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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Desert, Australia; Snake

    "Great. But don't completely destroy him. We need him alive."


      Base 2 - Australia

      "Oh dear looks like I don't have anything else to do, but this!" Said Gate as he pushes a button on his computer that says OVERDRIVE in big red letters.

      Desert - Australia

      Suddenly Blizzard Wolfgang feels something within him activate. The Nightmare Soul within his body has been activated and is now increasing his power and speed. Blizzard Wolfgang lets out yet another howl, this time however it summons a stronger blizzard from before, as well as hail. Suddenly large spikes of ice start popping out of the ground everywhere around his opponents. Blizzard Wolfgang then charges at the group at twice the speed thanks to the Nightmare Soul.


        "Oh no! Look out!"

        I jumped to the side.

        "Looks like someone set off the danger mode on this dog."

        If it was sent, then it can be scrambled. I set off another chaff.

        "There. The least it can do is turn him back to normal for a minute. But hurry, it only lasts one minute."


          Wilderness, Australia

          "It's getting a bit chilly here..." I said. I was fine with my long fur. Sheva activated her thermal suit option. Sniper and Snake was far away, so I didn't worry about it. "You little punk."
          The wolf's howl was a stronger. Looks like a final strike... "Sunfire Cape, activate."
          I rammed into the wolf cape-first, he rammed into me, shoulder-first. This was the contest of strength, muscle versus metal, mano a mano.


            The Bridge People No Longer Cross

            X quickly re-uploads the video into schematic format for John. "Sorry about that... it's just... nothing important... I have been passing out quite a bit lately, and I don't know why..." Said X as it sounds as though he is hiding something.

            Desert - Australia

            The chaff grenade manages to stop Blizzard Wolfgang, but Nightmare Soul in his body starts going haywire. Suddenly the Nightmare Soul inside Wolfgang shatters like a glass ball. "Gate... I failed you once more..." Said Wolfgang as slowly cracks start appearing all over his body. Before you know it Wolfgang shatters into dust leaving nothing more than just a few dust particles.

            Base 2 - Australia

            Gate looks confused, shocked, and most importantly dumbfounded at what he saw. "That was... highly unexpected. That chaff grenade managed to disrupt the signal to the Nightmare Soul. Looks like the stress caused it to shatter and kill Wolfgang..." Said Gate as he stands up.

            "No worries! I can easily find a way to prevent that from happening!" He said as he quickly runs into a hidden door that leads to a secret underground lab. There he begins working on the Nightmare Souls.


              The Bridge People No Longer Cross

              "Sorry about that... it's just... nothing important... I have been passing out quite a bit lately, and I don't know why...", X said, as if he is hiding something.

              "If you say so.", John said.

              John had a feeling that X was hiding something, but they had more important matters on their hands, like fixing the bridge, and saving Hank.

              Anyway Yukka, do you know anyone that can quickly build the bridge. I can't because I'll snap the wooden boards beneath my feet as I try to fix it.", John said.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                The Bridge, under Construction

                "I can do it myself." Yuuka said. "I built stuff for my garden all the time. I just need to get the needed materials."
                "Whoa, I never saw you as a carpenter type." Aya remarked, writing on her notebook. "I might write that as a small sub-topic for my newspaper."
                "When you live as long as me, you find hobbies that doesn't seem like your forte."


                  Desert, Australia; Snake

                  "It... shattered away..."

                  God... no matter. We have to keep moving. More are bound to come anyways.

                  "C'mon. We have to get to the city. I'm starving here and there's nothing out here to eat. Not even a kangaroo..."


                    Wilderness, Australia

                    "Sniper, how long until Brisbane?" I asked Sniper as we headed to the van.
                    "Another 4 hours." Sniper responded. "But we can stop by a nearby small town called Lismore. About 50 km from here, so shouldn't take more than half an hour.


                      The Bridge, under Construction

                      "When you live as long as me, you find hobbies that doesn't seem like your forte.", Yuuka said.

                      John smiled in his helmet.

                      "Hm. I suppose you've gotta find some way to spend eternity. It would get boring otherwise.", John said in a casual tone.

                      Then, John got back into a more serious attitude.

                      "Where would I be able to find the materials for the bridge?", John seemingly asked the whole group.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        The Bridge, under Construction

                        "Let's see..." Yuuka began calculating. "This could be so much faster when one of those "calculators" were here..."
                        "Here, I'll write the list of materials I need and where to get them. This bridge is going to be cool."


                          Somewhere in Nevada

                          Deimos came into the kitchen with a laptop.

                          "So, I did some research, and apparently, in the world here, our so called tale has been formed into a large and popular series of flash animations and games called Madness Combat." Deimos said.

                          "Heh, never thought i'd be famous." Sanford smirked.

                          Deimos put down the laptop on the table, turning it to face everyone as he put on the series, starting from 2.

                          "Me and you come much farther into the series, Sanford." Deimos explained.

                          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                            The Bridge, under Construction

                            John received the list from Yuuka and stored it in his storage compartment.

                            He then turned to Aya.

                            "Aya? You know the geography of Gensokyo better than I do. Can you help me find some of these things. And don't worry, You only have to show me where to get the materials. Besides, I'll be carrying most of the stuff.", John said.
                            Last edited by S121; 06-07-2013, 11:31 PM.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Desert, Australia; Snake

                              "Good. Then we head there."

                              I began reloading all of my ammo. I looked over to Vergil.

                              "Hey, you seem to have some history. Tell me about yourself."

                              Base 2, Australia; Volgin

                              Where is it? Where is it?!

                              "Where is it?!?!?!"

                              I slammed my fist on the desk so hard that was heard all around the base and possibly further.

                              "They were all here a minute ago, but why is one missing?!"

                              I can't believe I lost a paper of a metal gear: a dangerous one at that! I don't remember what it was or what it's name is, but it was very important to me, and now I lost it?!

                              "Grah!!!" I punched my punching bag with electricity volts flying through.

                              Home Base, Nevada; Otori

                              "Madness Combat, huh? Ya know what? My friend Jack was a big fan of that game. He would always tell me to play it, but I never got around to it. Oh, how much good it would do me if I did. He might still be of use to us all, but he's in a different version of Earth, and I doubt he might even be alive. Last I saw him he was in Okinawa prepping us to set off for Britain, then we got stuck chasing a helicopter that John and his friends hijacked... but that's a different story. Point is, I've heard of it and if we ever get the chance to go to my world, then he might assist us."
                              Last edited by wonderweiss; 06-07-2013, 10:45 PM.


                                The Bridge, under Construction

                                "Ayayaya, okay, then follow me!" Aya shouted, flying off through the blowhole. "I'll take you to all the places to get them!"
                                "Aya, don't go too fast, John can only run up to 75 miles per hour!" Yuuka told Aya as Aya darted off into the sky.

