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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    The Velociraptor couldn't seem to stop, so Dad held it with one hand while he tied it to a streetlight with the other. Up ahead of him was a building that brought back some sense of nostalgia. It was a large, modern glass-and-steel tower that reminded him of his old work place, of course, the E would have been a M, but it would have to do. Dad immediately felt an intimate relationship had been established- this building was his workplace now. Advancing towards the front door, he realised he had used his tie to attach his dinosaur to the lamp-post, so he suplexed a fleeing commuter and stole their one instead. Looking presentable at last, he waddled up the stairs and through the front door.


      Downtown Tokyo, Tokyo City, Japan
      Time: 1:20 PM

      It was evident that the armored soldier was pursuing Yuuka. No way out of this one, Yuuka thought to herself. Guess I'll talk out of this again.
      "Wait, I need to ask you some questions." He spoke. Yuuka continued to walk until both Yuuka and the armored soldier arrived at an empty alley, thinking to herself not to lose herself as she talk to this man and the vixen.

      "This place seems like a quiet enough place to talk. Is the vixen following you?" Yuuka asked as Yuuka and the armored soldier entered the alley.
      "She is right behind me." The armored soldier answered as the golden vixen appeared behind the soldier, still taking a defensive stance. She doesn't trust me. Yuuka thought. She will jump at me if I show a smallest bit of aggression. Better be careful.
      "So you said you needed to ask some questions." Yuuka said, parasol in her hands just in case anything happens. She was backed into a corner after all, and it wasn't certain if she could fly. "Go ahead. I'll listen."


        tokyo downtown, Tokyo, Japan

        Renamon looked at how John went towards the green haired girl and decided to follow them to know about those men in suits, yet she went walking as she was charging the digivice with her unused energy against the smily guy.

        Getting close to them a thought made it to her mind ("These people might be of help atleast John works in the local security department of this city") Then the fox managed to reach the armored man as he was asking to the girl about the men in suits.

        Yet she saw that the girl still didnīt trust her. Look, I donīt know who you are, but you can trust me, im just trying to get some information that I need". The vixen made sure she was calm and showed no signs of aggressiveness to prove her reasons.
        Last edited by Kristia; 04-25-2013, 11:27 PM.
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          Alleyway - Tokyo - Japan

          John saw the girl in plaid slightly clench her umbrella. A slight tension filled the air.

          "You can calm down, I just want to talk."
          After a couple moments, he asked the first question.

          "What do you know about those men in the black suits?'
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Downtown Tokyo, Tokyo City, Japan
            Time: 1:25 PM

            The vixen loosened her stance a bit. "Look, I don't know who you are, but you can trust me, I'm just trying to get some information that I need." The armored soldier also holstered his gun to his waist, showing no sign of aggression. Then Yuuka forgot: they saw her power. They must be fearful of Youkai just like the humans in Gensokyo.

            "Fine." Yuuka sighed and chuckled, lowering her parasol. "You guys seem trustworthy. Go ahead, ask whatever you need to ask, lowering her umbrella." Yuuka, after moments of confusion and doubt, finally became the normal self again, smiling and tender Flower Master of the Four Seasons.



              Alleyway - Tokyo - Japan

              "What do you know about those men?"
              The girl answered, "I know a lot of things about those men."
              Seeing it as a joke, he said with a slightly amused tone in his voice while crossing his arms,
              "Okay, do you know where they are holed up at, or anyone I could ask that does know?"
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Downtown Tokyo, Tokyo City, Japan
                Time: 1:30 PM

                "Would you like me to answer that?" A strange, yet familiar voice startled the armored soldier, the vixen, and the Yuuka. The voice came from the emergency staircase of the building to the right of Yuuka. The hooded figure was tall, probably as tall as Yuuka. It bore an invisible aura that made it look like an omnipotent being. The soldier's gun was drawn again, the vixen posed a defensive stance yet again, and Yuuka opened her parasol again.

                "Who are you?" Yuuka asked. The hooded figure smiled.

                "Neo-Yakuza, a criminal organization that started just as any other gangster group would: drug trading, black market, prostitution. Until they discovered Horizon Project's mistake. That's when the leader of the Neo-Yakuza launched the Superarmy project. They sought out talented Characters like you all, enlisting them into their selected elite army. Those who did not fit in or resisted were executed in front of all other army members. I don't know how humans like them would be able to subjugate the Characters under their command, but they did, nonetheless. Those spineless men you captured and killed were part of the lower rung of the Neo-Yakuza. They were just local gang until now." The hooded figure continued.

