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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Gerard looked up.

    "... Oh, it's nothing... My son... He was still alive... But he was taken away. But at least I know. At least I know he's alive... I guys I should be happy about that."

    Meanwhile, by where Isaac and zero were, a woman was there, face down and tattered.


      Ancient City

      Isaac looked surprised that Dr. Light knew about his past, and even more, that he didn't seem bothered by being around Isaac.

      "You can blame the game developers for that... I don't really know if I am from a game or not. Based on the Devourer's plan, we were from other dimensions, universes.", Isaac said, beginning to ramble, but soon got back to the topic at hand.

      "I simply did what I needed to survive. I'm not in the greatest mental condition because of it, but I like to think that I'm not too messed up.", Isaac said to Dr. Light.
      Last edited by S121; 10-30-2013, 05:23 AM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Ancient City

        "No matter the case. Surviving through all you have been through shows strength, courage, and willpower. It doesn't matter what kind of condition you are in as long as you are happy with your life. As long as you are able to live your life happily then you shouldn't worry correct?" He said as he stopped in his tracks for a few fairies to fly by. After they did Dr. Light started walking again.

        "You know Isaac... how about after all this you come to my lab sometime? Perhaps I can even have a nice meal prepared for the occasion."

        Dr. Light then stopped in his tracks as he saw the woman in tattered clothing lying face down on the ground.

        "Oh dear... what have we here..."


          Ancient City

          "You know, that doesn't sound like a bad idea. I would like that.", Isaac said to Dr. Light.

          Just then, Isaac saw a woman face-down and covered in tattered clothing. Reacting quickly, Isaac stopped talking to Dr. Light and ran over to the injured woman.

          "Are you alright!?", Isaac asked the woman as he rushed over and retracted his helmet, hoping to get an answer.

          Six was a little confused by what Gerard said, so he decided to ask another question.

          "What happened?", Six asked Gerard.
          Last edited by S121; 10-30-2013, 05:29 AM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            The woman looked up.

            "... Oh, hell, not you again..."

            It was lust.

            "Don't wanna fight... Just wanna... Lay here... For a bit...


              Ancient City

              "What the f*ck? Y-you're dead. I.. killed you.", Isaac stammered as he pointed at her.

              Isaac was surprised that she was still alive, even after what he did to her on The Consumer. Was it a habit for higher beings to die, then come back to life? After getting over the initial shock, Isaac eventually asked her a question.

              "What are you doing here?", Isaac asked Lust.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                "One, I was summoned... To capture a man... A truly romantic man... It sickened me. But s quite an ally... And secondly... Thing is, I'm not a being. I'm technically an object..."


                  Ancient City

                  Despite still feeling a little on edge, Isaac decided to ask another question, this time having less tension in his voice.

                  "What's his name? What happened to you?", Isaac asked Lust.
                  Last edited by S121; 10-30-2013, 05:53 AM.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    "His name? I dunno, I think it was John, or Jack, or something with a J. All I know is that he seems to go be HM-kun, something like that..."

                    She sat up.

                    "Gah, dammit... this is like the third time. I'm definitely getting replaced after this... Can't believe it, and it's all your fault too. I was fine with one breaking, but you had to go and break me the second time. That damn fairy cost me my third... Can't freaking believe it..."

                    "Huh?" Gerard asked. "Oh, it's nothing... just that I ost my son a second time... but at least he isn't dead... can you believe it? My son, survivor of a battle with the master chief... I'm proud of him... just like his old man."


                      Ancient City

                      Isaac thought for a moment and finally spoke.

                      You mean HM? I think he's friends with John or something... Why were you trying to find him?", Isaac asked Lust with slight suspicion in his voice.

                      Six gave a slight smile underneath his helmet at Gerard's comment and spoke.

                      "Yea? I take it that you look up to the Chief, huh?", Six asked.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        "I dunno, some guardian angel shit. Apparently, Master Lucifer was assigned to be the guardian angel to this HM guy. But that guy's safe. I think I have worse problems than him at the moment. But oh well."

                        "Yea, only like a legend. I was actually a bit scared when I was assigned to Base 3. I feared he'd come and destroy the place... and, well, he did. I only made it out by sheer luck. I was even luckier to have crossed thousands of miles across the snowy terrain and survived... did I ever tell you about this?"


                          Ancient City

                          Isaac was trying to think about what to do with the enemy before him. She was in no condition to fight, but if he let her go, there was a chance that she would attack him again in the future. He couldn't just leave her there. What kind of person would he be if he left someone to die? Would he do the right thing, or the smart thing?

                          (Sh*t...), Isaac thought as his conscience got the better of him.

                          Isaac sighed as he held out his hand to help Lust off of the ground.

                          "Come on.", Isaac said to Lust, waiting for her to grab his hand.

                          "Well, I think you already told me you were a member of their organization. I just can't believe that you guys knew where John was while we still didn't. We didn't even know that he was in the real world until we heard about Base 3, and even then, we thought it was someone else. We sent in a search party to look for clues after hearing that a man in green armor attacked the place with a team of other Characters. When we got there, we thought it was one of the Brotherhood of Steel's members. We found some of their ammunition at the site, so we thought little of it and left. I'm a little surprised that you actually managed to survive in the wilderness for so long. That's the kind of stuff we do to Spartans for their training.", Six said to Gerard.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Lust looked away.

                            "I don't need sympathy from the likes of you..."

                            She didn't notice that her hand was already on Isaac's hand.

                            "....... On second thought, I might need some help..."

                            "Yes, and without harm or sickness. I wonder why."


                              Ancient City

                              Once Isaac had Lust's hand, he lifted her up and back onto her feet.

                              Once she was on her feet, Isaac then took out a Med-Pack, removed the cap, and stuck the needle into Lust's arm.

                              "That will heal any injuries within seconds.", Isaac said as the container emptied into Lust's arm.

                              Isaac then took the empty Med-Pack and put it away.

                              (At this rate, I'm going to run out of Med-Packs...), Isaac thought.

                              He didn't really like to help enemies, but then again, the target of his aggression was Lucifer, not her.

                              "Either luck, or hardiness and resilience.", Six said.

                              Six then had another question.

                              "So, why did you join the Neo-Yakuza?", Six asked Gerard.
                              Last edited by S121; 10-30-2013, 06:42 PM.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                She grabbed the spot of the injection.

                                "... Thanks..."

                                She looked at him. "And just why are you helping me out? I would tease you and say that you did it because you would expect some action out of it, but I've been in your mind, and apparently you gaffe almost no sexual intention towards anyone. What is it?"

