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[IC Board] All the World's a Game - Season II

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    Henir's Time and Space

    "Hm.. I find it odd that you got suddenly this epiphany, may I ask the reason of this?" Nera asked Jack not affected by the sudden emotional change of the time traveler

    "Even more, how will you know those friends are trustworthy?"
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      Henir's Time and Space

      Right as Jack asked for Glaive to take them out of Henir's Time and Space, and as Nera continued to try to talk to Jack nothing happened. Glaive did not appear, neither did the man from before... both were stuck in the empty void that was Henir's Time and Space... Both Nera and Jack were trapped... as everything suddenly began to change.

      The void that was Henir's Time and Space began to convert into a bright, peaceful meadow with a large variety of flowers lining the ground. A small stone path began to form, with the path leading straight to large strange door that was not connected to a building whatsoever...

      Almost immediately the door opened, but nothing could be seen but the halls of the Scarlet Devil Mansion... but was this the real Scarlet Devil Mansion? Or was it some sort of fake like from before... no it was a fake. If one who was well trained were to sense he aura, one would find that it was not the real one, just a false replica of the real Scarlet Devil Mansion. The aura was the same one that Henir's Time and Space has, just... modified slightly...

      Is this Glaive's doing? Or the mysterious old man from before? Whatever the case it is the only thing within seemingly a hundred miles.
      Last edited by SUSTIC; 05-06-2014, 10:37 PM.


        Henir's Time and Space

        "I'm just going to have to trust them for the time being," Jack responded.

        Then, he realized the scenery changed. He was confused.

        "... Are we back?"


          Henir's Time and Space

          Nera looked at her surroundings and used her aura vision, the results were something she expected though "We are still in Glaive`s dimension, this place is an illusion" she spoke as her eyes were still closed
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



            Bank of America - Times Square - New York

            Dust turned to Sana as he smiled at her plan. "Okay that sounds like a much better plan. I'll give you the signal, just listen for a loud whistle okay?" Dust said as he quickly took off without giving Sana a second to respond.

            He ran towards the guards, leaping up to a chandelier on the ceiling he began calling out to the guards.

            "Hey tough guys up here! I got lots of money for you!" Dust yelled, joking about the money part he then put his fingers in his mouth and blew, creating a loud whistling sound, signaling Sana to make her move. Almost immediately he covered his eyes to shield himself from whatever Sana is planning to do.


              Fiendish City

              Despite the Devillites smashing into the shield The Higher Power had made, and the cracks forming in it, Takoizu didn't seem phased in the slightest, instead, she simply frowned inside her helmet.

              (Hmmm, a little more resilient than I thought.), Takoizu thought as she watched the Devillites continually smash into the shield.

              After only 500 microseconds, Takoizu had already come up with another plan, and as soon as she did so, she turned her head over to The Higher Power and spoke.

              "Does this shield have magnetic properties? How good is it against explosions?", Takoizu asked The Higher Power.

              INV Flying Armory - Sky - Santa Cruz - California | Night

              "Hm?", Isaac uttered as Koishi came back and spoke.

              As soon as Isaac turned and looked at what was in Koishi's hand, he couldn't help but be a little surprised, especially after hearing about what she said about its capabilities. Despite the Plasma Cutter being smaller than his old one, the weapon was considerably faster and more powerful. To be honest, Isaac didn't know what to say. It was truly a surprise to him, a pleasant one at that.

              "Thank you. You made this?", Isaac asked Koishi in a surprised tone.

              Infirmary - Prometheus Labs - London | Dawn

              "To be honest, I don't know. In an ideal situation, we will capture and interrogate him on every aspect of the Neo-Yakuza, try and free as many Characters as possible. We know the kinds of things the Neo-Yakuza have done to Characters; trading them as slaves, entertainment, lust, protection... the usual things that come to mind when you think about human trafficking. Not only that, there's also a facility or two that runs tests on Characters in order to augment their human personnel. Base 3 was one of them, but that one was taken down by an independent force spearheaded by John-117, Renamon, Yuuka Kazami, X, Aqua, and Shinki. Of course, if we're given no other alternative, we'll have to assassinate him. It's harsh to say, but if he proves too dangerous, we would have to kill him, for the safety of both Characters and humans.", Daniel explained to Volgin.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Bank of America - Times Square - New York

                There goes the whistle. Good, he covered his eyes, just like I asked him too. The guards seemed to notice Dust and, readying their guns, prepared to fire at him. Good distraction. Time to unleash...

