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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Briefing Room - Prometheus Labs

    "What's a Super Tyrant?", one of the Spartans asked Chris.

    Sector 3 - Prometheus Labs

    Six was a little confused by Gerard's behavior, but decided tto humor him by answering his question.

    "You helped us kill Wesker. You drove a car through the side of the building and after we killed Wesker, you passed out.", Six said to Gerard.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      "Well I know that, but when did I... get... here..."

      Then my eyes shot open. "Wait, do you mean to tell me I ran that car into Prometheus labs?!"


        Briefing Room

        "Oh I forgot to mention that! Sorry, but when a Tyrant-103 suffers extensive damage it mutates into a Super Tyrant. As a Super Tyrant it goes out of control, gains increased strength, endurance, and it's hands become sharp talon like claws. It will literally attack the nearest moving object that gets in it's way."

        "In this form though the Tyrant may be more resilient to gunfire, but a well placed rocket could easily destroy it. I am sorry for not giving much info on the T-103. I should have had my sister come in and explain it. Now are we all ready to move on to the final one? The Nemesis T-Type?"


          Briefing Room - Prometheus Labs

          The Spartans remained silent, patiently waiting for Chris to continue.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Briefing Room

            "Okay now for the Nemesis..." Said Chris as he displays a picture of the Nemesis T-Type.

            "Standing at roughly 7 1/2 ft tall the Nemesis is one of the most dangerous B.O.W.s Umbrella has ever produced. The Nemesis-T Type also known as the "Pursuer" was an experimental form of intelligent Tyrant created by the Umbrella Europe Sixth Laboratory in France under the direct administration of Umbrella Headquarters. Its purpose was to prove that a Tyrant virus infected creature could retain most of its intelligence. It was named after Nemesis, the Ancient Greek goddess of divine vengeance. Nemesis is characterized by its relentlessness, strength, sheer stamina, and comparatively high intellect. Unlike the various Tyrant models before him, Nemesis shows it's capable of employing weaponry and firearms to achieve his objectives. He is also shown to have rational thinking abilities, and can even speak to a certain extent. Nemesis is one of the most resilient B.O.W. the Umbrella Corporation ever created, with most man-portable weaponry barely slowing him down while even heavy weaponry like explosives may only momentarily incapacitate him. Only the largest industrial grade weaponry was shown to cause any notable damage. In fact an old partner of mine Jill Valentine was only able to beat it with a Rail Cannon, even then it barely survived and Jill had to finish it off with a magnum. This thing is a serious threat. Nemesis' brutal arsenal is mostly comprised of a network of tentacles that cover his body. These tentacles are shown to be capable of tearing right through most human bodies, and even certain metals. Trust me it is nearly unstoppable, and what's worse... last time I was at the facility I saw at least 20 of them sealed in capsules, and I saw even more while I was here fighting Wesker with Noble Six. Also it's black straitjacket-like coat functioned as a power limiter and is bullet/explosion-proof. Making it even more resilient. If we encounter one of these then we would at least have strength in numbers, but if we encounter a small squad of them then we will be in deep trouble. This model does not possess any true weakness and is even able to survive disposal chemicals used for the waste processing... now... any last questions?"


              Briefing Room - Prometheus Labs

              "Can it survive Plasma Weaponry?", one of the Spartans asked.

              "How fast is it?", another Spartan asked.

              "Would Lasers work?", another one asked.

              "We do have handheld railguns. Would those work?", another one asked.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Briefing Room

                Chris sighed in slight grief as he was suddenly bombarded by questions. "I wish Jill was here..." He whispered to himself as he turns back to the Spartan's.

                "Plasma based weaponry would probably be better against them, even then if they can survive being bathed in disposal chemicals of Raccoon City which is practically acid then it might have some resistance against it. I believe it would damage it, but wouldn't slow it down. As for speed I remember it's fast enough to keep up with an Olympic athlete when it's in full blown sprint, and due to it's insane stamina I'm sure it could keep running for a good hour without stopping. Now lasers could work... just remember it can regenerate damaged flesh. Also the railgun my old partner Jill Valentine had used was a large one meant for a large ship, and that was only barely able to kill it. Handheld railguns though could damage it, and even slow it down even more. Also remember all this is with the power limiter coat on. With it off the Nemesis becomes even stronger, but not as resistant to attacks because of the fact that it's coat is bulletproof, and explosive resistant. Now is that all the questions you have?"


