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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Ancient City

    "That would be a good idea. It would be a shame to be so prepared for Lucifer, then die to one of his buddies.", Isaac said to Lujuria.

    Isaac took another sip of his sake, finally finishing it.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      "Alright. Now then, do you remember the animals?"

      Komachi... boat'd away.

      She arrived at the court.

      King 8: Have you brought her yet?

      Komachi: Should be here any second.


        Ancient City

        Isaac thought for a moment as he tried his best to recall them.

        "Gluttony has the hound, Greed has.. the cat, Envy has... the chameleon, Wrath has the gorilla, Sloth has the sloth, Lucifer has the falcon, and you have the snake, right?", Isaac asked Lujuria.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          "Wait, did I say hawk? Damn my memory, I meant raven. Ya know, hell ravens all around him... Well, in any case, you're right. Next, do you remember what I did to you back on the ship?"


            Ancient City

            "Yea...", Isaac said as he slightly rolled is eyes and nodded to the side.

            John and Six eventually caught up to Huey, Gerard, and Otori as they walked back to the party.

            "Do you need me for anything else?", John asked Huey.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



              From the witness stand, a torrent of depth and dimension ripped through the space. Out of it, Yukari stepped in, dressed in a night gown.

              "I'm here." Yukari authoritatively said.



                "Yea... not too many fond memories there... anyways, so first there is me. Of course, I can control one's sexual desires. But what you may not have known is that I'm extremely flexible at that. I'm listed as nonfatal. Wrath, who you just saw earlier, can control one's rage, and though it sounds good to be raging while in a battle, it can actually hurt you. Your coordination is off, your balance is tipsy, why, if you were mentally weak, that much rage could be fatal. That's why he's listed potentially fatal. He is very strong, too. Then there's greed. He can heighten one's greed to the point where even their own teammates' lives don't matter. He's wise and a thief. Nonfatal. Then comes gluttony. He's listed as nonfatal. He can make someone extremely hungry to which they can barely move. He has a phenomenal sense of smell. And then, there's envy, a nonfatal. He increases one's envious desires to the point where betrayal is nearly inevitable. He is very good at hiding. The last one is the last person you want to meet. Sloth is pretty slow, but do not ever take him on without a good ten coffees. He will make someone so lazy that the victim would be too lazy to even live on, and their heart stops. Since he's lazy, he won't waste any time in killing you. The only other lethal besides Lucifer."


                  Ancient City

                  "So I should keep calm, possibly take something to even me out against Wrath. With Gluttony, I should probably take hunger-suppression pills, probably dieting pills. For Sloth, take energy drinks and a defibrillator, just in case. As for Greed, I'll need to find a way to curb my desires. I might need to either 'lock' my own mind, or find something to reward myself with once the job is done. Envy will be a hard one. Again, I either 'lock' my own mind, learn Buddhism, or find something that I have that nobody else does and focus on that. Their all improvised plans, but they would work to a certain degree. For the most part, I'll have to keep control over my own mind. Luckily for me, I can go into my own mind and change things, something that nobody else can do.", Isaac said to Lujuria.

                  "What do you think of it all? Do you have any ideas?", Isaac asked her.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    "... Nope. Never fought them. Only like siblings would. Either way, locking your mind is great and all, but you still have to remember a sharp clawed cat, a wolf with a scent for blood, a gorilla that would love to smash you in, and a lizard man that can steal anyone's form. But hey, if you think you got it, then, ya know..."

                    King 9: Ah, the subject has arrived.

                    King 3: You have been summoned to the yama's court in order to hear out your testimony on all of this.

                    King 7:It occurs to us that you were in battle with a divine being known as the Devourer. You failed to stay alive. You would have been sent here anyways to discuss the course of action since you are no human to simply go to heaven, hell, or Netherworld. However, in a turn of events, you were somehow revived.

                    King 5: So, miss Yukari, please explain to us what happened. And afterwords, whether or not we should confiscate miss Shikieiki of her powers or not.

                    Huey looked at John.

                    "Oh. no, I'm done, if you need to carry on."

                    "Well, I'm off to bed as I intended. I will see you in an hour, as I would like to come along. Otori, are you coming?"

                    "Nah, I'll wait."