                "From the way you speak, you certainly aren't human." The vixen snarled. "You are a Character, just like us. Aren't you?"

                "Exacta. I am, indeed a Character, just like you." The Character spoke, and then turned its back to Yuuka, the soldier, and the vixen. "Did you know, an oarfish is said to be able to grow up to 18 meters long."

                Yuuka smiled. This omnipotent aura. Sudden appearance when there was no other way to get to the emergency staircase without dropping from above. Random facts before disappearance. Yuuka exactly knew who this Character was.

                "You certainly is a good disguiser. Yukari Yakumo." Yuuka smiled and lowered her parasol.

                "Oh no, I've been shown who is the boss." The hooded figure lowered her hood. It was indeed Yukari, with her golden hair, her ribboned gaps, and her flashy outfit.

                "Just visiting. I can always gap myself back to Gensokyo." Yukari chuckled.

                "You two must be known to each other." The armored soldier intervened. "Do you know anything about these Neo-Yakuza? Perhaps their base of operation?"

                "Neo-Yakuza are known for their secrecy. Those 3 men definitely were new, and they presumably don't know anything about the secrets behind the army. All they know is that they are making an army of Characters, nothing more, nothing less." Yukari answered, slipping back to her gap, her bottom half invisible through the gap portal. "However, I do know where you can gather information about them."

                "Go to this location. You will be able to find a very familiar figure there." Yukari commented before completely emerging into the gap, handing Yuuka a paper note. The note said this:

                "Old Ghost's Antique Store", Kawaguchi District, Tokyo.

                "Kawaguchi District... that's North of here." The armored soldier commented, putting the gun back to his waist.

                "Lead the way." Yuuka gestured her hands to the soldier to lead, and the soldier did so. The vixen followed the soldier, and Yuuka the vixen.
                This may be a bad idea. Yuuka thought. But then, Yukari always knows what she's doing, so I can't worry too much. Besides, these two seems like folks I can hang around.
                Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 04-26-2013, 12:07 AM.


                  Alleyway - Tokyo - Japan

                  Renamon still felt the girlīs distrust and aura of madness and she was ok with it though, but suddenly that aura disappeared as the girlīs face calmed down too. ("Double personality maybe? or bipolarity?") the vixen thought, yet she didnīt wanted to ask. Johnīs questions were rather vain as the green-haired had the same knowledge of the men in suits like them.

                  Suddenly another character appeared, the fox looked at her and felt a strange feeling of both calm and emptiness. Instinctly she and the other characters made their stances, but when the character made her random quote, the green-haired girl lowered her parasol and greeted the woman called Yukari.

                  "I presume you two are friends" Renamon said also calming down from her stance and finished charging the digivice.

                  Then as the gap controller explained about the organization called neo-yakuza, she handled to the girl called Yuuka an adress, probably a clue or something

                  Preparing to leave Renamon noticed some sunflowers that managed to survive the explosion, she took them and gave them to the green haired girl "I remember how you reacted to the flowersī death, I hope you get better and I know these ones will be safe by your side" . the vixen said ready to go with them.
                  Last edited by Kristia; 04-26-2013, 12:17 AM.
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    Downtown - Tokyo - Japan

                    Right before they started their trip to the Antique shop, John said, "Hang on, If were going to go after these Neo-Yakuza, then I need a weapon.
                    I've got weapons at home that should take care of any armored foes we might encounter. The only problem is, nobody sells tech similar to mine, so I won't have much to work with.
                    Do you two know of any stores that sell something extra?"
                    Last edited by S121; 04-26-2013, 12:26 AM.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Downtown Tokyo, Tokyo City, Japan
                      Time: 2:00 PM

                      Rather than speaking, Yuuka smiled at the vixen. She knew that her words were rough and would offend someone every now and then. Her tender smile always worked, however.

                      Turning her attention to the armored soldier, Yuuka mentioned: "I just came from Gensokyo to the outside world. I do not know a thing about here. Perhaps we should've asked Yukari... she visited the outside world often... so did Kanako..."


                        Downtown - Tokyo - Japan

                        "I just came from Gensokyo to the outside world. I do not know a thing about here. Perhaps we should've asked Yukari... she visited the outside world often... so did Kanako..."

