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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Somewhere in Nevada

    "Yeah, we actually have the location of one. Got it from our friend name Christoff. Though you probably know him better as Jesus Christ." Deimos said.

    Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

    You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


      "Hmm... I don't know him very well, but I'm glad you are close."

      I sat down next to Otori.

      "Go help Hank. I'll care for Otori."


        The beach

        Dante laughs when Komachi sunk into the water. "I guess your a little top heavy to swim!" He said jokingly as he dives under the water, swimming quickly at Komachi.
        Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


          Somewhere in Nevada

          Model Z continues to float there as the sandstorm calms down. Suddenly the gem on Model Z's front side flashes brightly. "Halt! Who goes there?" Responded Model Z as Hank drew his blade.


            Somewhere in Nevada

            "I could say the same to you." Hank said. "It's not polite to drop in on someone and suddenly threaten them to halt."

            "Hank will be fine, besides, he's much better at fighting in a sandstorm, if it comes down to it." Deimos explained.

            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


              Yukari's Resort - Honolulu, Hawaii

              "Not bad, not bad at all. This is what I use to train danmaku grazing. Failure can be... Fatal." Yukari smiled maliciously as more gaps appeared. The gaps spawned musket bullets, kunai knives, street signs and... Suppositories?

              John barely dodged the incoming projectiles. This time, there were more than before.

              John ducked to the right to dodge a musket bullet and barely dodged a kunai. The kunai barely touched his shield, hugging it as it flew off into one of the gaps.

              (Damn! This could get difficult.)

              A suppository almost hit John right in the middle of his visor, but he quickly swayed to the side, dodging it but almost getting hit by a musket bullet. Another kunai flew at John. John ducked, but it put him directly in front of a musket bullet. John quickly snapped his back forward and put his face to the ground. The bullet whizzed by, but a suppository came from behind.

              (Gotta get fancy with this one.)

              John lifted himself up with one hand an launched himself into the air, dodging some of the projectiles, but putting him in the path of more.


              John contorted his body in the air, barely dodging the projectiles. He landed on the ground, only to be greeted by more suppositories and kunai. John hiosted himself in the air again and did a single-handed handstand.

              The kunai and suppositories flew around John's supporting arm and flew into Yukari's gaps.

              Now, the projectiles were flying out of the top and bottom gaps, making John's task even more difficult.

              John focused as hard as he could and got ready for hell.

              John jumped back, spun around, ducked, jumped, flipped in the air, landed, rolled backward, lunged to the side, spun in the air, landed, back flipped, landed, rolled to the side, laid on the ground, rolled, pushed off of the ground, spun in the air, landed on the ground, swayed to the left, swayed back, jumped to the side, rolled forward, jumped in the air, contorted his body, landed, rolled forward, pushed off with his arm, contorted his body in the air again, landed, spun out of the way, lunged back, swayed forward, and ducked.

              This set of complex movements were slowly wearing down on John, but he was determined to pass Yukari's test.

              He continued his performance for another two minutes, doing things in his half-ton armor that didn't seem possible for its weight.
              Last edited by S121; 06-17-2013, 09:56 PM.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Somewhere in Nevada

                "Well who are you to draw a blade at something that can't defend itself? Anyways I am Biometal Model Z. One of the 7 legendary Mega Men, The Red Mega Man. I must ask who are you and why are you in the middle of a desert?" Replied Model Z quite harshly.


                  Somewhere in Nevada

                  "If you don't know why I draw a blade at an unknown object, and you don't know who I am, you're new around here, I presume? To answer you, though, I am Hank J. Wimbleton, and you're quite close to my house." Hank replied, putting away his blade.

                  Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                  You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                    Beach, Hawaii; Komachi

                    "You must think you're a real funny guy, huh? Your tactic failed, and I could have drowned..."


                      Yukari's Resort, Honolulu, Hawaii

                      "It's like watching a fish out of water." Yukari chuckled behind John as she delivered a slam with a street sign lightly. "Tag, you're it!"
                      Yukari began prancing through the sandy beach, playful and giggly, and into the water.


                        Yukari's Resort, Honolulu, Hawaii

                        "It's like watching a fish out of water." Yukari chuckled behind John as she delivered a slam with a street sign lightly. "Tag, you're it!"
                        Yukari began prancing through the sandy beach, playful and giggly, and into the water.

                        Heart still pounding, John looked over to her.

                        (She seems to be enjoying this a little too much. Do I follow her? I don't really like the idea of going into the water, I'll sink. I am still being tested, so I suppose I have to.), John thought.

                        Recovering in the span of a few seconds, John sprinted towards the shore, straight for the water and towards Yukari. John didn't know what awaited him, but he was ready for whatever it might be.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          The Beach, Hawaii

                          "Don't worry I'm not the kind of guy to just let someone die." Said Dante as he resurfaces behind Komachi. "Okay now lay down face first in the water. We will try it again, but this time I am going to make sure you don't sink." He said into Komachi's ear.
                          Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                            Yukari's Resort, Honolulu, Hawaii

                            "Ahahaha-" Yukari pranced around and look behind to see John sprinting towards her in a super-high speed, collision imminent. "Araa?"
                            CRASH! Yukari's face was greeted by John's armor.
                            "What the-" was Yukari's last words before she tripped and fell into the water, face-first. Gotta admit, it was damn funny.

                            Starbucks, Honolulu, Hawaii

                            "Welcome to Starbucks, how can I help you?"
                            "Yeah I want to get some Caramel Macchiato with cream. Verde."
                            "Anything else to eat with that?"
                            "Uh, maybe plain bagel, toasted. No cream cheese."
                            "That'll be $6.52."

                            Yuuka decided to roam around the city. The sun is starting to set. Probably should call the guys at the beach over. She passed through onlooking travelers and a street performer to reach where Yuyuko, Komachi, and Utsuho went. They stood out, with their assortment of colorful hairs and, well, they just stand out, OK?
                            "Guys, it's late. Pack up and let's go." Yuuka called out.


                              He's awfully close. But I guess it's just me... I hope.

                              I do as he says. I hope he knows what he's doing...


                                Yukari's Resort, Honolulu, Hawaii

                                John accidentally crashed into Yukari, sending her into the water.

                                (Oh sh*t! I really hope I didn't kill her!)

                                John ran over to help her up.

                                "Are you okay?", John asked as he helped her to her feet.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

