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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Blowhole Entrance, Gensokyo; Shiki

    I saw as John and Aya left.

    "Komachi, take me to Shinki's palace. Once you're done, help everyone fix the bridge."


    She summoned the boat and we took off.

    Home Base, Nevada; Otori

    I saw them going through the series.

    "Hey, Hank, let me try."

    Desert, Australia; Snake

    "Huh? Oh, right."

    I gave it back. I felt a little relieved of something. Odd.

    "So tell me. What exactly is that sword? As a matter of fact, who are you? I mean, other than a demon?"

    Base 2, Australia; Volgin

    Gate! He might know!

    After some looking through, I realized that it was the building papers of the "Peace Walker" metal gear that was missing.

    I went back. "Gate! Have you seen my-"

    ... Where is he?

    "Gate! Where the hell are you?!"

    Oh, nevermind him. I decided to take a look at the robot that he was making. I walked over to the glass case. He looked powerful. He looked capable. He looked... Somewhat limited.

    Oh well. It's his robot, not mine. My robot is already complete and ready to deploy.


      Moriya Forest

      "Why must it be the divine tree of the Moriya?", the voices whispered.

      "...I honestly don't know. I was simply told to gather what was needed. I trust the person that told me to gather the materials, so I'm sure they wouldn't have chosen these trees unless there was no other way."

      John then began to piece together a possible reason in his head.

      "On second thought, I think I might know why. The people that attacked the bridge were evil. They fought us with darkness magic. One person used the bridge as a portal into a realm of darkness and pulled an army of shadows from it. Perhaps they chose the divine wood from the trees here is to protect the bridge from darkness magic, to make it impossible for this to happen again.", John said to the voices.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        3 years ago - Old mansion

        "I have come to give you an advice. When the characters spawn they will be masterless and free. They will have no purpose.
        You can give them purpose. You are to form a organization named Neo-Yakuza that will use these characters."
        Born in the light.
        Molded in the dark

        Never Forget,
        Keep Fighting.
        –Don't Forget.
        Always, somewhere,
        someone is fighting for you.
        –As long as you remember her,
        you are not alone.


          3 years ago - Old Mansion

          "Your advice... intrigues me." The master grinned. "I have power: my remaining Yakuza force still stands strong, and I have money: this mansion is only a fraction of my wealth. What I lack is an army."
          The master gazed at Xehanort's prideful eyes. "You seem like you have a plan. Perhaps you would be interested in joining my organization?"


            3 years ago - Old Mansion

            "To that i most say no. I am already a member of an Organization. We can work together however. Here is a few pictures of what you can become"

            Young Xehanort shows him a few pictures of Neo-Yakuza.
            Last edited by Katrix; 06-08-2013, 07:13 PM.
            Born in the light.
            Molded in the dark

            Never Forget,
            Keep Fighting.
            –Don't Forget.
            Always, somewhere,
            someone is fighting for you.
            –As long as you remember her,
            you are not alone.


              3 years ago - Old Mansion

              The master browsed through the pictures, his smiles growing wider and wider as he flipped through them.
              "I'll take your advice into careful consideration." The master said.


                Somewhere in Nevada

                "Try what?" Hank said. "It's just an animation, you simply watch."

                "The games are somewhat separate, they tell the story in a more stylistic perspective. This, however, is what actually happened, in non- stylized format." Deimos explained.

                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                  3 years ago - Old Mansion

                  "That is good, I'm sure we'll become good friend.
                  Now if you excuse me I have other things to attend to"
                  Young Xehanort summoned a Corridor of Darkness.
                  "Oh any by the way. We are know as Organization XIII"
                  Born in the light.
                  Molded in the dark

                  Never Forget,
                  Keep Fighting.
                  –Don't Forget.
                  Always, somewhere,
                  someone is fighting for you.
                  –As long as you remember her,
                  you are not alone.


                    Moriya Forest

                    The forest murmured.
                    "Your response is very appealing." A third voice responded. "Shall we allow...?"
                    "Yes." The first voice, the tree that has been cut, agreed. "I, Kenmeina Tsuri, allow myself to be used for this man's wholeheartedness."
                    The trees began to hum as the life force from the cut tree condensed into a strong wind that blew around John. On the tree trunk was a luster gem with 知恵 inscribed on it.
                    "Good luck on your journey, young one." The gem seemed to speak, and the whole forest grew silent.

                    3 Years Ago - Old Mansion

                    "Organization XIII..." The master murmured. "I'll remember that."


                      Home Base, Nevada

                      "Oh, of course."

                      I can never tell the difference.

                      Something came to me.

                      "Hey, Hank. How many times have you died as of this moment?"


                        Moriya Forest

                        John was surprised at what had just happened. In all of his years as a Spartan-II Supersoldier, he had never experienced anything like what had happened within the past five minutes.

                        "Well, I suppose we should go then.", John said to Aya.

                        John lifted the entire tree onto his shoulder and carefully maneuvered through the forest, back to the Moriya Shrine.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          3 years ago - Old Mansion

                          Young Xehanort walked trough the Corridor.

                          Where Nothing Gathers

                          Young Xehanort appeared on his seat again.
                          "It's done"
                          Born in the light.
                          Molded in the dark

                          Never Forget,
                          Keep Fighting.
                          –Don't Forget.
                          Always, somewhere,
                          someone is fighting for you.
                          –As long as you remember her,
                          you are not alone.


                            Somewhere in Nevada

                            Hank counted on his fingers for a few moments.

                            "About eight or so. Why do you ask?" Hank said.

                            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                              Moriya Shrine

                              When John and Aya returned to the Shrine, Suwako was there to greet them. "How did it feel? Inside the forest?"


                                Moriya Shrine

                                "How did it feel? Inside the forest?", Suwako asked.

                                "It was.. it was unlike anything I had experienced before. Where I'm from, there's no such thing as magic, gods, or even spirits. It was definitely something new.", John said.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

