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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Ancient City

    As Nitori ran off Zero quickly stood up. "N-Nitori wait!..." He yelled... however she had already ran too far away for her to hear him.

    "... Dammit! Why can't I just tell her!?" Zero screamed as he kicked a rock. "Why was I built to be like this!? Why was I built... for destruction...?" He said as he fell to his knees.

    Slowly things felt like they were becoming clearer to him. It's like previous memories that he didn't even remember making are filling his head...

    The memories of him being inside a capsule... being woken up by some man... that man... his creator... Dr. Wily had ordered him to destroy a blue robot named Mega Man... however he did not obey Wily... instead...

    He rebelled...

    Images of Zero attacking his creator's machines shortly after he was first built filled his head.

    "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?" Yelled Zero as the memories kept filling his head.

    He slowly started to feel the urge to destroy started to come over him however it quickly went away as Zero calmed down.

    "What the hell just happened..." He muttered to himself as he sat there on the small cliffside. It looked like Zero was literally being torn apart emotionally... and mentally...


      Skies of Gensokyo


      The sky rang out as Isaac easily broke the sound barrier and continued to gain speed. Isaac clenched his teeth as he continued to climb in speed; Mach 2, Mach 3, Mach 5, Mach 7, Mach 9,... and eventually stopping at Mach 10. Isaac was now flying faster than he had ever done before. In absolutely no time at all, Isaac already reached the entrance to Old Hell. Feeling brave, Isaac decreased his speed to Mach 2 and flew straight down the Dark Blowhole...

      Ancient City

      As soon as Isaac reached the cave below, he increased his speed to Mach 10 again, blasting forth at blazing speeds. He was having a hard time trying to react to his surroundings, but he managed by staying away from the walls of the cave and quickly reached the Ancient City. As soon as Isaac arrived, he flew towards the middle of the city and flipped backwards, putting his feet in front and his head at the rear. In one quick, powerful burst, Isaac activated his thrusters to their maximum setting and grinded to a halt in the air. It made a loud boom, but Isaac didn't think anyone would notice over the commotion down below. After stopping, Isaac hovered down to the ground and landed safely. Isaac's RIG suit was hot from the hypersonic heating, and it was now uncomfortably hot in the suit, but nothing to drastic or detrimental.

      (Now that Koishi is taken care of, I can now relax and drink.), Isaac thought as he looked around the city thinking about what to do next.

      Perhaps he would just go and get drunk, perhaps he would find someone to talk to. He didn't really know anyone here, other than having the passing greeting in between missions, so he was a little bit lost amidst the chaos.
      Last edited by S121; 10-30-2013, 01:11 AM.
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Ancient City

        After their rather long event, the fox and the jackal finally parted and laughed for a bit "So, how was that?" Renamon asked with a sheepish smile

        Nera on the other hand felt suddenly embarrased "Well.. it was.. good.." she said almost in whispers

        The vixen looked at her partner her smile grew bigger "Well, just ask and we will have more" she purred

        "Oh you tease, I want to die" Nera said with an obvious blush

        Soon they couple noticed the rather sad Satori and they walked towards her and Rin "Hey.. something going on?" the fox asked
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




          "Call. Oh, and if you're wondering where my money is it's in that big chest in the back. Cursed Aztek gold. I'm sure the one that wins here can come over that fact tough. Now as for you Mundus. You have to learn to have fun. Don'y the cards smile upon you? Or do you simply intend to loose this round by no-show?".
          Born in the light.
          Molded in the dark

          Never Forget,
          Keep Fighting.
          –Don't Forget.
          Always, somewhere,
          someone is fighting for you.
          –As long as you remember her,
          you are not alone.


            Ancient City

            "Hmm... You look depressed." Lady Samehana joined Zero as she passed by crying Nitori. "What happened?"

            "Hmm, it's really nothing." Satori denounced Renamon. "Just enjoy the party, guests. Rin, I'll be heading off to my mansion soon to sleep. Please do as you please for now."

            "Yes, master." Rin nodded.
            Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 10-30-2013, 09:27 PM.


              Ancient City

              At first Zero didn't say anything to Samehana. Instead he just sat there all depressed.

              "What would you do... you came to the realization... that all you were built for... that you were created for the sole purpose of destruction... for killing?" He said in a rather uneasy tone.

              "Because I just discovered what I am... I'm just another weapon for some insane man who was bent on defeating his greatest adversary..." Zero muttered as he turned to Samehana.

              "Is that why I do not wish to get close to anyone? Is that why I wish to be alone?... Because I was built for destruction and nothing more?"


                Ancient City

                As Isaac walked through the city outskirts, he heard Zero in the distance. Zero sounded frustrated, odd how he would be so tense at a time like this.

                As Isaac approached, he heard Zero speak.

                "What would you do... you came to the realization... that all you were built for... that you were created for the sole purpose of destruction... for killing? Because I just discovered what I am... I'm just another weapon for some insane man who was bent on defeating his greatest adversary... Is that why I do not wish to get close to anyone? Is that why I wish to be alone?... Because I was built for destruction and nothing more?"

                "That's obviously not true.", Isaac said in a matter-of-fact tone as he stopped in front of Zero.

