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[OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Phoenix

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    For your very first app in the forum, this is surprisingly well done. Have you RP'd in other communities before?


      Hehe, yeah, actually. It helps that I've had this character for a long, long time, so whenever I've thought of some addition or revision, I've just plopped it in there. Thanks for the compliment!


        After more in-depthly reading through the app, here are my comments.

        It's not common to find someone who can write personality category just as thoroughly as the bio. You have a definite strength there, in making your character sound believable and humane, rather than just an idea in your head.

        I understand that you couldn't find a suitable image for your character. It's probably just me, but I have a very hard time visualizing a character without a reference picture, so I use a reference picture for every time I make an OC. In fact, I'm drawing a Wriggle for later parts of this RP right now.

        One thing I would say is that the things you've written down in your Notes section can actually go in the Inventory and the Profession category of your application, respectively. Also, using BBCode commands to separate the categories and accentuate the beginning of each category is key to make sure your app is better in legibility.

        I'm not going to give you acceptance, mainly because I feel like I'm not worthy of giving acceptance to applications in this RP. But know that you've written a damn satisfactory app.


          Wriggle, you're dumb. Just give her your damn acceptance.

          Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
          "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

          Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


            Alrighty then~ I'll make the little revisions you told me to make. Also, I could find some reference imagery, at least for the clothes, which are NEARLY a total rip from Hyrule Warriors Zelda. The head would be harder, but I can try. Thanks for the help.


              Originally posted by Kilelicus View Post
              Wriggle, you're dumb. Just give her your damn acceptance.

              k e k


                Wriggle, I sort of disagree with your statement about the latter half of Gensokyo's years as you described in your most recent post. The thing is, there's no reason the barrier would fade, and if it did, Gensokyo would probably be torn apart by scientists and other similar things. Gensokyo is supposed to be a refuge for the things which don't belong, and the fading of the barrier would mean the outright end of Gensokyo. So yeah, in short, the barrier fading as you described makes no sense here.

                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                  Maybe the increasing radiation from the sun as it grew larger and larger have some negative effect to the Hakurei Barrier? I don't know, I wanted to make an excuse as to why Mokou saw a lot of robots in her life on Earth, but if it bothers you I can try and change it.


                    It bothers me a little. Though considering the Kappa, robots are sorta already a thing with them anyways (Nitori's Mecha Nessie comes to mind.) Quite a few years and advancements could expand.

                    Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                    You just discard their guts and keep on driving.



                      Two little details I want to ask that I didn't see when I glanced through:
                      How and why is she in the Venturian Galaxy?
                      She's young enough she could easily be said to be of a colony but the magic aspect makes me think that she would make more sense as one of the underground communities of survivors.

                      You can choose either. The latter might conflict with parts of her history considering what I did see. The former would just be additions to it.
                      Also another question is where you starting?


                        I've been working with her, Cucoo, and I was thinking (If she wanted to do so) She miscast a powerful spell and it teleported her to this place.
                        Sometimes I feel like the only normal person here
                        "My Threshing has been Extra Princely Fresh"

                        Spoiler: Hazmer Baybee


                          Eh that works too.


                            I was thinking it might be cool if a portal or rift opened in Terra's town through which monsters (maybe these Nihiliods I've heard about) would come and start attacking, and Terra would either enter it to try to find a way to stop their assault or fall in accidentally while fighting them. Probably more likely the second, because just jumping into some random portal seems like a dumb decision. If this scenario wouldn't work out, however, I'll just say her parents moved there before her birth and we can come up with another way to get her involved.


                              ...that would be a great way to launch her into the overall plot. If a rift opened and Nihiliods came out, then she escaped certain doom. Assuming no one of her home knows how to deal with them, her home would be gone. When another character that knows Nihiliods explains it to her, it would be a good way to set up a vengeance scenario.

                              This next part is for anyone that is curious:
                              As I go through the timeline, I'm getting a clearer picture of what is really happening for the Era of Rebirth. And part of it is the underground networks of survivors. So far I have 3 groups:
                              Aion "Astraeus" group, possibly Joe Chetwyn's group, and then every other demonarc village.

                              Working on locations and other details but I have a feeling that the Survivors will be using Aura charged Crystals since blood works on Corlaviri like that.



