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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Realm of Darkness

    "When you get to Hawaii tomorrow, contact me through this.", Yukari said as she gave John a purple crystal with an eye in it.

    John looked at the eye.

    (It looks like one of the eyes from Yukari's gaps.)

    "Thank you, I'll be sure to do so.", John said to Yukari.

    John then looked at the Door of Light.

    "We should probably see if the others are okay. I'll see you on the other side.", John said as he walked through the door.

    The Bridge People No Longer Cross

    John was blinded by a bright light, but it quickly faded, revealing Parsee's destroyed bridge.

    "Guys? What happened here?", John asked the group.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      The Bridge People No Longer Cross

      X looks at John as he appeared seemingly out of nowhere. "John! I'm just as confused as you are about this whole mess..." He said as he rubs the back of his head nervously.


        The Bridge People No Longer Cross

        "Well... we kinda went nuclear fusion on them, and Parsee's bridge got destroyed in the process..." Utsuho laughed.
        "The bridge was wrecked even before that!" Parsee angrily shouted, Utsuho ignored.
        "So now we're trying to fix the bridge, but none of us are carpenters nor architects..."


          The Bridge People No Longer Cross

          "So now we're trying to fix the bridge, but none of us are carpenters nor architects...", Utsuho said.

          John began looking through the Character page for Gensokyo for engineers and builders.

          "What about Yamame, or the Kappa Village at Youkai Mountain?", John asked.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            I grabbed the sword. They weren't my specialty, but I'd better learn now.

            I felt a strong pulse, and I heard thousands of screaming souls. I'd better not think of that.

            I rushed out with all my strength. I tried to think of a way to stop this fire.

            I had an idea, but it was risky.

            "Hey, Sniper! Kepp bird-brain busy! I'll try spinning this heavy thing around to produce enough wind to blow the fire away. It sounds ridiculous, but I can't come up with a better idea. I dont..."

            Then I remembered that we were dealing with metal gears.

            "Never mind that! I hope no one has any electrical appliances 'cause they're about to go out!"

            I tossed a chaff grenade. The range was big enough to cover a city the size of half of New York city.


              The Bridge People No Longer Cross

              "Yamame is in same situation as we are, and the Kappas are engineers, not architects." Parsee groaned. "Maybe we can do it ourselves, have your helmet make an image to reference as."


                The Bridge People No Longer Cross

                Parsee did have a point. John's helmet was capable of recording video, and he had seen all of the bridge.

                "I have the bridge, but now we need a lot of builders. I'm going to need a piece of paper and something to draw with. We're also going to have to ask the Kappa for some tools.", John said.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Australia - Desert

                  Blaze Heatnix stops and the vortex begins to settle down, only to reveal a large circular river of lava surrounding Snake. "Time to finish this!" Said Blaze Heatnix as he holds his hands up in the air. Creating a large fireball the size of a house.

                  Blizzard Wolfgang also begins his finishing technique. Letting out one more howl the area around him flash blue for a quick second. Suddenly the ground and everything around him is nearly frozen solid aside from his opponents.

                  The Bridge People No Longer Cross

                  X looks at John and has an idea. "John we don't need paper. Just send the video to me. I can deploy a hologram from my helmet." Said X as he looks at John.


                    Australia, Desert

                    Vergil looks up at the giant fireball Blaze Heatnix is creating before turning to Snake. "Quick! Use the power of the Yamato to cut through the fire! It's demonic aura alone should be enough to cut through it!" He yelled.
                    Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                      Okay. Note to self: Chaff doesn't work on these types of metal gear.

                      "Quick! Use the power of the Yamato to cut through the fire! It's demonic aura alone should be enough to cut through it!"

                      This guy loves to ramble on about demonic references. He's just a genetically enhanced soldier with a powerful blade. But if he says so...

                      "Alright. But this better work!"

                      I backed up a bit, preparing for a slash. I moved forward with the sword and it let out some kind of destructive wave.


                        The Bridge People No Longer Cross

                        "John we don't need paper. Just send the video to me. I can deploy a hologram from my helmet." X said as he looked at John.

                        "That's not a bad idea.", John said as he began transmitting the video to X.

                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Australia - Desert

                          Blaze Heatnix looks stunned at what he just saw. The man just cut through his fireball as though it was paper. "What!? How did you do that!?" He yelled as he gets angered. "That's it! No more games!" He yelled as he quickly dives down at Snake, covered in a fiery aura.

                          The Bridge People No Longer Cross

                          X smiles as John sent him the video. "Okay. Thanks." He said as he sits down out of the way. His eye color becomes dull as a green light comes out of the gem from his helmet. A hologram of the video begins playing. Occasionally stopping at certain intervals. "Just let me know when you need me to pause the video..." Said X as he lets the video play.
                          Last edited by NeoFox; 06-07-2013, 08:14 PM.


                            Why is it always me?

                            Well, here goes nothing.

                            I pulled out a Carl Gustav and aimed it at his face. Even if his reflexes were amazing, the rocket is way too fast to dodge.

                            I pulled the trigger. The rocket flew in the air.


                              Old Hell

                              Yuuka was busy pestering Orin ("Hey, do you really have 4 ears?") when she realized how silent things have been around. What's going on? I'll have to step outside and see where they are all at.

                              "Whoa!" Yuuka arrived at where everybody is at to find a shocking, unexpected scene. Parsee's bridge was destroyed, not to mention the smoldering ground in between Ancient City and the bridge. "What in the world happened?"


                                The Bridge People No Longer Cross

                                John looked at Yuuka and said, "I'll show you my side of the story later, I have it on video.", while pointing at his helmet.

                                "Hey X, are you able to make a schematic from the images?, John asked.

                                John then got an idea.

                                "I'm going to fly around the bottom of the bridge and give you more info."

                                John activated his suit's thrusters and flew to the bottom of the bridge, to get a look at the support beams and the underside of the bridge.
                                Last edited by S121; 06-07-2013, 08:26 PM.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

