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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    The Inventory

    "Well first thing's first, it is a thought jammer. It won't allow you to deactivate your abilities, but it will scramble all the thoughts around you and allow you to hear nothing. It can work up to a 6 foot radius, so you can just as easily keep it in a pocket, or nearby. If you press the button in the middle, you can turn the device on and off, allowing you to read people's minds or keep things silent. Thanks to the power nodes, the thought jammer has enough power to last a couple months. I was not able to add a charging mechanism because I was in a rush, but I could make you another one that can be charged, maybe even add extra features, like selective reading.", Isaac explained to Koishi.

    "Do you have any questions?", Isaac asked.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      I looked up to see Six.

      "Oh... hey Six. Amazing how sturdy these chairs are, huh?..."

      He looked down at his shot glass.

      "... strange... no matter how much I drink... I never seem to get drunk... or show any sign of getting drunk..."

      King 1: Now commencing the trial; Yama #5, Shikieiki Yamaxanadu.

      The lights turned on to illuminate Shikieiki alone in a dark room on a chair, sitting patiently.

      King 2: Now then. As we may see, you, Shikieiki Yamaxanadu, have allowed an unauthorized revival to take place. This would be acceptable if you were absent, in which case you would need to put the revived subject and put the necromancer in jail. However, you were not only present at the scene when the necromancers announced the plan, but willingly allowed this process to go through.

      King 3: As you may know, this is unexcusable.

      King 4: What is your testimony?

      Shiki: ... I have allowed a revival to take place before me. There is no way around it, no eys that cannot unsee this.

      King 5: ...

      King 3: I shan't accept of this.

      King 6: What is the reasoning behind this outburst?

      King 3: I refuse to believe that Shikieiki simply allowed this to happen, knowing full well of the consequences.

      King 5: Agreed. There must be some kind of reasoning for this.

      King 2: You always took your job seriously. There shouldn't be any reason that you should even hesitate about this.

      King 7: Even in the face of urgency, when this occurred last time with the Area family, you didn't give in to your feelings and allowed them to pass on peacefully.

      King 6: She did, however, come close. Who is to say that she didn't give in today?

      King 1: That is very true. This is something to be looked at from all angles.

      King 2: Shall we hear testimony from outsiders?

      King 9: Very well. Komachi, bring forth... Yukari Yakumo.

      Komachi: Okay.

      She took off in her boat.

      A boat suddenly appeared by Yukari.

      "Hey Yukari. Don't tell me you didn't expect to be summoned.


        The Inventory

        "No, not really." Koishi said. "But that upgraded one sounds nice, but you can take your time."

        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.



          "What, you need a witness?" Yukari raised her left eyebrow, full of mischief. "Please, I want to finish my drink at least."


          "Araa, forgot to invite one of you Organization along." Isadora facepalmed. "My fault there. Do have a seat, we were just getting started on a few rounds of holdem."

          "Like I said, I will open the bet with 50,000 yen." Daiyousei announced. "Any takers?"

          "I call." Duncan said.
          Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 10-29-2013, 10:28 PM.


            The Inventory

            "Ok. I should have a better one made after a couple of weeks or months. It'll be done before that one dies.", Isaac said to Koishi as he pointed at the wristband.

            Finally, after talking about the device, Isaac thought that it would only be right to try and apologize for her current situation. He may not have meant any harm, but he inadvertently caused her to suffer through the excruciating pain of her third eye, getting kicked out of her own home, and her being driven temporarily insane. He felt guilty for it all.

            "Koishi, I'm sorry for... you know... everything. I was only trying to make you happy by telling you that you could still feel emotions.", Isaac said, referencing everything from him telling her about her smile, to Koishi being driven to insanity from the voices.

            Ancient City

            Six now knew that his suspicions were correct. Gerard was either trying to forget something, or trying to ease the pain.

            "Is there something bothering you?", Six asked Gerard.

            John suddenly turned over to Komachi, who just appeared on her boat and asked Yukari to follow her. John could only guess that it was about Shikieiki and how she allowed everyone to be resurrected.

            "Shikieiki's not in too much trouble, is she?", John asked Komachi.
            Last edited by S121; 10-29-2013, 09:59 PM.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Ancient City

              Meanwhile in the bar that Jack and Daniel are at someone can be heard muttering something...

              "Steady now... steady..." Said a bright orange robot with drills for hands as he tries to pick up a can of oil. "Almost got it..." He said as the can of oil falls over. "OH DARN IT ALL!" Said the robot as he smashes the table. The Robot is Crash Man, and across the table from him is a rather large Robot. The other Robot looks quite heavy. As though the chair below him will collapse.

              "Don't get so upset Crash Man. If you want I can get you a straw..." Said the large robot in a slow... calm tone. The Robot is none other than Hard Man. One of Wily's heaviest, and strongest Robot Masters.

              The two were trying to enjoy the party, but he due to Crash Man and his... clumsiness they seem to be unable to enjoy themselves.

              "I don't need no stinkin help!" Yelled Crash Man out of anger as Hard Man sighs. "Calm down Crash Man. It's not your fault that you were made with drills for hands."


                Ancient City

                "You, buy me things?" Yuugi laughed in ridicule of Guts Man. "I'm the one running this party, my friend. I don't need you to get me things."

                "I'll return the favor to you by treating you to some of my finest private stocks."

                "Ooh, can I come, Yuugi? Please?" Suika asked Yuugi, who looked back with disgust.

                "No. You're going to end up drinking all of them like you did once before." Yuugi denied Suika, who sulked and ran away.

                "...So." Nitori attempted to start a conversation. "Want me to tell you a story, Zero?"