                                Name: Riven

                                Gender: Female

                                Race: Human



                                Spoiler: 리쁜이~ ❤

                                Height: 5'8"
                                Weight: 165 lbs


                                - Former Noxian soldier
                                - Wanderer in self-imposed exile

                                - Currently a waitress at the largest, the newest, and the most famous casino in Nevaaras


                                Riven has her orange rune sword, broken near the hilt and yet larger than her upper torso. It is as broad as a kite shield and as heavy as one as well, clocking in at nearly 200 lbs. The full sized sword, which can only be seen when Riven infuses energy into the runes on her sword, is taller than Riven herself, and the weight jumps to almost 300 lbs. The mere fact that Riven can swing it effortlessly is a proof enough that one should not take Riven lightly.

                                Her sword also closely resembles a carrot.

                                Because of what happened in her biography, Riven has no money. Good luck trying to convince her to buy you something, because she can’t.


                                Before what happened in her biography, Riven suffered from a heavy case of PTSD, due to witnessing both her enemies and allies die a horrendous death in Noxian invasion against Ionia. She believed that the blood that stains her past is not of glory, but of cruelty and unfair violence, and set herself as a self-imposed exile. Even still, she would constantly relive the nightmarish event that happened during her missions.

                                However, after what happened in the biography, Riven loses all memory of who she was, only able to grasp basic demographic information like her name, and the years’ worth of swordsmanship she honed beforehand. The nightmare that haunted the old Riven is lost in the deepest depths of her memory and her personality changed quite drastically. Instead of constantly talking about unnecessary violence she caused and bringing down the mood, she keeps herself upbeat.

                                There’s one aspect of Riven that wasn’t changed: that being her conviction to the Noxian ideal of “strength is everything”. She has doubts about the authority: especially those who look weak but hold power in their hand because of their background. She believes that race, gender, or social standings does not matter in holding authority, only strength and conviction does. This is why Riven still wields her sword to practice despite having no need to do so.


                                Spoiler: Lore

                                Originally posted by Wiki
                                In Noxus, any citizen may rise to power regardless of race, gender, or social standing - strength is all that matters. It was with committed faith in this ideal that Riven strove to greatness. She showed early potential as a soldier, forcing herself to master the weight of a long sword when she was barely its height. She was ruthless and efficient as a warrior, but her true strength lay in her conviction. She entered battles without any trace of doubt in her mind: no ethical pause, no fear of death. Riven became a leader amongst her peers, poster child of the Noxian spirit. So exceptional was her passion that the High Command recognized her with a black stone rune sword forged and enchanted with Noxian sorcery. The weapon was heavier than a kite shield and nearly as broad - perfectly suited to her tastes. Soon after, she was deployed to Ionia as part of the Noxian invasion.

                                What began as war quickly became extermination. Noxian soldiers followed the terrifying Zaunite war machines across fields of death. It wasn't the glorious combat for which Riven trained. She carried out the orders of her superiors, terminating the remnants of a beaten and fractured enemy with extreme prejudice. As the invasion continued, it became clear that the Ionian society would not be reformed, merely eliminated. During one bitter engagement, Riven's unit became surrounded by Ionian forces. They called for support as the enemy closed in around them. What they received instead was a barrage of biochemical terror launched by Singed. Riven watched as around her Ionian and Noxian alike fell victim to an unspeakably gruesome fate. She managed to escape the bombardment, though she could not erase the memory. Counted dead by Noxus, she saw an opportunity to start anew. She shattered her sword, severing ties with the past, and wandered in self-imposed exile - on a quest to seek atonement and a way to save the pure Noxian vision in which she believed.

                                Spoiler: League Judgement

                                Originally posted by Wiki
                                Candidate: Riven

                                Date: 9 September, 21 CLE


                                The weight Riven carries seems to hang in the air around her. The remnants of her Noxian armor are tarnished, they speak of her absence from duty. The broken sword she carries is, in itself, so massive that imagination falters to conceive of the blade’s original size.

                                The echo of battle lingers with her. It smolders in her eyes, tenses in her grip, and coils in her step. It never leaves her. She is there now still, in the midst of it, as she enters the marble doors.


                                Riven’s fingers played along the edges of her blade’s runic inscription – an idle habit, long deprived of meaning. Her thoughts went where they often went in darkness: to dark memories. She gritted her teeth. There was nothing quite so cutting as the recollection of a guilty mind.

                                She twitched, involuntarily, as the scene of her death unraveled before her.

