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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Osaka, Japan

    "One distraction, coming right up, da ze!" Marisa's broomstick flew down to ground level, where the Akrid were tearing down houses and killing civilians and police officers.

    "Come at me, ya oversized lava lamps!" Marisa shot volleys of danmaku at the Akrid, causing them to turn and chase her in response.

    Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

    You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


      5 Miles From Osaka

      John sped through the outskirts, realigning the car every time it started to skid off course.
      John barely missed a family bakery, shearing the right hand mirror off the side of the car. To avoid traffic, he drove through an alleyway. Despite the fact that the alleyway was narrow, John drove through it with machine like precision, dodging padestrians and garbage cans.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        5 Miles from Osaka

        X continues flying through the sky, nearing the rendezvous point. He tries to send John a message, but his communication systems went offline due to the cold. He decides to push his Falcon Armor to it's limit, and accelerates to the same speed John is driving at. He looks down and sees John and a few other people. He decides to fly down right above them. "Hey! Thought I was off track up there! This weather messed up my tracking system. Lucky I found you huh?" He yelled over the sound of his Falcon Armor's thrusters working at full power.


          2 Miles From Osaka - Japan

          John could hear X overhead.

          "Hang on! Very busy driving!"

          John shifted his attention back to the road to see a pedestrian ahead.
          Reacting with his enhanced reflexes, John just barely missed them by no more than six inches.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            2 miles from Osaka - Japan

            X quickly looks ahead, and sees that there is a lamp post right in front of him. Before he can even get out of the way he ends up crashing right into it. Though due to the speed he is flying at he does not stop, rather he just plows through it. Causing the lamp post to almost snap in half. X however is currently trying to regain his composure. Almost crashing into a few more lamp posts, and even a few buildings. Eventually though he does regain his composure, but not before landing. He shakes his head and looks up ahead. Seeing John continue to drive off he decides to take off flying again, though at a slower pace this time.


              Mt. Myoken - Osaka, Japan

              After a long, exhausting flight, (it was windy around) Yuuka approached the Neo-Yakuza HQ.
              "This is the root of all evil." Yuuka muttered to herself as she got close to the HQ. Near the entrance, a group of Characters were forming a rank.
              "Alright, all of you!" The leader of the Squadron called for attention. "This is the real deal! We're going to dispel any rebellious Character in the nearby city of Osaka!"
              "Can we just take it slowly and have fun? What's the point of massacre when you can actually assimilate them into our ranks?" A historian-figure in the middle asked, but was interrupted by a teenage Character girl with fingerless gloves.
              "Ahahaha, sure will, captain!" The gloved-girl laughed as she glared at the historian.
              "Can I bring my chess set?" A doctor at the back asked the leader.
              "Fine, whatever." The leader replied halfheartedly.
              "You really shouldn't let them do whatever they please, captain..." A small, pre-teen Character with futuristic neo-jumpsuit replied with a worried look on her face. "Sooner or later, the Squadron might fall apart..."
              "You worry too much Sentinel." The historian replied kindly. "It's ok, our leader can hold us together."
              "Alright, let's go, Osaka awaits!" The leader ordered, and the Characters boarded a special jet designed for stormy weathers. Squadron Ichi was ready to rumble.


                Osaka, Japan

                Going upstairs and evading the monsters´ attacks. ("Almost there.. just a little more") Renamon thought as she ducked from a monster´s claw.

                Finally she reached the room where the portable computer was and she jumped to grab it as more monsters came in.

                Renamon just ran towards the window and went trhough the glass breaking it in a takle hoping to reach the building where Marisa was fighting.
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                  1 mile from Osaka - Japan

                  Aqua held the helicopter above ground. There was several times when she lost control a little, but it always went well in the end.
                  When getting close too Osaka Aqua see dozens of small meteors falling from the sky. ("Not good")
                  She transforms her Keyblade into the upper part of the Keyblade Glider, holds it up like a bow and begins shooting energy shoots at some of the meteors.
                  Last edited by Katrix; 05-16-2013, 02:24 AM. Reason: adding picture
                  Born in the light.
                  Molded in the dark

                  Never Forget,
                  Keep Fighting.
                  –Don't Forget.
                  Always, somewhere,
                  someone is fighting for you.
                  –As long as you remember her,
                  you are not alone.


