you wanted as a deal? or you can let my friend go alive from this ship? Renamon said to Domino
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    The Consumer

                    John looked to Yukari in an emotionless stare as the pain disappeared.

                    John was in a completely different mindset now.

                    "Here. Put this in the wound.", John said without emotion as he handed a Biofoam canister to Yukari.

                    John then put on his helmet and walked towards the whole group, as if he was going to fight them all.

                    John felt strange. There was a burning sensation inside of his brain and it was as if he was in some kind of "Super Spartan Time", only everything looked as if it was going at normal speed.

                    First, John was walking towards them. Now, he was sprinting at 100 mph.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      "Hahaha... Like I said, I'll rid of him."

                      I opened a window and flew to Isaac. I tackled him and dragged him into space.

                      "Ah, just look. It's beautiful, isn't it?"


                        The Consumer

                        "Just my workplace.", Isaac said as he placed another Stasis field onto Zenmari, due to him being right on top of Isaac.

                        Seizing this opportunity, Isaac then pulled out his Plasma Cutter and fired all twelve shots at Zenmari as he flew away.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          I was assaulted by plasma balls. How weak.

                          I teleported to Isaac. "Now now, where do you think you're going?"

                          I kicked him in the stomach to where no one could see us.

                          "Now then... Where were we?"

                          I began transformation.


                            The Consumer

                            "Sir-" An elderly General tried to stop John, but was knocked over.
                            "How amusing." The Devourer laughed. "Go ahead. Hit me. Strike me with everything you have."

                            After much contemplation, Dominus responded.

                            "I'll free Ran," he answered. "If you bring me my brother's head."
                            Dominus, of course, means Submos, the Admiral that has helped John and Renamon and the others gain crucial information about the Consumer.


                              Bloodstained Infirmary-Mansion-California

                              Phantom, Aya, and the mute girl finally made it to the Infirmary along with Ocelot who was already there. "Sorry I was late... I-I would have gotten sooner, but my injuries have hindered me greatly..." He said as he let's Aya down. As he does he falls back and sits down against a wall. Grabbing his shoulder he turns to the group. "I apologize people... but I do not think I will be of much help at all with my injuries... If I do not get repaired soon I do not think I will be able to make it." Said Phantom as more of the outer artificial skin around his injury has opened up even further.


                                The Consumer

                                John sprinted at the Devourer and all of a sudden, everything slowed down around John.

                                John was slowed too, but he was moving faster than usual.

                                Was this because of the pill?

                                John closed the distance between devourer and himself and quickly grabbed for the Devourer's katana.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