                                A damp fog yawned across the valley floor sheepishly, as though reluctant to conceal the horrors of the day. The gagging stench would have betrayed its effort, had not the smell so thoroughly permeated the Ionian countryside. Death was now a permanent resident of the somber isle, and its purchase grew with every passing hour. After so many similar fields, Riven no longer took account of it.

                                Dusk was settling as the company marched on, the stamp of their boots thick and dull crossing the grimy stretch. Riven’s own boots were becoming stained a deep brown by the mud. She felt a pang of nausea as she realized it wasn’t rainwater that dampened the soil.

                                She forced the thought out of her head. There would be more fields, more fogs, more harrowing muck – she could process it all later. “Focus is essential,” her drill instructor used to bark. “A lot happens in the chaos of battle, but you can only accomplish one thing at a time.” Now it was marching.

                                Fury Company had trudged for days to catch up with the rest of the 42nd Standard, and the dreary trail through the Zaunite Melters’ aftermath was... messy. War was all about casualties, but the rising number of civilian losses was staggering. The High Command had expected the peace-loving Ionians to roll over and surrender in the face of Noxus’ military juggernaut. Instead the resistance was fierce and unrelenting. For a society that preached pacifism, the Ionians didn’t hesitate to get their hands dirty.

                                Riven was impressed.

                                This was a particularly grim scene. The Coeur Valley was one of the few passageways through which the Melters could cross the foothills of northern Shon-Xan. The Ionians had made a desperate stand there that morning, hoping to stem or slow the pace of Zaun’s death machines. It was a telling failure for Ionia. They hadn’t even managed to scramble half the forces Noxian intelligence had predicted, and ample countermeasures were taken long before the Melters attempted the pass. Still, for such a meager resistance, Riven couldn’t help but notice the abundance of Noxian uniforms littered amongst the dead.

                                A day or two behind, the Noxian cleanup effort was requesting reinforcements.

                                Riven’s attention was drawn to the path by the sound of advancing footsteps. Someone was approaching the group from the front. Riven raised her blade high, halting the company and eclipsing herself beneath it. It was a true Noxian weapon, built to instill fear at sight alone.

                                The figure emerged from the fog. It was a girl, a couple years older than Riven, stumbling as she walked. Her clothes were torn and matted with blood. When she saw the company, her eyes went wide.

                                “No no no no no,” she muttered. “No more, please.” She fell to her knees and started weeping.

                                Riven ordered two men to retrieve the girl. Handling civilians was a chore that had wearied the men over the past several weeks. They’d been trained to kill soldiers in battle, not to dispatch helpless bystanders. Ionia didn’t even have a standing military.

                                Only the strong survive, Riven reminded herself.

                                The two soldiers reached the girl and stood to either side, each silently hoping the other would take the lead. Riven was about to intervene when the girl made a quick motion and a thin red mist appeared in front of her. The two soldiers crumpled, dead before they hit the ground.

                                “Ambush!” Her warning was lost amongst the cries of her soldiers. On all sides of the company, corpses were rising, weapons in hand, and charging into their ranks. Except they weren’t dead. Their eyes were very much alive with hateful resolve. Riven remembered the intelligence reports: less than half the expected opposition. It was a trap. The Ionians had planned this all along.

                                Already the rear guard was overtaken. Riven screamed for the unit to collapse to a defensive formation. The army needed to be warned. She drew a distress flare from her belt and fired into the darkening sky. Pale green light illuminated the entire valley.

                                One of the Ionians leapt out at Riven. She slashed upward, bisecting him lengthwise. The Ionians had the advantage, but Riven wasn’t one to surrender. If they could defeat her in combat, they deserved this victory. The strong would prevail.

                                The remaining Noxian soldiers tightened their ranks, backs to each other. Nearly half the company was already dead or dying. The Ionians were taking their time now, savoring the growing Noxian despair.

                                They were surrounded and outnumbered. Her men were tired, demoralized. The Ionians, by contrast, were fueled by their hate. She wondered how long they had lain there, amongst the bodies of fallen friends, waiting for this moment. She tightened her grip on the sword. One way or another, she would end this.

                                A blinding ball of light erupted thirty feet in front of her, sending Ionians flying. Riven spun, looking for a source, just as another explosion hit the edge of the Noxian circle. Riven’s ears were ringing, all she could hear was her heartbeat. Noxian and Ionian soldiers were in chaos, some fighting, some running, some… clawing at their skin.

