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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    The Bridge People No Longer Cross

    "I should... just give me a few... there." He said as the video hologram turns into a schematic of almost every last inch and detail he could get from the video. "You're lucky my processing power is far higher than most computers." He said.

    "Just send me any more data you get on the bridge and I'll add it.

    Australia - Desert

    Blaze Heatnix is suddenly struck by a rocket that was just too fast for him to avoid. Blaze Heatnix however can still be seen flying after the smoke clears, but just barely. His body is severely damaged.

    Suddenly Blaze Heatnix's body starts erupting into a large ball of fire, and molten steel. "GGGRRRAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!" He screamed as his core starts to explode in a even more violent eruption.

    Base 2 - Australia

    Gate watches the computer screen. "Good work Heatnix, my old friend. You have obtained even more data. Now I know more about their capabilities... my ultimate creation will know everyone of your moves at this rate." Said Gate as he turns the screen to Blizzard Wolfgang.
    Last edited by NeoFox; 06-07-2013, 08:32 PM.


      The Bridge People No Longer Cross

      "Oh nice, you guys are making a bridge?" Yuuka asked as she descended, landing right on top of the remnants of the bridge.


        Base 2, Australia; Volgin

        I came out of my office with a thick stack of papers in my hands.

        "Mr. Gate. How were the results?"

        Desert, Australia; Snake

        Damn! He exploded as well.

        Aside from that, we need to help the others with wolfie there.

        "C'mon. We need to help the others."

        We rushed over to Rengar and Sheva's battle.

        All of a sudden, I slipped... on ice?

        "Hey, Rengar! Give me a qick briefing! What can this guy do?! Can he freeze things or is this your doing?!"
        Last edited by wonderweiss; 06-07-2013, 08:39 PM.


          Base 2 - Australia

          "No need to be so formal sir, Just call me Gate. Anyways they have taken out another one of my soldiers, but they still have to deal with Wolfgang. They will have even more trouble with him than Heatnix. Wolfgang can flash freeze anything around him if he needs to. Even if he does lose I am getting data about their movements, powers, and skills which I am using to help create my ultimate creation." Said Gate as the wall behind him opens up. Revealing a glass box, with another machine inside of it.

          "Even if they do manage to get here, my creation Nightmare Zero Kai will be complete and will take care of them. Also I have cloaked the base with a program not too long ago. It is as good as invisible at the moment. Only a highly advanced radar can detect it. I also managed to wipe the base's location from most digital maps, so it will be highly difficult to find this place without some sort of radar." Said Gate as he turns around in his chair to look at Volgin. "Do you need me to help you with those papers sir?" He asked.


            Somewhere in Nevada

            Hank was upstairs, eating a sandwich made out of toast and scrambled egg, and it was delicious. Sanford stumbled through the doorway to the kitchen, rubbing his head.

            "Mornin' Hank." Sanford grumbled, fixing himself a cup of coffee.

            "Morning to you." Hank said back.

            "Where's Deimos and the kid?" Sanford asked.

            "Down in the simulation area." Hank responded, finishing off his sandwich, wiping his face and raising his wrap.

            "At 5:00 in the morning?" Sanford asked, almost shocked. "Damn, kid's got guts."

            "He's got potential, I think." Hank said.


            Mima finally got time to rest, sunbathing on the deck while munching on a giant smore.

            "This trip was sooo worth going down here." Mima said to herself.

            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


              Base 2, Australia

              "Actually, there are some papers I need you to read about. Your super robot seems to be a humanoid, correct? When you deploy him, I want him to be riding this."

              I hand him some papers containing information on the Shagohod.

              "Read them carefully and I want you to program this information into your robot, whether it takes seconds or days."

              Home Base, Nevada; Otori

              I walked over to the kitchen.

              "Man, you guys must be real strong. I did further investigation on the dummies to gather information. You guys deal with alot. Not to mention I did some insight on the MAG. I studied it's capabilities while I was attacking it, studied the rather outdated technology, added the information to the capabilities of the MAG, and concluded that the battle would have ended with a couple of broken bones and failure. Given the fact that if I do meet these in person they might actually try to kill me, I added the potential and efficiency and I would have been dead with my already existing street smarts. I am a pretty good tactician, though, if that helps."
              Last edited by wonderweiss; 06-07-2013, 09:06 PM.