                  (@NeoFox: Just for you.)

                  Briefing Room - Prometheus Labs



                  "No sir."

                  All of a sudden, a Spartan in the far back raised his hand.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Briefing Room

                    Chris smiled at first, but as soon as he saw a Spartan in the back raising his hand he facepalmed. "Yes?"


                      Briefing Room - Prometheus Labs

                      "What if we somehow stopped, or slowed down the regeneration process. Think of it like burned flesh. It never heals back the way it should. We do have high temperature Plasmathrowers. We could also simply disintegrate it with some of the Forerunner based weapons. Enough shots tend to cause enemies to simply burn away.", the Spartan said to Chris.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Briefing Room

                        "Well that would work also, but if you leave one at least partially alive then it could feast on the remains of other tyrants to fully regenerate into an even more dangerous form."


                          Sector 3 - Prometheus Labs

                          "Yea. Don't you remember?", Six asked Gerard in a slightly confused tone.

                          Briefing Room - Prometheus Labs

                          "So we destroy all the parts. We can do that.", one of the Spartans commented.

                          The Spartans then remained silent, ready for more intel.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            "... Well, it's complicated, see, when I'm in such a state of being as I was earlier, I never really tend to pay attention to where I am. As a matter of fact, I just saw this place as 'the next place I have to get to to complete the mission.' But either way, have you seen Chris?"


                              Sector 3 - Prometheus Labs

                              Six was confused by Gerard's question. He should have seen Chris as he woke up.

                              "Chris is in the medical ward, isn't he?", Six asked Gerard.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Briefing Room

                                "That is mostly it for now, as those were the only B.O.W.s that I saw in the part of the development lab that I went through. However judging by the size of the place they might have other B.O.W.s. So I suppose I will go over a few other ones."

                                Said Chris as he uploaded a image of what appeared to be a zombie dog.

                                "The Cerberus was a B.O.W. series developed in Umbrella labs, such as the Arklay Laboratory, from a doberman pinscher infected with the Tyrant virus. They should not be confused with "zombie dogs", which encompasses all dog breeds infected with the t-Virus in the secondary form. Pronounced as the Greek word, 'Kerberos'; this creature was named after the mythological guardian of Hades, a gigantic dog with three heads and a collar made of venomous snakes. Although suffering from a similar necrosis to humans infected by the t-Virus, cerberuses retain much of their former agility when they were alive, with a noticeable increase in durability and aggression. In most cases, potential prey should listen for the sound of padding paws as a clue to their presence, with a growling warning that a Cerberus has become aware of the player and is preparing to attack. They will let out a pained yelp when killed, and luckily they are easy to take out with standard firearms. Now the next one is... going to be something that people with arachnophobia will absolutely hate." Chris joked a bit trying to lighten up things slightly.

                                "Being roughly the size of a car these spiders are dubbed Web Spinners. Web Spinners are giant spiders mutated to great size by a primary t-Virus infection. Ironically, although called a "Web Spinner," they have evolved beyond the need for a web, preferring to chase and attack their prey more directly. These spiders have kept their abilities to scale walls and ceilings and can often attack from unpredictable angles. They are however easily avoided, taking a moderate amount of damage before dying if fought. If killed, these spiders will disgorge a large number of young spiders which can bite and generally harass the player. This can be avoided by using fire-based weaponry which burns any babies the corpse may have been carrying.
                                Due to the Web Spinner's unpredictable nature, the B.O.W. research on it was suspended, and the subjects supposedly destroyed. I am not sure whether or not they started to work on them again, but I am still mentioning this just in case. A Web Spinners venom is increased in strength, so be careful and try and not to get bit by one. Don't know how well their fangs would be able to go through your armor, and I am not sure if you guys are immune to the effects of venom or poisons. Much like the Cerberus before it they should be too much of a problem, as weapons like a standard assault rifle could take them on."

                                Said Chris as he unplugs his communicator from the table. "These two are more dangerous in packs, and that is most likely how we would encounter them if they are developing them. Now any last questions?"
                                Last edited by NeoFox; 09-22-2013, 12:58 PM.

