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Here's Nhiome, I basically kept everything the same except the bio and the statuses of his ships, which are all unknown, still not sure whether they should return, they were supposed to be destroyed in Nhiome's final battle, except for KuroiKaze which...
Name: Nhiome Monpress
Gender: male
Race: Human
Profession and/or Talents: Expert pilot and engineer, solitary rogue
-digital toolbelt , used to carry a variety of stuff and as the name suggests, yes mainly tools. Basically a glorified belt with a digital bag attatched as well as some pockets for other things.
-a survival pulse pistols which he edited the limiter so that it was single-shot but each shot was much more powerful than normal.
-a handheld welder that he made some edits to do that it shoots a laser that can be used for a variety of reasons, welding, combat (non-lethal, but strong enough to knock other back and also knock them out) etc.
- The KuroiKame , A maverick fighter that he built himself
EDIT: here is a similar pic: http://preview.turbosquid.com/Previe...41f8Larger.jpg . Similar general shape (minus the "wing"s and the "can"s sticking out the front of the back area) , only thing different is the gun in front and behind and the colour should be black.
Sort of like an arrow, except the shaft is a lot shorter and nearly as thick as the arrowhead. The "arrowhead" is where the engine, controls, basic equipment and things like that are located, this is basically the cockpit. The forward cannon is located here as well. The arrow shaft is like along corridor but it includes a comfortable sleeping area as well as entertainment like some books and minor games, made for long journeys/waits. The "fletches" or the back of the ship is the cargo area, where the loot can be stored as well as containing more complicated pieces of machinery and food&water and other such supplies. The cargo area also leads to the modified airlock, which can not only be used for docking at stations, it can also attach to and drill through other ships. The airlock is quite small and due to most of the technology there being devoted to the movement and special gadgets of the airlock, the doors within the airlock itself is extremely simple, just two normal steel doors in succession but with vacuum seals, they would not be much use if the ship needed to be evacuated quickly, but then if such a need arises, it would probably be too late. So the airlock is relatively primitive, excluding its special capabilities. When viewed from the side, the approximate ratio of the front to the middle to the back is 2:3:5. Maybe about 2.5 meters tall, 5 meters wide and 30 meters long for the entire ship, pretty small. No wings or anything like that, thrusters located at the back, the guns are located either directly in front or behind to allow for the 180 degree range.
Personality: Cunning, trusts no one, does not give up easily, but knows to stop when up against impossible odds.
Elemental preference: Fire
History: He lived in sol incineron, he was brought up in a harsh environment. His mother died early in his childhood due to a gang attacking and attempted to steal a rich deposit of various minerals that his family had found. His Father managed to set up a business mining and then selling the ores. Meanwhile, Nhiome sometimes collected some himself and by the age of 18 had a large horde hidden away, he also spent the time learning about ships and their contruction as well as other weapons and general engineering, he could do this due to the small wealth his father collected from the business. Many others attacked but were driven off. When he was 18 ,another gang attacked and this time succeeded, killing his father and Nhiome was forced to flee. He used his stash and using the heat of the surface as his furnace, slowly built his own ship, fashioned after the maverick fighters he had studied, but he made some adjustments of his own.
He built it with maneuverability and speed in mind. He succeeded and became something like a pirate. He attacked, disabled and stole from transport ships. At first he had only a crude cannon, his special welder and one crystal for both the engine and the cannon. But as his wealth grew from his thievery, he collected some small crystals to power his cannons and attained a large one for his engine. He upgraded his own cannon and added a second, each able to traverse 180 degrees, one forward, one at the back. The guns are not as good as those other ships have and have a shorter range and less firepower, but that suits him, he wants to raid the ships, not destroy them. He has a smaller gun in the middle of his ship able to shoot in any direction that he built himself for a specific purpose to launch his special bullets at close ran. The speed and agility of his ship is far superior than any other fighters, but the shields are only strong enough to defend against glancing shots and near misses, direct hits could critically damage his ship, luckily he is an excellent pilot and planner and has avoided being shot in the past. The only slight problems that have aroused were wear and tear either due to the high speeds he usually maintains and the heat of the sun in his home solar system. He is able to fix them easily.