                                And then she realized it. The Melters had opened fire on them.

                                Only the strong survive, she repeated… but that was meaningless here. Nobody would survive. By all rights, the Ionians should have won this fight, but they too would die. How did this follow the Noxian way?

                                As she fled the cursed valley, explosions rocked the ground around her. Soldiers on both sides were subjected to horrific, unspeakable deaths. Something changed in her then. The conviction with which she charged boldly to war had evaporated, and without it she was… lost.

                                The memory neared its conclusion. Though she’d relived it a thousand times over, Riven never understood why that day went the way it did. She didn’t know why Noxus depended on Zaun’s horrific techmaturgy instead of its own military. She didn’t know why she didn’t see the ambush coming. She didn’t know why she survived. “Why do you want to join the League, Riven?” Behind her, the weeping girl stood, matted in blood, tears running down her cheeks. But the voice was out of place.

                                “This isn’t right…” Riven started, but the valley around her was melting away. This was some kind of trick.

                                “Why do you want to join the League, Riven?”

                                “What are you-”

                                “Why do you want to join the League?” Impatience.

                                “I don’t know!” Riven spat. She was stung by the invasion of her mind. She’d lived with this memory for years, but it was something she wouldn’t, couldn’t share. She took a deep breath, “I fought for something once, but it was a lie.” Spoken in her own voice, the words hurt to hear. “I still love Noxus, I never stopped. But now… I want to fight on my own terms.”

                                “How does it feel, exposing your mind?”

                                Riven let the question turn in her mind. So many times she wanted to confide in someone, to let someone else shoulder the burden. But telling the story – even watching it through her own eyes – didn’t ease the pain. It was hers alone, and some things could never be shared.

                                “Exposed or not, it changes nothing.”

                                Then the girl was gone, and she was alone in the Institute. Her broken sword glowed dimly at her side. The illusion was invasive, but she’d almost forgotten the former heft of her sword. As if in response, a faint green outline played out from the shard, tracing the blade’s former curve. She felt a sudden wash of reassurance. Perhaps she wasn’t so lost after all.

                                Spoiler: Bio

                                Joining the League was possibly the second best thing Riven has ever decided to partake, the first being joining the ranks of Noxian army. She was able to fight the glorious battle and hone her strength; that was all that mattered for her. The rest that followed it: the fame, the wealth, they were just the side rewards of being in the League that Riven would rather not have. After all, those kinds of things make you arrogant, and arrogance is what makes you lazy and deteriorated.

                                Riven was once again put to the rift with four other temporary allies against five temporary enemies. Standing before her was a pirate named Gangplank, with his notoriety for being the captain of the largest pirate crew of Valoran widely known to all the land. In normal circumstances, Riven would be able to have a fair match against this saltwater scourge, but Gangplank, being the master of insults he is, focused on Riven's... particular weakness in this match.

                                "Yarr harr harr!" Gangplank bellowed, having a quick laugh. "Hey, Riven! How does it feel to be swinging your sword in that outfit?"

                                "S- silence! This does not phase me one bit!" Riven growled, but in truth, the outfit she was wearing bothered her... a lot.


                                "Harr! You may be saying that, but you be blushing!" Gangplank taunted. "Why don't cha come close and see why my roger is so jolly! HARR!"

                                Riven grew irritated at Gangplank's verbal teasing, but she knew she had to be patient. At such early point in the match, Gangplank was naturally stronger than Riven. All she can do is wait out Gangplank's stronger point of the match. Once she hits the point where she can start going aggressive against Gangplank, she will hit hard, the bunny suit considered a hindrance factor no more...

                                "Surrender, Riven! Your team have already lost! While you were busy tussling in the top lane, my team has already taken down the middle tower!"

                                Riven knew that already, but Gangplank managed to squeeze a tantalizing remark. With his ultimate skill: a barrage of cannonballs that can be used to aid fights anywhere on the rift, Gangplank was able to seize a global lead in this match. However, after slaying the last minion to reach the desired level, Riven smirked; 'It is time for the reversal,' she thought.

                                "And while you were busy yapping your mouth..." Riven proclaimed as she channeled energy into her broken sword's rune. With a crackling noise, Riven's broken sword was temporarily returned to its full glory. "I grew strong enough to take you on!"

                                "Wha-" Gangplank woke up from his skewed delusion to find out that he would not be able to take on Riven and be on top anymore. "Wait, wait! We can talk this out!"

