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Sorry to kind of grill you about it, but it's just my opinion based on my best guess of the outcomes. I feel kind of guilty for shooting down a lot of your recent ideas. -_-;
Just know that it's not without a good reason.
Anyways, I'll have a post in EG soon. I won't be able to update on Navarre's side because we need Kristia for that.
Originally posted by S121
Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.
Self-inserts would be fine there, seeing that they would not be competing with anyone else for attention.
That actually reminds me of what I sometimes do. Sometimes, just for the heck of it, I self-insert for Fallout 3 and New Vegas. I make a pretty decent character.
Have you ever tried that with a game?
Originally posted by S121
Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.
One way to counter this guydogjackal is to gank him constantly early game, when he is the most vulnerable, and shut him down early so hard that he can't catch back up.
Which is also difficult because his passive grants him free life steal (which means he just has to smack some minions to gain his lost HP)
This kind of champions are called late-game hypercarries. Kinda like how Futo in Touhou 13.5 has to set up dishes in order to win the round.
I already responded to AtWaP. If yer not so busy...
Yup. His Q skill damage is increased permanently for the game as he slays a minion with it, so given that he kills about 200 enemies with his Q, give or take about 900 damage (not calculating enemies' armor's damage reduction) is applied to the enemy every 2 ~ 3 seconds.
Here's another champion that is the example of such hypercarry.
Meet Veigar, the Tiny Master of Evil.
He is capable of one-shotting practically ANY enemy champion in the game.
Let's break him down.
His Q kill grants him 1 AP (This is what determines the magic damage) per minion kill permanently. This is even better because not only his Q is improved, but his W and Ult (R) is also increased in damage. Now, the other side of Q Is that it grants 1 - 5 AP per champion kill, regardless of how you killed him.
Let's calculate.
By 50 minutes, a good Veigar would have Sorcerer's Shoes, Rabadon's Deathcap, Deathfire grasp, Void Staff, Zhonya's Hourglass, and Abyssal Sceptor. This grants Veigar a base of (120 + 120 + 120 + 70 + 70) % 0.7 = 650 AP. Assuming that Veigar obtained 300 minion kills with Q, he gains another about 500 AP. With a 5% AP increase mastery, that's another 1150 * 0.05 = ~60 AP. Included is a 35% + 15 magic penetration (enemy Magic Resist nullification) and decreasing teir Magic Resist by 20 (I think)
Now let's look at his full combo.
Veigar's Q, Baleful Strike, at Lv: 5 deals 260 damage with 60% AP bonus. With 1210 AP, Veigar's Q deals 260 + 726 = 986.
Veigar's W, Dark Matter, at Lv: 5 deals 320 damage with 100% AP bonus. Veigar's W deals 320 + 1210 = 1530 damage.
Veigar's E, Event Horizon, is a stun, and does not deal damage. However, if you're caught by a fed Veigar with this, you're... Pretty much dead.
Veigar's R, Primordial Burst, at Lv: 3 deals 500 damage with 120% AP bonus AND 80% of the ENEMY'S AP bonus. To a target with 0 AP, Veigar deals 500 + 1452 = 1952.
Deathfire Grasp deals 15% of target's maximum HP and increases the magic damage the target takes by 20%.
Summing it all up, assuming that Veigar unleashes entire combo on an enemy with no MR, Veigar deals a whopping 5362 damage.
...yeah. Even with a decent amout of MR, Veigar takes down tanks like a boss with his Void Staff and Sorcerer's Shoes.
Why did I go so far to analyze? Cuz this Champion was my main until he went out of style.
Well I'm off to wonderland. See ya.
Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 12-07-2013, 03:43 AM.