                    With that, Gerard left.
                    Last edited by wonderweiss; 11-03-2013, 02:43 AM.


                      Ancient City

                      "Well, killing the cat should be like killing a Necromorph baby, or a Lurker Necromorph, the wolf should be like killing the Pack Necromorphs, and the gorilla would be like the Necromorph Brute. The lizard man will be tricky, but if I'm alone, I shouldn't have to worry about shooting any teammates.", Isaac said.

                      "I think I'm going to Hell for future animal cruelty.", Isaac joked.

                      A normal person would not joke about things like this, but for Isaac, he had simply gone through so many bad things that almost nothing bothered him anymore. There was truly very little that was worse than what he had gone through in his entire life.

                      "Bye.", John said to Gerard as he left.

                      John then turned to Huey and spoke.

                      "I guess I'll return to the bar. If you need me again, you know where to find me.", John said to Huey.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Lujuria lightly punched him on the shoulder.

                        "You shouldn't be joking like that," she joked.

                        "But yea, I guess that's one twisted way of putting it. Sloth, though... I could never get that guy. What is his animal trait? It can't simply be being slow."


                          Ancient City

                          "Well if I had to guess, Sloth probably lulls you into a stupor, then his sloth kills you with sharpened claws, or super-strength. If you're too lazy to move, then the sloth doesn't have to worry about trying to catch you. Either way, power tools will still work wonders.", Isaac said to Lujuria.

                          All of a sudden, Isaac had an idea.

                          "Hey, do you think I can trick Envy into betraying his team? In fact, what if I used their respective traits to beat them? I piss Fury off so much that he gets tired, I lace food with poison for Gluttony, I set a trap and make a trail of money for Greed, and convince Sloth that we should just hang out and not fight, then kill him while he has his guard down. Do you think that would work?", Isaac asked Lujuria.

                          After a little bit of talking, John and Six eventually, walked past X and Alia.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Ancient City

                            Axl turned to Yuyuko and smiled. "I can do much more stuff! Just watch!" He said as he jumped into the air. As he did his body started glowing brightly. Soon there were 8 different colored gems surrounding his body.

                            The first was a fiery red gem.

                            The second was tan. A color representing the earth.

                            The third was a bright yellow.

                            The fourth was a icy white.

                            The fifth was a leafy green.

                            The sixth was as blue as the sky.

                            The seventh was eerie purple.

                            The final gem was an ominous black.

                            "Remember the incident with Lumine back in Hawaii, and how afterwards my armor became white and purple? Well I figured out what that was all about. It turns out his power was transferred over to me. Thanks to him my transformation ability is improved. I can now perform nearly perfect transformations, as well as inheriting some of Lumine's abilities." He said as the gems circled his body, much like how the planets orbit the sun.


                            As soon as Jack jumped into the bush a tall Robot Master with the design of a two headed soldier hops out. "LOOKS LIKE I WAS TAGGED!" Yelled the right head as it spun around clockwise. "It's a shame I could not last any longer..." Said the left head as it spun around counter-clockwise. Search Man then walked off after being tagged.


                            As X and Alia were just relaxing X saw John and Six walk past. As soon as they saw John, X hopped out of his chair and walked towards him. "John! I need to talk to you!" He said as he tried to get John's attention.
                            Last edited by NeoFox; 11-03-2013, 03:31 AM.


                              Ancient City

                              "John! I need to talk to you!", John heard X call out.

                              "HM?", John uttered as he turned over to X.

                              John was still without his helmet, and still had small cuts and the like, but it looked as if they were almost completely healed.

                              "Oh, hi. What did you need?", John asked X.

                              Six simply watched the two interact, interested in how much John had changed from a stoic, taciturn super-soldier, to a human.

                              Jack stood up in triumph, happy that he tagged yet another person. Now all he had to do was find his next victims. After a couple of seconds, Jack continued through the city, looking for people hiding on his radar.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Lujuria couldn't help but burst out laughing.

                                "Oh, that's a good one! Actually I think they're so stupid they'll actually fall for it!"

                                Yuyuko looked on in marvel. Then, she had an idea.

                                "Hey, Axl! Remember the woman on green, my gardener?! Do her! Transform into her!"