                                "Time for talk is over." Riven solidified her resolve to win this match as she dashed forward, attempting to launch her full combo. Something went wrong, however, as the air in between Riven and Gangplank began to collapse on itself, surprising Riven, Gangplank, and the minions nearby alike. Within moments, the space in between the two was literally ripped as if it was paper and grew wider; the interior of the gap a tint of blue. As the gap grew, Gangplank quickly ran away to his base using his teleport summoner spell in panic while Riven was frozen in place, motionless, in shock and primordial fear. Her sword returned to its original, shattered form as the gap reached its' full size: large enough to fit even a fully-stacked Cho'gath. The worst part of it is that it began sucking everything towards it: minions, rocks and stray grass, and even Riven herself.

                                "Hey, what-" Riven gasped as she was forcibly drawn into the gap. To prevent that from happening, she dug her sword into the ground and held on as helpless minions and inanimate objects were swept inside. "Help! Someone please help!"

                                However, no one could hear Riven's scream, as the rest of the participants of the match: enemies and allies alike, were at the opposite side of the map, wrestling with each other for control over the running river. While Riven was strong enough to wield, while broken, still a weighty sword with little to no efforts, the gap's singularity was too strong a gravitational pull for Riven as she and her blade was pulled away from the ground and into the singularity.

                                Riven woke up after that horrifying experience to find herself in the midst of a pile of wood and other construction materials. She didn't lose anything; she still had her fragmented rune sword and her bunny suit, but she landed in an unknown location. Riven looked around to assess the situation and, finding a rather furious-looking man walking towards her, she assessed that the gap she was sucked into teleported Riven to this location, made her break an entire house, and piss off the man who's most likely the owner of the house.

                                "WHAT DID YOU JUST DO?" The house owner barked.

                                "I... I don't know, sir." Riven blanked out, then quickly grew to a more apologetic tone. "I'm so sorry sir, I don't know how I broke the house."

                                "Oh I know how you just annihilated my house." The house owner was raving mad. "You just suddenly appeared in the air, landed on top of my house, and broke through, top to bottom! Then my house collapsed in on itself! Thanks to you, I've lost everything!"

                                Riven couldn't say anything in her defense, so she sat there, silent. Her eyes were cast down in sorrow and her mouth pouted. The house owner seemed to calm himself down and, after taking a more careful look at Riven, found that Riven was very beautiful; as if the particular bunny suit she was wearing was made for her.

                                "What's your name, girl? Where'd you come from?" The house owner asked, his voice suddenly calm and persuasive.

                                "M- my name is Riven, sir, and I-" Riven began to introduce herself, but stopped as soon as she said her name. She couldn't remember anything other than her name. "-and I... I... I don't remember anything else, sir."

                                'An amnesiac?' The house owner wondered. Sudden brilliance pierced through the house owner's mind. The backstory is: the house owner used to be an impactful real estate agent until he decided to take a quieter life and retire. He had no family, so he lived alone in the fringe planet near a larger, more populated planet named Nevaaras, taking up farming and living a tranquil life. He's been recently feeling very bored of his life, and wanted to rekindle his career, particularly in the show business category, but could not find an opportunity nor the motivation to do so... until now.

                                "My name is Seymour." Seymour introduced himself. "I used to be a real estate agent, but now I'm a farmer... or used to be, as well, since you broke my farmhouse."

                                Riven was agitated.

                                "With my farmhouse gone, I actually want to restart my life as a casino owner in Nevaaras. However, I can't do it alone." Seymour continued, making a sly smile. "Here's the deal, Riven. You need to pay for destroying my property, but I'll let you do so if you work for my casino as a waitress for 10 years. You won't get any pay, but I'll provide with food and shelter."

                                "I..." Riven uttered. She didn't have much of a choice, here. "Okay, I'll do it."

                                "Excellent." Seymour smiled another sly smile.

                                And thus, Seymour opened a casino in the colony CY-001 of planet Nevaaras, and Riven started working there as a waitress. Riven's heart-stopping beauty as well as Seymour's brilliance in business tactics was a huge success, boosting the tourism of the colony by tenfold. Within a few months, CY-001 transformed, from a dull, mining colony to a bustling hub of entertainment.

                                Sadly, Riven's memory has not recovered. However, maybe it's better for her memory to stay lost, considering the nightmarish visions she suffered before.



