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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    I looked to see a green haired girl.

    "If you start petting me to then were gonna have problems."
    Last edited by Raid3n361; 06-15-2013, 10:22 PM.



      "That creature has got quite an attitude. I would suggest you leave it be. If it has the ability to discharge electric pulses then it can pose a threat. There is no telling how dangerous such creature could be when angered." Said Model X as he floats protectively over Koishi and Yuyuko.
      "Even if you are dead Mistress Yuyuko it can still pose a threat to other civilians who get too close." Said Model X as he puts a barrier in between of Yuyuko and the Pikachu.



        "So you're a thing called a Pikachu?" Koishi asked. "I think I saw you in a game I got from Rinnosuke once. I think it was called...Pokemon?" Koishi said.

        Koishi looked to Model X. "I'll keep that in mind, X."

        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


          I was surpised to here that she was already dead. As for the other one I didnt know her.

          "So who are you people anyways."


            ".....I think i'm going to ignore what you just said and shock you."

            I let out a thunder bolt.


              "Well, I'm Yuyuko Saigyouji. This is Koishi Komeiji. And this is.. bio...metal...mechanical X? No no, it's... biometal... This is our new friend!"

              It shocked me again.

              "Hmm... now, why are you so hostile, little fella?"



                Model X sees the creature let out a bolt of electricity and creatures a barrier to protect the group. "Calm down, we do not pose a threat to you." Said Model X to the Pikachu as he floats down to eye level with the yellow mouse.


                  "Why do you have such interest in a pikachu like me."

                  I tried to sound polite. It didn't work.


                    Tokyo International Airport, Tokyo

                    "You mean, you never heard of the Captain Crew?" A group of teenagers walked up to John and the others, a boy with a red cap asked John. "They're the new hip thing, dude! Check this out!"
                    The boy in red cap handed a picture of Murasa's first album.


                    "Captain Crew has to be the best dubstep group since Skrillex back in 2020s." A teenage boy with blue hair smirked next to the boy with a red cap. "The music is excellent."


                      "Because, I want you to know that we mean you know harm. And..."

                      I went over and pulled on it's cheeks.

                      "'re so darn cute!"

                      I let go.

                      "So can you explain why you were spying on us?"


                        Tokyo International Airport, Tokyo

                        "Captain Crew has to be the best dubstep group since Skrillex back in 2020s." A teenage boy with blue hair smirked next to the boy with a red cap. "The music is excellent."

                        (Hmm, Okay...)

                        "Yea, I'm not familiar with music. What's Dubstep?", John asked.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          "Stop pulling on my cheecks, it hurts! I as spying on you because...I fear humans, and the last time someone told me they mean no harm, they did experiments on me."

                          I didn't want to remember them, but i couldn't forget.


                            "How sad... well, you can trust us! Koishi and I are youkai, and X is a robot. We're friendly. All we really wanted was to go to the beach and relax."


                              "Am I really give my trust to two demons and a robot that can possibly turn on us any second now. It's like beging for a death wish. And i'm one pikachu."



                                "I apologize miss Yuyuko, but I am not a robot and please call me by my correct name Model X. As for what I am... I am something called a Biometal, and I'm the just one out of seven to be exact. I possess a power that should not be taken lightly." Said Model X as he floats over to Koishi. He begins floating right beside her head. "I also must correct you little yellow mouse. As a Biometal I am designed only to aid people. There is a statistic of about 99.98% chance of me going "Maverick" at all." He said as he continues floating by Koishi.

