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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    (Big meeting. Be back in 2 hours.)
    Shinki's Palace

    "Here's Devil's Forest." Louise served a slice of chocolate cake with ground dark chocolate. "And here's your cheesecake and strawberry shortcake."

    "I can keep my clarity when I battle better than you can, young one." Shinki laughed.

    Pentagon, Washington DC

    "Through the course of my engineering career, I made several projects that I consider proud of." Nitori stated as Isaac and she entered Nitori's room/lab. "For example, the Analytics drone EVE has a database recording that can easily surpass FBI's intelligence."
    "Here, try pressing the red button on the top." Nitori handed Isaac a small metallic cylinder about the size of a tennis ball.


      Shinki's Palace

      John turns to Hank.

      "Well, I never really had battles that were particularly memorable, but there was the Didact. He was a super advanced alien called a Forerunner. He had a weapon called The Composer pointed at Earth, but in the end...", John paused for a split second, then continued, "I killed him with a grenade, then he fell into the weapon's exhaust system. I then blew up the weapon with a manually detonated nuke, and was picked up shortly after.

      All of a sudden, Louise came with the desserts, handing John his cake.

      "Here's Devil's Forest."

      "Thank you."

      Pentagon, Washington DC

      "Here, try pressing the red button on the top." Nitori handed Isaac a small metallic cylinder about the size of a tennis ball.

      Isaac pressed the button, curious of what would happen.
      Last edited by S121; 06-23-2013, 10:43 PM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Shinki's Palace

        Hank lowered his mask again, and munched on the cheesecake a bit.

        "Once ripped a man's heart out while I was being chased by not only Tricky, but an experimental MAG agent. Later killed the MAG with a chainsaw to the face. Tricky, on the other hand, wasn't as prone to chainsaws as the MAG was." Hank explained. "Then there was the time I fought Jesus."

        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


          Shinki's Palace garden

          Renamon couldnīt help but chuckle at the mistress words "You may be wise, but no one is capable of being calm always, I remember you having a similar face to our dear friend Yuuka the florist" she said and then opened her eyes facing Shinki

          "You have madness inside of you, and with the abilities you have, and also the blonde gap controller Yukari, you two have inmense power, I may be a "young one", but in terms of understanding, there are things you should learn"
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



            (Hank vs Byakuren ftw)
            Pentagon, Washington DC

            The metallic cylinder started to whirl in itself as it grew wicked-looking appendices: needles, hooks, hand-like ones, wireless antenna. The final form was that of a spider.
            "Infiltration and Surveillance Drone, SETH reporting in." SETH whirred and bleeped.
            "Isn't he cute?" Nitori squeeled in excitement.


              Shinki's Palace, Komachi

              I waited too long for a response from Louise, so I decided to have an alcohol-less night. I found that yelllow fox thing talking to Shinki.

              "You have madness inside of you, and with the abilities you have, and also the blonde gap controller Yukari, you two have inmense power, I may be a "young one", but in terms of understanding, there are things you should learn"

              I found interest in this conversation. I snuck up behind the yellow fox.

              "What about Shiki-sama? Is she filled with madness on the inside?"


                Shinki's Palace

                John started eating his cake. This was the first time he ever ate dessert, the taste was one of the best sensations he has ever felt.

                John wore a visible smile, obviously enjoying the cake.

                Pentagon, Washington DC

                "Isn't he cute?" Nitori squeeled in excitement.

                "Hehe.", Isaac laughed very nervously.

                This robot reminded him of a Necromorph, mainly because of the pointed limbs.

                Isaac gained a slight phobia of needles when he had to put one in his eye. It was only made worse when he saw the video game, and what happens when you mess up.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Shinki's Palace garden

                  Renamon heard the scgythe userīs question and answered "Everyone has a bit of evil in their good side as there is also a bit of good in the evil side, making it all balanced, I havenīt met well your friend the Yama, but thatīs my answer"
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    "Woooow. So I must be evil on the inside! That's interesting. I'm Komachi Onozuka. Since we're gonna be on the same side and what not, I might as well tell you. By the way, Shiki-sama is the one in the Neo-Yakuza suit who tried to snap Hank out of his state of rage. She's a good person, isn't she?"


                      Shinki's Palace garden

                      The fox greeted the red-haired girl "Im Renamon" She remembered the freen-haired girl in the agenīt suit

                      "For what I have seen, your friend is of good, I can say that, like you who have the tendency of resting even in high stakes moments"
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        Hotel - Hawaii

                        Dante enters the hotel and makes his way to the elevator. He pushes the button for the fourth floor.

                        "Come on..." Said Dante as he waits for the elevator to come down. Shortly after the elevator door opens and Dante steps in. The elevator door closes and the elevator quickly reaches the fourth floor. As the door opens a girl with long brown hair, odd outfit, and holding a red book quickly walks in. As the girl enters the elevator Dante leaves it. On his way out he smiles a little, and swipes his hand down all the buttons inside the elevator.

                        The girl sees what Dante does and begins yelling at him angrily, though her voice is soon muffled by the the sound of the elevator door closing. Dante just smiles and laughs at what he did. "I've always wanted to do that to someone." He said as he makes his way to his room. When he reaches his room number he takes out his card key and swipes it through the scanner and enters his room, closing the door behind him. He walks up to his bed and picks up the pizza box that lays on it. He opens it and sees that there is one slice left.

                        He takes the slice out of the box and takes a bite, quickly spitting it out. "Eww cold pizza." Said Dante as he trashes the box.
                        Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                          "Wooow, how did you know that I slack off alot?"


                            Shinki's Palace garden

                            "I had the chance to see you and your allies fighting on the Neo-Yakuza HQ, you were nodding off while fighting" Renamon explained

                            "Perhaps you could use meditation, with that tendency, this practice is perfect of you" the fox suggested
                            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                              I looked at Renamon and matched her position. I closed my eyes and thought about nothing. This was relaxing... a little... too relaxing... *yawn*

                              "Wow, Renamon, you must be... really good at this... to stay awake... for so..."

                              I thud on the floor. My eyes opened up immediately.

                              "Whoa! Now that was an interesting experience. Is that supposed to happen?"


                                Shinki's Palace garden

                                Renamon couldnīt help but smirk "It is part of the process, but with time and practice, you will be able to ease your mind and be prepared for any situation and your reflexes will be faster" she explained

                                "The most important thing is where to focus this peacefulness in your mind, is it to get off your stress or to prepare for dangerous situation? it depends on what you want to protect or prepare for"
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