He has developed a way of raiding that causes next to no deaths and is quick and efficient (I will demonstrate this in the first post in the IC). He habitually visits black markets in the outer planets of his home solar system. Many there would recognise him and does business with him, but none actually knows his real identity or anything about him, only that he often brings back good stuff. He is only known as the pilot of KuroiKame. Many there are tight-lipped about him, partly due to the good business he gives them and partly due to the rumors that he wiped out an entire gang that attacked him in some manner.
Has started building similar ships of the "KuroiKame" class and scattered them as backups hidden all over the solar systems he visits.
Bio: After his death, his program "second-chance" activated, waking the AI that has an almost identical conscience to Nhiome, the AI thinks and acts like him, only he doesn't have a body, it resides in the systems of KuroiKaze.
Appearence: Now an AI that pilots KuroiKaze, reactivated with no data of what happened after meeting Eorthe and returning to the venturia galaxy.
Ship called KuroiKaze. He built many more other ships hidden away of what he called the "KuroiKaze" class. Ships of this class puts emphasis on maneuverability and speed. But certain ones have better shields or others have more powerful guns. They are all meant for a single pilot and has a small cargo bay for loot. The one he uses right now is the his very first one and the fastest and most modern of his fleet. If he desires, he could command his entire fleet from his own ship, but his intentions are for them to be backups and just to raid, not to start a war. But it is still better to be prepared. The fleet is scattered around the solar systems, in secret locations where he sometimes hides out for a while. He has more ships in solar systems he visits more often like Sol Incineron where he has 2 other ships and a third under construction. On other solar systems he keeps 1 ship at each hideout for backups and also some spare parts just in case. In certain solar systems, where the military force is a lot more powerful, he does not even have a base there, like in Nexion. In total he has a fleet numbering approximately 4-6 ships not counting those under construction. The abundancy is due to his passion for ship building and his huge amount of free time, he used to only raid occasionally just to get resources and to support himself. ("Used to" meaning before he became reckless.)
EDIT 2: list of ships, their capabilities and their locations.
KuroiKaze class ships: much faster than normal fighters but with less firepower and shielding. Guns on these ships often have a greater range due to being able to turn to face different directions instead of being fixed to point in one direction.
KuroiKaze: Originally average ship in the KuroiKaze class. Has 1 projectile gun and 2 pulse cannons. First ship built by Nhiome. After Crash in Sol Inceneron and 2 major overhauls, now has 2 engines+ a backup as well as stronger shielding at the forward part of the hull to reduce damage from the high speeds it travels at. Reduced storage capacity.
Status: Manor of eternity
NatsuKaze: Average ship in the KuroiKaze class. Has 1 projectile gun and 2 pulse cannons.
Status: ???
FuyuKaze: Faster even than the KuroiKaze class ships. Has 2 projectile guns, earlier model.
Status: ???
ShiroiKaze: Faster even than the KuroiKaze class ships. Has 1 projectile gun and 1 pulse cannon, later model.
Status: ???
AkiKaze: KuroiKaze class ship with better gunnery capabilities, guns have longer range and greater explosive force. Has 3 pulse cannons.
status: ???
FumeiKaze: KuroiKaze class stealth ship, has the best shielding among Nhiome's fighters, shield potency of approximtely 0.3. Undetectable by technology, hard to spot using visual. Has 1 projectile gun and 1 pulse cannon.
Status: ???
KamiKaze: Nhiome's battle cruiser, somewhere about the size of a Zeta cruiser, shield potency of about 4. Has 8 pulse cannons, 2 projectile guns, 4 cruiser rapids, 4 heavy rapids, a gun equivalent to a cruiser charged, but with a greater firing rate, this gun requires Nhiome to power it with the Aura crystal fused with his hand. Able to carry up to 8 fighters.
Status: ???
Yakaze: KuroiKaze class ship but with better shielding. Has 1 projectile gun and 2 pulse cannons.
Status: Destroyed in battle against alpha fleet omega-class carriers.
