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    They're not cut away. They're just... at a different dimension.


      @ wrigg


      so...if he moves his arm? Is it area specific or what?


        Lucco is simply going to give it back if Kenway moves away.


          So if he moves his arm, it is gone.

          ok that's what I needed to know.


            Simple mechanism, but Lucco must've used a lot of energy to do such a feat.

            And remember that it is temporary. His arms will come back when he backs off.

            I ain't gonna let you have victory so easy my friend ^^


              Freaking ppl, man! I tried to join an open server -- AN OPEN SERVER -- on MGSPW and what happens? I get dissed left and right, telling the others to kick me out. I kicked myself out. Just with there was a middle finger option on the chat list.


                ok im back and both LIfegiver and Spraga are at pointblank range of the charged katana and powerful bonestaff
                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




                  "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."


                    thank you Zeka
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      WB Kristia

                      Don't mind me. Both me and Wriggle (and soon S1) are working on something in Minecraft currently.


                        oh ok, I´ll get to finish my homework then
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          I've gone crazy...

                          Here's my new plan to revive Eternal Galaxy, and it's what I should have done at the beginning.


                          Eternal Galaxy

                          A few thousand years have passed since the final events in Eternal Galaxy: Echoes of Time and the Venturian Galaxy is a mere husk of what it once was. All that remains are the ruins of the civilizations that once existed. Now, people from other Galaxies are coming to explore and colonize the ancient galaxy.

                          Your Role

                          You have two things you can choose to do:
                          1) Be an explorer of the once great Venturian Galaxy
                          2) Be a colonist and establish a new home

                          If you explore the Galaxy and see some ruins, you may then see back into the past of the Galaxy and thus we would transition to the other Parts of the story to relive those moments.
                          I will try to provide maps of the key locations of the Galaxy so that this can happen.
                          Otherwise, forge a new story and colonize the planets as you see fit.

                          That is for you to decide.

                          Any other sort of Character can be in here, truly and honestly anything from your imagination.

                          There will be two sets of Characters:
                          Those that existed during the Original Parts I and II
                          and New Characters that Existed outside the Galaxy and are now being introduced.

                          Characters that have already been approved from Part I and (in the future) Part II can be used here.

                          Spoiler: Character Creation Template

                          [spoiler =]
                           [B]Race:[/B] (If a new character for this part only, Can be anything you so desire, except anything of Venturia's Part I or II)
                          [B]Profession and/or Talents:[/B]
                           [B]Notes: [/B]
                          [/ spoiler]

                          Locations will be added as both this progresses and Part I and II progress as well.

                          I will update the map and make it so that anyone can access a version of it.

                          Why is the subtitle "Phoenix?"
                          Simple: The Galaxy is being reborn with everyone from anywhere coming in and colonizing it.

                          This is the rough draft of the Part III OOC which, if you read, will tie into the other parts.

                          I'm going to use Phoenix as a hub to have it where everyone can do their own thing.

                          Of course I have to work on things and make maps of Planets and Solar Systems so It'll be a bit before it can truly be ready (and by doing Part III now, it allows me to work on Part I and II more...randomly. Which is a good thing... o.o;...)



                            maybe I'll join in on Phoenix, not sure yet.

                            Sent by Phone using Tapatalk
                            "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."


                              @ Zekai

                              EG: Phoenix is exactly as I'm saying it is, pure sandbox, with a few locations defined by my story while the rest is still planets that have yet to be made (and everyone can make one)

                              I need to just make maps and repurpose the Excel map I had for EG: Shards of Starlight.

                              This time, rather than following my characters, I only will have 1 character, Grey.
                              There is no true plot, so its simple exploration.


                                Alright I'm off for the night

                                In the meantime, could we maybe get this updated:

                                I would also like people in FaF to post (especially Cucoo and S121) and those that I don't really know how things are to play out tell me how they want things to go. (Zekai, Wonder, Wriggle).
                                Cucoo's example is brilliant. He was trying to get SYSTEM on his tail and is now fleeing from them.

                                EDIT: Oh and can I have a room number for Sinuda in TSU my the time I wake up again?
                                Last edited by Katrix; 01-22-2014, 07:33 PM.
                                Born in the light.
                                Molded in the dark

                                Never Forget,
                                Keep Fighting.
                                –Don't Forget.
                                Always, somewhere,
                                someone is fighting for you.
                                –As long as you remember her,
                                you are not alone.

