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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Pearl Harbor EXPO - Engi-con

    "Got it. Lemme guess: zombies?", Huey asked.

    "The simple answer would be space zombies. The complicated answer is that these giant flesh-moons called "Brethren Moons" control them. The Necromorphs try gather and assimilate bio-mass, in order to cause an event called "Convergence". Convergance is basically the birth of a giant moon that can travel throughout the galaxy, in search of civilizations to devour and create other Brethren Moons. I actually had to fight one. I killed it, only to find out that there were others.", Isaac explained.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Balcony, Hawaii; Yuyuko

      "It's quite a beautiful night, isn't it?"


        Balcony - Room 508

        "Yea... I always find night's like this beautiful because I never really seen the night sky like this all too much in the past." Said Axl as he occasionally glances at Yuyuko. His face becoming redder as he does.


          "... That song... It was very nice. I listened hrough the entire song. My body grew weak during through middle. The last note, though... That's what put me to sleep. You really are talented."


            Room 508 Balcony

            "You mean you did listen to the song?" Said Axl as he perked up a bit. "T-Thanks I kinda taught myself... at first I was awful, but through practice... well, you know."


              Room 508

              "What..." Utsuho saw the vandalized card. "Who did this!?"
              Utsuho started bawling like a kid.
              "Yu- Yuuka... Do something." Yukari requested Yuuka, who seemed indifferent.
              "I'm back." Youmu entered the room, a hole in one of her blouse sleeves, her hair windblown.
              "Whoa, what happened to you?" Yuuka asked.
              "Long story" was Youmu's answer. "I got the cilantro, let's make that pasta."


                Room 508

                "What..." Utsuho saw the vandalized card. "Who did this!?"
                Utsuho started bawling like a kid.

                (Whoa, maybe I shouldn't have said anything. It looks like pencil markings, so I can fix this!)

                "Does anyone have a good eraser?", John asked.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  "Of course I did. To teach yourself such a song and for me to just ignore it... It would be terrible. And thank you for carrying me up here. Komachi told me that you brought me up here all by yourself. It must have been hard on you."


                    Room 508

                    Yuuka entered the kitchen while answering: "Don't ask me."
                    "Do I look like I carry something random like an eraser?"


                      Room 508 Balcony

                      Axl rubs the back of his head a little nervously. " Carrying you back to the room didn't bother be one bit. I don't care how hard something is. As long I can help others then I'm happy." Said Axl as he unknowingly had moved a little closer to Yuyuko.


                        "... Listen, Axl... You have done so much for me. You have been very nice to me... I don't know how I can ever repay you. "


                          Room 508 Balcony

                          There was a long pause of them not saying anything. After a few minutes passed Axl looks back at the beach. The moon reflecting off the ocean was beautiful. "You... don't have to repay me. As long as I can make a friend happy then I'm happy. You don't have to do anything..." Said Axl as he is now right beside Yuyuko. He slowly, and nervously places his arm over her shoulder.


                            Room 508

                            "Uwaaaa!", Utsuho cried.

                            John looked like he was panicking slightly.

                            He looked around the room for an eraser, but found nothing.

                            (Come on, come on! Where can one be!? If only one would just pop up out of nowhere. Wait!)

                            "Yukari, you can basically gap random stuff to other locations, right? Can you please gap an eraser?", John quickly asked over Utsuho's crying.
                            Last edited by S121; 06-19-2013, 02:10 AM.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              "You know, I've never been outside of Hakugyokurou many times at all. But now.. I don't regret leaving. This was possibly the best choice I had ever made."

                              My head tilted to his shoulder.


                                Room 508 Balcony

                                "I wouldn't mind living here to be honest... though I feel like I'm forgetting something..."

                                MEANWHILE AT AXL'S HOUSE

                                Pallette can be seen sitting on the couch in the living room holding a picture of Axl crying.