                    This is the last post I will make until Wonderweiss posts.

                    Osaka - Japan

                    After driving at an average of 100mph for 30 miles, John finally came to a stop.

                    (Ha. 18 minutes. I'm on time!)

                    John looked behind his seat and asked, "How's everyone doing?"
                    Last edited by S121; 05-16-2013, 02:28 AM.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Outskirts of Osaka, Japan

                      The akrid destroyed anything in their paths, the six legged dongos rolling through buildings at ludicrous speeds. The spiked Vodogg charged at citizens, ripping and splitting them apart with flurries of charges and kicks. Marisa slowed any of them down, firing barrages of danmaku, but to little or almost no effect.

                      Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                      You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                        Test Chamber, Pentagon

                        Frost Wyrm had enough. He wanted to rest, to slumber. To so so, he needed to defeat this opponent.
                        "Getting angry. Frozen land. Death awaits you." Frost Wyrm stuttered as he prepared to breathe cold fire.


                          Test Chamber - Pentagon

                          Zero looks up at the Frost Wyrm. He quickly jumps out of the way of his opponents attack. Not having much options for a weapon he looks around the room before turning his attention to his right arm. "Maybe if I can..." He said as he tries to transform his arm into the Z-Buster. He is able to, but it quickly short circuits resulting his arm being blown off at the elbow. "Damn! N-Need to think of a w-way to defeat this thing!" Said Zero as he scowls at the pain. He then gets an idea. Quickly dashing behind the creature he jumps into the air. His focus not on his Z-Saber which is stuck in the ceiling, but rather the creature itself. Attempting to land on the creature he uses the thrusters in his feet one more time to perform a mid-air dash towards the creature from behind.

                          Osaka - Japan

                          After a few more minutes of flying X finally catches up with John. Noticing that John came to a stop X decides to land near the car. Walking up to it he looks at John.

                          "Looks like you made it here okay. Unfortunately I had a run in with a lamp post..." Said X as he runs his forehead. A small noticeable dent can be seen on his helmet. "Though it's nothing important. Just a little ding."
                          Last edited by NeoFox; 05-16-2013, 10:45 AM.


                            Test Chamber - Pentagon

                            "Where are you." Frost Wyrm slowly asked as Zero disappeared from his sight. "Frozen death. You must receive-"
                            His voice was cut out by his body sliced into half by Arthas.
                            "I will not take a dumbass dragon like you to my undead army." Arthas sneered.


                              Test Chamber - Pentagon

                              Before Zero can get onto the Frost Wyrm he sees that his own master had killed it. Still in the air Zero decides to let his body fall to the ground. As he does a loud thud can be heard as Zero landed. Slowly Zero comes to a stand again. He turns to Arthas and gives him a cocky grin. "Tired of sitting back and fighting are we?" Said Zero as he looked up his Z-Saber deactivated as it falls out of the ceiling, and to the ground. Zero bends down slowly and picks up his Z-Saber with his remaining arm. Pushing the button to turn the saber on, the Z-Saber fizzles on. The Saber activated once more Zero's body is showing heavy signs of damage. Cracks all over, his helmet chipped in some places, and his right arm blown clean off at the elbow. "I may be damaged, but I'll continue to fight until I can't take the pain!" Zero said as he gets in an offensive position. He knows he can't win at this rate, but he is craving to see what this man is capable of. "I want to see your own strength for myself! So bring it!" He yelled as he steadies his stance.


                                Test Chamber - Pentagon

                                "You have a true warrior's heart." Arthas sneered again at Zero. "I think I'll take you as my next lich underling."
                                "Draw your weapons. Frostmourne hungers."