                The Bridge People No Longer Cross

                John hovered near the bottom of the bridge and began examining tie support beams and the underside.

                Once he was done, John transmitted the video over to X and flew back up to the top.

                "There, that should be enough."
                Last edited by S121; 06-07-2013, 09:13 PM.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Base 2 - Australia

                  "Consider it as good as done. All it takes for me is just a couple of minutes to turn paper into computer data, then upload it to my machines." Said Gate as he takes the papers and begins reading them. "Shagohod huh? Sounds interesting. I'll get right on it!" He said as he quickly begins putting the papers into computer data.

                  The Bridge People No Longer Cross

                  X quickly updates the hologram with the video John transmitted to him. "There. That should do it." He said as he keeps the hologram up and running.


                    The Bridge People No Longer Cross

                    John looked at X.

                    "Now we just need to find enough people to quickly build the bridge."
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Base 2, Australia; Volgin

                      "Good. The Shagohod should be done by tonight. Make sure snake doesn't track us down here with your robots. He'll be able to find us with or without a barrier. Not to mention if he get's a hold of one of your robots, he could find out exactly where it came from and use chaff to break the barrier down."

                      I began walking away. One of the papers dropped named "Peace Walker."


                        The Bridge People No Longer Cross

                        Oddly the color in X's eyes fade completely until they are pure white as the hologram also changes to a slightly familiar face.

                        The hologram of Dr. Light appears again as X loses consciousness.

                        "Hello... my name is Thomas Light. I am the researcher who designed and built Mega Man X. X is a robot with the power to think, and feel. Most importantly I designed X with powers that no other machine possesses." Said the hologram of Dr. Light as he coughs badly.

                        "I intend for X to bring peace, and hope to the world. X is no ordinary robot, in fact he has a power that is far greater than one can imagine. Though I may not be around to see X up and active, I do hope that he will not stray from the path of light, and into a path that leads him into darkness. If he does... there is no telling what might happen... I hope that X would make the right decisions, as well as make new allies that will help him when he needs it. I consider X as my child, even though I will not be able to see him in person. Whoever finds this message... please take care of X." Said the hologram of Dr. Light as it turns to John, and Yuuka as though... it isn't a hologram, but as though he is really there.

                        The hologram then ends and X's unconscious body falls limp and hits the ground.
                        Last edited by NeoFox; 06-07-2013, 09:30 PM.


                          The Bridge People No Longer Cross

                          "What just happened?", John asked in a confused tone.

                          John knelt down and tried to reawaken X by gently shaking him.

                          "X. X, can you hear me."
                          Last edited by S121; 06-07-2013, 09:40 PM.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            The Bridge People No Longer Cross

                            X slowly awakens as John shook him lightly. X places his hand on his head as though he just woke up from a deep sleep. The look on X's face is a look of sadness, like he just had a very depressing dream. He turns to John who is confused as to X's condition. X shakes his head and comes to a stand. Though he stumbles a little, he quickly regains his composure and turns to John. "God I feel like I've been hit by a freaking train..." He said as he rubs his head.

                            Base 2 - Australia

                            Gate turns and looks at the paper that was dropped. He picks it up and looks at it. "Peace Walker huh?" He said as he shrugs his shoulders. Putting it in with the pile of papers he has at his work station.


                              The Bridge People No Longer Cross

                              "God I feel like I've been hit by a freaking train...", X said.

                              "Something happened. Here, I'm sending you the video.", John said as he began transmitting the video to X.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Wilderness, Australia

                                "This wolf is a tough one." I said, and it was true. Time to update my item list... "He can use ice power to slow you down and fog your vision."
                                I started looking at whatever option of items I can get... Warmogs wouldn't do, when I don't want to fight a long battle... I need to break through that ice, and Frozen Mallet will only enhance his icy attacks... wait, what is this?

                                Sunfire Cape. Perfect. This is EXACTLY what I need to bring that dog down.