                Dazzling Gleam!

                The result was like a flash grenade that the human army uses to blind others in an area. The white orb of psychic energy that I threw into the building, concentrated to become very dense, expelled all its energy out, creating a blinding blast of light that lasted for 3 to 4 seconds. When it subsided, I saw through the doorway Dust on a chandelier covering his eyes and, the criminals and the hostages alike, clutching their eyes and swatting the air for whatever they could grab on. They would be blinded for around a minute or two, so it's best if I hurry now.

                I ran into the building and motioned Dust to help as many hostages get out of the building as possible. Including the employees, I reckon there were about 30 or so hostages...


                  INV Flying Armory

                  "Yeah. It's sort of a prototype. I was thinking of making more for standard sidearms of people here. Better than tiny pea-shooters." Koishi explained. "You can take whatever you want from here. Just don't carry too much."

                  Fiendish City

                  "If the energy shield breaks, it breaks, and then we get stabbed. That's all you need to know." HP said in an annoyed tone, as the shield's energy began to turn yellow, then orange.

                  "When it hits red and is almost gone, I can dispel the energy and knock them back. One time use though." HP said.

                  Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                  You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                    Wriggle's House - Gensokyo

                    "So a tech-freak and a sadist? That's one weird circle of friends you got there. Though I'm not one to talk myself." Haseo said and thought. Haseo didn't hear anything about the border though. "So what about the border?" He asks one more time.
                    "No matter how strong or what power the enemy has, I will fight and protect my friends, even if it cost me my life to protect them. I will fight until I die to ensure their future."


                      Henir's Time and Space

                      Jack turned to Nera.

                      "What do we do from here? Take the path?"

                      Prometheus Labs

                      "Just know this," said Volgin. "The first nanosecond you have to kill him, do it without hesitation. We don't know what he is, but we suspect he may be a shinigami, like his possible daughter, Komachi Onozuka. He might also be a human, like his possible son, Otori Inozuka, but I highly doubt it. He's too wealthy to have a son so lowly. I can only assume. But either way, the worst case scenario is that if you slack off for simply one second... That second might be your last."

                      He faced Daniel. "Might I request you look up the abilities of a shinigami during my check-up? To get a feel for what we may be up against?"


                        Henir's Time and Space

                        Nera scanned the area and didnīt feel anything, that was what troubling her, the void of aura in the area "I donīt know, but since it is the only thing that has a path, might as well move"
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          Foot of Youkai Mountain - Gensokyo

                          "Oh... we made it."

                          It has been 10 minutes since Eirin and Max started from the Eientei's garage. From there, Eirin drove in an average of 120 miles per hour, narrowly passing by every trees, boulders, buildings, people, and Youkais until she arrived at the foot of Youkai Mountain with a jerk. Her hair was messy, her jacket buttons were undone, and she was breathless. Sweat covered her forehead, face, and body as if she was having a fever. This was, after all, her first time driving.

                          "We... we did it, Max." Eirin chuckled uneasily as she took a look at the passenger seat, hoping that Max was alright. "Are you... okay?"
                          Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 02-11-2015, 04:22 AM.


                            INV Flying Armory - Sky - Santa Cruz - California | Night

                            "Okay. I'll make sure to gather only what I'll need.", Isaac said to Koishi as he received the "Planet Cracker".

                            The "Planet Cracker" Plasma Cutter was much lighter than his Plasma Cutter and looked more like a gun than his tool-turned-weapon. There was almost no crossguard on the front of the Planet Cracker, it was smaller, and was a little more comfortable to hold than his Plasma Cutter. As Isaac turned the Plasma Cutter on, he could see that it was capable of firing 40 plasma shots before needing to reload. It was a weapon that felt almost as if it were made specifically for him.

                            "Thank you again for the Christmas present. After this, I'm going to go home and get your gift. I'll think you'll like it.", Isaac said with a light smile as he holstered the Planet Cracker.