...was meant to be used to introduce my second character in part 1:
Name: She doesn't have a name, but is called by a few, she prefers "Eorthe"
Gender: N/A
Appearance: A woman that is dressed in an old green and brown dress. She would look beautiful, but a look of hatred is perpetually frozen on her face. This is merely an incarnation of hers that she often uses, but she can appear in many other forms, not necessarily human.
Race: ???
Profession and/or Talents: She can change the form she appears in, originally she had the ability to manipulate nature itself and cause disasters or calm them, but an incident had drained her of nearly all her power, now she is only able to control nature a short distance around her( about 100m, including herself) , but only one at a time and it drains her strength to do so. She appears to be immortal and cannot be killed, even though she can be subdue
Inventory: nothing
Personality: Neutral towards other races, but hates humans with a passion.
History: She came from the milky way galaxy, the original home of humanity. she found out about the Venturia galaxy where humanity now resided (KuroiKaze is involved, but I don't want to reveal how yet XD), she used almost of her power, nearly draining the force that kept her alive and immortal to arrive at the venturia galaxy. (then all the stuff that has yet to happen in part 1 happened)
Bio: She woke up in KuroiKaze, with no memory of what happened after transporting herself and KuroiKaze to the venturia galaxy. She believes she has just arrived there.
Notes: I will reveal what she is and why she has those abilities later on, I love keeping the suspense XP
Last edited by bookdragon2000; 01-29-2014, 06:54 AM.
Reason: dem accidental smilies...
How many times can you die a day~? How many times have you died a day~?
He's not a part of the original two Parts so he's either some sort of colonist or archaeologist or he's here under (or is) a conqueror....
...think world history of what happened when people discover new places.
I'm personally using what happened with the explorers of 17th century or so for my references.
Except more curious of what happened in the Galaxy as there are the ruins of the past civilization.
Ok I'm just trying to figure out where people are in relation to one another
I know that Book's character (it'll take me a while to get the name down) is in HoT 1F central hall
John...I'm trying to place in my head...
Of course I know ya used the test hallway for the description
...but I'm trying to figure out where that would be in the HoT...
In the Manor, it could be anywhere...
...but the only way to get into the Manor is through the 12th floor of the HoT as the Gate is sealed shut by Aurora on the 1st Floor.
Mima I know is outside the HoT
...and Book's character just walked in past her
@ Mima
you could have Mima notice the sound of the door opening...if ya want.
That laser blast is much more than the sound of the door opening... Sorry, didn't know Mima was there, I'm having trouble visualising everyone's position, and which floor is john on?
How many times can you die a day~? How many times have you died a day~?
Okay here is an app for basically what is basically my incarnation of Black Rock Shooter. I love Black Rock Shooter so much (not so much the anime, but her other incarnations and such from everything before and after the anime. In short I love everything Black Rock Shooter. To the point where I fanboy over her... I should not have said that.)
Name: Black Rock Shooter AKA Megumi (a name I like to give her...)
Gender: Female
Appearance: She stands at 5ft 7. Those weapons in the picture are her weapons she will use.
Race: Super Human.
Profession and/or Talents: Although she shows weakness in combat often, she can be skilled enough to defeat even more powerful opponents than her. Her attacks focus more on offensive and evasive maneuvers, having skill with ranged weaponry and great prowess in wielding close-quarter weapons. She also uses her unique athletic abilities in combat, being shown to be able to do many flips and dodges. Black Rock Shooter wastes no time in her movement, taking in every single aspect of the fight. When she kills her opponent, her left eye causes a blue flame to emerge from it. Her motif seems to have blue flames. Many of her abilities are unknown. However it is known that she possesses high speed, and strength. Capable of running at 66 mph easily, and capable of lifting an object of a 1600 pounds at full power. She is also a pretty skilled tracker as well. Capable of tracking a target for miles on end. However she is quite frail, hence her "get in, get out" combat style. She also has a reaction time 2x faster than that of a human in peek physical condition.
Inventory: Black Blade: A sharp blade made of Ceramic Carbide. Ceramic Carbide is a carbon-based material that is very inflexible, but virtually indestructible. This means her sword is incredibly durable, and incredibly sharp. Making it a useful weapon. However she does not use this weapon as much as her main weapon. She carries this in a sheathe she carries strapped to her back.