                Cirno was amazed at Frost Man's ability to create snowmen.

                "This is a pretty cool snowman!" Cirno began, but she soon took a gloating stance. "But I bet I can do better."


                  Ancient City

                  Guts Man laughed happily at Yuugi's response.
                  "Can't a guy at least treat a lovely lady like you to something?" He said in a surprisingly happy tone. Guts Man is literally having the time of his life right now.

                  "Besides I'm a robot! I don't really drink... alcohol. I drink oil! Either way let's just enjoy the party!" He said with a hefty laugh afterwards.


                  Zero turned to Nitori and raised an eyebrow. "Sure" He said quite simply as he was willing to listen to Nitori's story.


                  Frost Man clapped his hands at Cirno's praise. "Frost Man like to make snowmen! Frost Man like snow! Frost Man accept challenge!" He said as he stood up. At first he was sounding all happy and joyous, but then his tone had turned serious and almost threatening.


                    Ancient City

                    "Looks like I lost my drinking buddy for a while, you two don´t mind me crashing here, don´t you?" Nera said reaching the fox and the bridge princess

                    "I thing you drank quite a lot, don´t you steel jackal?" Renamon said looking at how the jackal sat on the nearest chair
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      Ancient City

                      Jack and Daniel were drinking and joking around, when they heard the commotion from the two robots.

                      Both Jack and Daniel leaned slightly back and looked at the robots as they tried to come up with a way for the drill-handed robot to be able drink from a can.

                      "You know what? We need to convince the scientists back home.. to make... drill weapons,... maybe even put them on.. robots,.. or something...", Jack said to Daniel.

                      It was obvious that Jack was already feeling the effects of the alcohol.

                      "Why? So we can make lame and corny drilling jokes? I know where you're going with this.", Daniel said to Jack with a grin on his face.

                      "Yea.", Jack said as he took another sip from a sake bowl.

                      Daniel looked back at the drill-handed robot and was silent for a moment.

                      "Should we help those two? They look like their having a crappy time.", Daniel said.

                      "Do what you want, I'm gonna... keep thinking about drilling enemies.. with drills...", Jack said as he stared at the sake in the bowl.

                      Daniel got up out of his seat and walked over to the distressed robots.

                      "Excuse me, do you guys need any help with anything?", Daniel asked them.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Ancient City

                        "You damn well said it!" Yuugi giggled as she lifted Guts Man up in the air with her hand, with her sake dish on the other hand.

                        "Okay okay... here, once there was a little Karakasa named - wait you don't know what Karakasa is so I'll skip that..." Nitori tried to tell Zero a joke, but none of her jokes would be understood by Zero, so she struggled. Her natural shyness didn't help either. "Uuu... oh! Once upon a time there was a- wait, Zero wouldn't know what Kappaball is..."

                        "Good! Now I can show you that I am the stron⑨est!" Cirno laughed. "Frost Sign - Glacier Mallet!"

                        A hammer, made of ice and twice the size of Cirno, was slammed to the ground, causing a small crack on the ground.

                        "Alright! That fairy made the first move!" The audience cheered.



                          Winslow looked at his cards.

                          "I call." Winslow said.

                          "I raise to 700 bucks." The Higher Power said. "On another note, how have things been with you people?"

                          The Inventory

                          "It's okay. You had good intentions." Koishi yawned again.

                          Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                          You just discard their guts and keep on driving.



                            "Raise," Mokou puffed. "850."

                            "I've been... busy." Gluttoneriel, who joined the group as the game was about to start, commented as he folded after taking a look at his hand. "Wouldn't say why."

                            "Busy with reconciling with your friends?" Isadora chuckled.

                            "Heaven's judicial system is a lot more lenient than what I remembered." Gluttoneriel countered. "I get to hang out in the Purgatory. How nice."


                              Ancient City

                              Guts Man was enjoying this party thoroughly. "Whoa! Put me down!" He laughed as he was held up high by Yuugi.
                              "You know you're alright miss! Hell I wouldn't mind staying here after the party!" He replied.


                              Zero sighed as he looked back down at the city. "You know Nitori... ever since I met you I felt like I actually found someone... that I could call a true friend aside from X and Axl..."


                              Frost Man roared loudly and stomped on the ground repeatedly. "Frost Man win this!" He said as the many vents on his body began to emit an icy cold mist. Frost Man than began to slam his fists on the ground as he caused the ground around them to shake violently. He then lifted both hands in the air and then slammed them onto the ground one last time. As he did a large wave of ice erupted from Frost Man. The Ice Wave stopped at a rock, encasing it in ice. He then punched the large chunk of ice and it shattered into a large stature of Frost Man.


                              Hard Man looked at Daniel slowly. "Oh... no we're fine... my friend here is just upset..." Replied Hard Man as Crash Man slammed his... arms onto the table again. "Do I look like I'm upset!?" Said Crash Man as he immediately calmed down. "I'm sorry... I just have some bad mood swings... it also doesn't help that my hands are drills." He said as he just as quickly became angered again. "But who's fault is that huh!? I'll tell ya who! It's that old man Wily's fault! He made me with drills for freaking hands!"


                                The Inventory

                                Hearing that Koishi forgave him for everything brought a slight smile to his face. Some people would be upset and would not forgive him, but she did.

                                "Anyways, I should probably let you sleep. Goodnight.", Isaac said to Kioshi.

                                Ancient City

                                Daniel thought for a quick moment and immediately came up with a plan. Daniel was a little drunk, but he still had a possible plan.

                                "Why don't you magnetize your drills? The can will stick to them and you could drink.", Daniel said to Crash Man.
                                Last edited by S121; 10-29-2013, 10:48 PM.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