                            Fiendish City

                            "You won't need to. I've got an idea.", Takoizu said as she quickly walked over to The Higher Power and knelt down.

                            As Takoizu knelt down, she wrapped her arms around The Higher Power. As soon as her arms were around him, she then quickly warped her shields to cover both herself and The Higher ower, and after that, she activated her armor's Armorlock. As soon as that happened, her suit's Disfrozen Portal went into overdrive, covering them both in an indestructible, thick, transparent-white cocoon of energy.

                            "Hold on tight, things are going to gt messy.", Takoizu said.

                            Just then, Takoizu targeted one of the nearby Devillites and quickly calculated the amount of mass required to create and explosion powerful enough to destroy the arena, but not enough to destroy the city. Once that was done, she altered the boundary of matter and antimatter, turning a very small chunk of the Devillite into antimatter and causing a chain reaction inside of it. In that single instant, the entire arena was enveloped in a dome of white light as the area around the Devillite was enveloped in a small, powerful explosion rivaling that of a small fusion bomb. In that single instant, all of the Devillites that were near it were annihilated by the explosion, wile handful of Devillites that were not caught in the explosion were thrown to the ground and into walls by the force of the explosion.

                            As the smoke cleared, Takoizu's shields finally failed as she let go of The Higher Power and stood up to face the Pit Boss. Takoizu knew that there was a possibility to end the fight now and continue onward, but she needed to make it clear that she and The Higher Power were not to be trifled with.

                            "That was just a small fraction of our power. Do you honestly believe that you will survive if you try to kill us? Let us pass, and we won't level the city.", Takoizu calmly called out to the Pit Boss.

                            Infirmary - Prometheus Labs - London | Dawn

                            After Volgin spoke, Daniel remained silent as he carefully considered both possibilities. Thanks to the Character database he had to memorize, he already knew who Komachi was, but he didn't know very much about Otori, only that he was working with MSF. It was highly unlikely that Komachi was the daughter, but Daniel wouldn't fully cross out that possibility. As for the son, Daniel would have to dig a little bit more if he wanted to learn about him. After remaining silent for a couple seconds, Daniel spoke.

                            "Komachi Onozuka, Shinigami of the Sanzu River, ferryman of souls between Gensokyo and Higan, has the ability to manipulate distance. Yea, we know of her. She's in the database. I don't really believe that she is the daughter of the leader of the Neo-Yakuza. Gensokyo has been sealed off from the real world since 1884, but was brought down twice four months ago. I'm not sure that Komachi is the daughter. She's at least a couple hundred years old, and the boundary would prevent him from leaving Gensokyo. Him being Otori Inozuka's father would be more plausible. Perhaps he wanted his son to make a name for himself. Perhaps he wanted his son to earn his living, prove himself worthy of the family business. Perhaps he didn't want his son to follow in his footsteps. It matches the usual scenarios, but we'll gather them both up for questioning., Daniel said to Volgin as they entered one of the doctors' offices.

                            "We're here. Just wait here, and the doctor will be here to see you.", the nurse said before leaving the room.

                            "Thank you.", Daniel politely said to the nurse as she left the room.

                            After speaking to the nurse, Daniel turned his attention back over to Volgin and spoke again.

                            "As for hesitating, that's not in a SPARTAN's vocabulary. We won't need a second if we intend to kill him.", Daniel added in a slightly lighter tone.
                            Last edited by S121; 02-11-2015, 04:01 AM.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Henir's Time and Space

                              Jack started down the halls. He looks around, but there is nothing but the same hall for quite a while.

                              "This is what I get for entrusting a stranger with my life..." He grumbled to himself.

                              Prometheus Labs

                              Volgin gave a smirk of interest.

                              "Heh. You make a fine soldier indeed."

                              Volgin though about what Daniel said about the leader.

                              "... I suppose so. All we can do for now is assume."


                                Henir's Time and Space

                                Nera looked at the long hallway and sighed "Destiny has its way of acting, but we are the ones that can bend it" she spoke while walking through the illusion

                                "This place is mostly a test for our minds, so be carefule" the lucario warned to him and herself
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