Rock Cannon: A powerful cannon made of a strong, yet mysterious metal. This metal allows it to function properly. It's capable of firing powerful blasts of blue energy the size of bowling balls quite quickly. These shots can leave dents in solid steel. She can also charge up a more powerful blast with it. The trigger and handle to shoot is inside the gun with the more cylindrical side of the Cannon being the barrel while the other side being the place where she wields it like an over sized arm cannon. It's fire rate is sub par. It's semi-automatic in nature, and she can only fire a total of 4 normal shots per second. With an extra second in between each four round burst. These shots are slightly explosive in appearamce. but they do not actually cause damage to the surroundings (as the shots LOOK like they are exploding.) Her cannon weighs at about 500 pounds.
Personality: She is very calm and silent while fighting, but tends to have a rather savage side to her. She professes herself to have no feelings and to work only from her nature. She seems to say things exactly as they are, being very blunt and rather proud. However she has a secret softer side that she shows only when she is completely alone. If she is alone she can be best described as cute, innocent, and even sad... When she does get attached to someone she will end up becoming more distant from said person in an attempt to prevent her from getting any closer to that person. She also hates weakness due to her past. She is also slightly unsound mentally. As certain things can cause her to go into a state of crying, and can completely cause her to stop fighting.
History: She was once part of a Super Human Project not too long ago. She was designed to be the best of the best, and was outfitted with special weaponry, enhanced physical abilities, and more importantly trained to be the best tracker, marksman, and sword fighter. The government that made her spent a fortune on making her, and they succeeded. The only problem was is that she was slightly hesitant to pull the trigger. She grew too attached with the other super humans of her line. One day on her 9th mission with other Super Soldiers of her type they had gone up against an entire army of soldiers, androids, and the like.
The war was won sadly, but at a price. Due to her hesitance she was unable to save her comrades. This had scarred her mentally. Resulting in her becoming slightly mentally unstable. She considered herself to be weak, and began to train... on living humans. To the point where she no longer became hesitant. She became a feared threat to others around her. She now hides all her emotions and says she has no feelings. She had become afraid to show her feelings, and get attached to others because she claims it shows weakness. When in reality it's just because she is afraid she will lose those she gets attached to...
Bio: After she finished her own illegal training she fled the planet she was on, and is now somewhere in the Helios System. Exactly where she is though is unknown. However it's said she crash landed on Planet Dua.
The only thing about Dua is 2 landmarks + the space port I referenced in Mirror Sea story
The south of the planet on one of the four continents (two are in the southern hemisphere) is a space port (the ruins of)
There are four "seas" connected together with the center being the Mirror Sea (defined by the fog that keeps people from seeing the Isle of Spirits from outside the border and the border is a chasm known as the Mirror's Edge where there are 4 bridges of water that connect it to the other seas)
in the center of the Mirror Sea is the Isle of Spirits which has the Manor of Eternity, where Eve and Hajime would be.
To the North of the Mirror Sea is the Tower of Aquarion which connects Dua with Duon. The base of the Tower on Dua is in water (think like the Hero's Tower from LoZ: WW)
The base on Duon is the southern tip of Pangaea, near a space port which is near the city which is near the Hunters' Guild which is near Aion's house.
@ Book
ok so I figured out where everyone is in relation to one another.
Eorthe is on Floor one near the left side of the central hall
John is on the 7th floor in the center
Mima is on the right side of the Halls of Time and just blasted...a hole in a wall...*cringes* I'm so glad I'm running with the concept that the Manor lost it's energy except at the central tower so that the walls could be destroyed...
If it had its energy, it would be an impregnable fortress.
...so the Central Tower and thus the Manor is still "invincible" It's just the Hall of Time. Hall of Darkness you don't want to crack open accidentally cause...demonarcs.
I'm thinking about introducing Grey here soon near the Tower of Aquarion... on the northern continents.
Okay thanks. Oh and you said that characters from the previous parts won't remember anything right? Their feelings will remain, but memories won't right? Well... it's because I have something sort of planned between Hajime, Eve, and BRS AKA Megumi (which is what I shall call her most of the time hopefully.)