                        "*Sigh* Then it's the normal situation that I face." John recalled all of the times he's had to abandon his weapons and take the enemy's', in order to keep fighting.
                        They went to his apartment, so he could grab his things.

                        He turned on the light and headed for his closet. He lifted the crate at the bottom of the closet onto the bed and opened it to reveal a whole arsenal.
                        Inside was a 12.7 x 40mm (Semi-Armor Piercing,High Explosive) M6 Series Pistol, a 9.5x40mm (Semi-Armor Piercing,High Explosive) BR85HB SR Battle Rifle,
                        4 fragmentation grenades, 4 plasma grenades, and ten clips for each weapon.

                        He attached all of the contents to his magnetic holsters.
                        "Okay, I'm ready.", he said, as he stood up.
                        Last edited by S121; 04-26-2013, 12:45 AM.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          (Side note: Someone get Mima to be active on the RP on this point. We need her for this keypoint.)

                          Armored Soldier's Apartment, Bunkyo District, Tokyo, Japan
                          2:30 PM

                          "Okay, I'm ready." The armored soldier said as he stood up. He faced Yuuka, "Are you sure you don't need anything? I have some firearms that you can use."

                          "I can hold my own. All the job your metal toys can do, my flowers can do just the same."
                          "I'm clumsy with firearms. I will use my claws instead." The vixen sprang from the kitchen counter, gnawing on a power snack-bar. "I just need these instead."
                          "Then I say we're ready." Yuuka announced. "Let's get going."

                          (Another side note: What)


                            spartanīs apartmenrt, tokyo, japan

                            The soldier guided both Yuuka and Renamon to his apartment so he could get his weaponry ("With that strength and speed I wonder who were his enemies") the vixen thought looking at an odd purple sphere, it had a button on it and there were other 3 close to it, she didnīt touched them so nothing bad coud happen.

                            As John was ready, the fox looked at the Digivice, it was locked up to only healing properties, she then pressed some buttons checking the menus and after a little beep, the little machine was now at full capacity so the vixen could now evolve into her other forms ("Could I reach to that form again?, last I knew, I needed Rikaīs Organical DNA so we could become one") she meditated it as they were going outside.

                            As they walked towards the antique shop, Renamon looked at both of the characters she teamed up with and asked them "So, where do you guys come from?" the question was sent to the air knowing it could be not answered.

                            (and this? , its saddening and happy too)
                            Last edited by Kristia; 04-26-2013, 01:04 AM.
                            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                              Road to Antique Shop - Tokyo - Japan

                              "So, where do you guys come from?"

                              The question echoed through the air. He remembered all of what he went through. He hadn't told anyone about his past, not even other officers.
                              Of course, all they would have to do was find a wiki page on his life to see what his life was like. He thought about it and thought, (Couldn't hurt...)

                              He didn't really know how to answer the question, so he simply said,
                              "I'm from the year 2557, where humans were almost driven to extinction by an alien race called The Covenant. They tried to exterminate us because we were an affront to their beliefs and tried to reach salvation by using a ring world to destroy all sentient life in the galaxy."

                              He continued on, saying how as a child, he was kidnapped from home to become a Spartan.
                              He explained how he became one; the brutal training, the implants, the fact that the procedure killed or maimed most of the recruits.
                              He talked about the fights he went through, The Flood, and his friend Cortana, but not what happened to her. He seemed to be hesitant to talk about Cortana, though.

                              After saying everything he said, he somehow felt better, as if a weight was lifted off of his mind.
                              Last edited by S121; 04-26-2013, 01:32 AM.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Road to Antique Shop - Tokyo - Japan

                                After hearing his story, Renamon understood the spartanīs neutrality, having to fight that long must have been a real kick to someoneīs humanity, also it explained his armor being far more technological than what an average soldier could have. Then as he explained his story, the vixen talked too.

                                My home was the Digital World, in there many of my kind lived in the many landscapes of it and we knew that we we in fact just digital information to the humans, there have been times were some humans traveled to our world and also in the reverse case with us going to this world, I was one of those cases, a human named Rika was what we called tamers since they had the ability to grant us more power by using this Renamon showed the digivice.

                                We fought against a corrupted being called D-reaper who wanted to destroy the human and the Digital world and he was close to it, but in the end both humans and digitals managed to erase him from existence", Renamon saw the sky remembering those old battles and felt calm by freeing that part of her life.

                                (Goodnight for now^^)
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