                "Perhaps you were created with the intent to kill, but you have a choice to choose differently. If you don't believe me, then look at John. He's supposed to be the ultimate killing machine, but instead he's in a relationship and is no longer like a simple machine. From what I can see, he's changed. If he can choose to change and become more than a death machine, then so can you. All you need to do is get out of your comfort zone and meet some people. Make some friends and you'll see how wrong you are.", Isaac said to Zero.

                "You may not like being social, but you'll soon be glad you tried."
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Ancient City

                  Zero was caught off guard by Isaac yet Zero's expression did not change.

                  "Then what will happen when I finally go out of control? I already feel myself growing stronger by the minute. It's just like what happened during the Eurasia incident. They discovered I grew stronger from the Maverick Virus. I feel the exact same happening to me as it did before. The virus coursing through my body. A computer virus that makes me stronger that cannot be cured is inside my body. Eventually I will go out of control. Eventually I will go Maverick, and I will attack everything I loved and I will need to be terminated. So what's the point in getting close to anyone if I'm going to go insane one day? Even on the Devourer I started to feel myself slipping. I started to feel like something was trying to take over. The day I go Maverick will come... and when that day happens I will most likely end up attacking everyone I know... So what's the point of getting closer to anyone if one day I will end up attacking the ones I hold dear?"


                    Ancient City

                    "Take it from somebody that has been insane. There's certain things that you retain when you lose your sanity. It all depends on how much a person means to you. If you have a strong enough link with them, then you can hold on and fight back. You may be a robot, but you still have a soul, don't you?", Isaac asked Zero.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Ancient City

                      Zero was about to say something but he paused as he thought about the last thing Isaac said.

                      "A... soul? Do I even have one? " He thought as he sat back down.

                      Suddenly a familiar face came up from behind Isaac... It was Dr. Light.

                      "Now what is all this commotion?" Asked the kind doctor as he looked at Zero then Isaac. "Now why aren't you both down there celebrating?"


                        Ancient City

                        "Well, I don't know anyone here, and Zero is having a hard time coming to terms with what he is. He thinks that since he was built for destruction, that it's the only thing he's capable of. I'm trying to tell him that his intended purpose doesn't have to be his purpose. He can choose to be whatever he wants. He has a soul, doesn't he?", Isaac asked Dr. Light.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Ancient City

                          After listening to what Isaac said he walked up to Zero and placed a hand on the robots shoulder. "Now please listen... whether or not your purpose was that of destruction it does not mean you have to fulfill that purpose. You are you and that's what's important. No matter what happens people will always be there for you. It's up to you if you want to go on with your purpose or not. It may be debatable on whether or not machines have souls, but take X for example. He was the first machine I ever built that was capable of complete sentience. He's able to think, and feel. He's able to make his own decisions in life. Out of all the robots out there... X has a soul. A human soul no... but a soul nonetheless. He chooses to do what's right because of his own decisions. Not because I designed him to be like that. I designed him with the capability to make his own decisions because I wanted him to be closer to humans. I wished and still wish for humans and machines to co-exist in harmony. If X has a soul... then what's to say that you don't have one yourself? It's up to you to make your own decisions. Not some mere programming. So take your time and think about what I said... would you rather live a life of loneliness? A life of sadness and regret? Or will you fight for your own freedom?" Replied the Doctor as he began to walk away.

                          Zero simply watched on as Dr. Light walked off. It feels like a burden was lifted off of Zero's shoulders...

                          "I guess you're both right... Even when that step does come about... it's up to me to fight against my own destiny. I may be programmed for destruction, but that doesn't mean I have to live a life of destruction." Zero said as he stood up.

                          "Now I have to go find Nitori... I have to tell her... I have to tell her how I truly feel." He said as he ran off while Dr. Light as the doctor stood next to Isaac.

                          "I hope he find peace... I hope he can finally be happy." Dr. Light said as he turned to Isaac. "Now how about we join everyone down at the party?"


                            Lucifer looked at Gluttoneriel.

                            "Hello there, 'brother.'"

                            Nee had a smile on his face, but his eyes supposed a very displeased expression.

                            "Gone pure? I didn't think such a thing was possible.

                            "Greed looked on.

                            "... Raise 500. Not making any commitments yet."

                            Lucifer leaned back."Nice little secret you've been keeping from me all this time Isadora-"

                            But then, the sight of her made him wince.

                            "... What an unfortunate coincidence that you look like her. Maribelle... Well, she's dead nothing you not even I can do about it. Anyways, when did these... Bloody hell, what were they- ah yes, characters. When did they cone around?"


                              Ancient City

                              Isaac looked at Zero and smiled as he ran off to find Nitori. It was good to see that Zero was finally opening up. Maybe that was a problem Isaac had...

                              "Eh, I guess. I don't really have anything else to do.", Isaac said to Dr. Light as he began to follow him.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Ancient City

                                Dr. Light walked down the path leading to the city where the party is going on with Isaac following closely behind.

                                "Now Isaac was it? I heard you are quite the engineer. I also heard that you have been through the unimaginable. You must have so much will power to go through such tragedies. I've read about what you have done. I must say I'm impressed yet at the same time saddened about what you have been through. No man should ever be put through such horrendous tragedies."

