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[IC Board] All the World's a Game - Season II

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    Prometheus Labs - London | Night

    Raven, Chung, and Elsword turned to the others. "Dark El. Apparently we all felt a surge of the stuff." Raven said as he sighed.

    "It's been three years since our last mission involving Dark El." Elsword replied as he occasionally glanced over to Jack.

    Chung however had a serious, yet dreadful look on his face. "And whenever there is Dark El... then that means demons will usually be around..." Chung said as Raven looked at Lily.

    "Now Lily I know you are a spartan, but if Dark El is involved then I'd recommend you stay back if there are any demons. Even if you are a Spartan the Dark El can still corrupt one if they are not careful. I met several strong knights fell to the power of Dark El because they did not know it's potential."


      Streets of Amsterdam - 200 years ago

      "...can you keep up, Mistress?"

      "I don't know if I can continue onward, Little Devil..."

      Patchouli and Little Devil wandered the desolate streets of Amsterdam, with Patchouli wearing a now-dirty yellow dress designed for indoors, and Little Devil nothing but a huge roll of bloodstained bandages stacked on top of her wound. They could not eat anything off of the dinner table in fear that Sir Erickson would catch them, nor take any supplies for the possibility of other, less favorable guests to show up.

      "Do not worry. You can ride on my back if your legs are tired." Little Devil smiled.

      "But you are in worse shape than I am."

      Patchouli was right. Sure, Patchouli had a piercing wound through her right shoulder, but Little Devil sustained an entire slash through her slender torso. Not only that, without clothing, the brutal cold of the Netherlands during winter and the rugged roads ate through her skins and pierced through her feet, bleeding it. Occasional stumbles and falls added nasty gashes and wounds as well.

      "I will be alright." Little Devil assured Patchouli as she offered Patchouli a ride, who took the offer. Little Devil began to walk out of the city towards west, where the two can find refuge in France and then to Great Britain, where Queen Victoria waited for them.

      "Hold the horse, Weston!"

      "Whoa, boy, easy does it."

      It was a rainy night, two days after Patchouli and Little Devil escaped abusive Elios. A group of traveller on a horse-ridden wagon spotted two unconscious girls: one of older age and red hair, and another of younger age and purple hair. Their attires were pitiful. The younger one was wearing a wet yellow summer dress, while the older one had nothing on, save for some soaked, bloidstained bandages hanging loosely from the older girl's body.

      "Poor things... Are they dead?"

      "No ma'am they're alive, I feel their heart beating."

      "Take them to the wagon. Once we get to Rotterdam, I'll take a look at them."

      "We were saved by a German doctor named Haufhben." Patchouli finished. "My injury took a week to heal, but Koakuma took a year to completely recover to her full health. We paid him 9 years later, with Queen Victoria herself thanking the doctor for his beneficiaries."

      "From there, we travelled to Brussels, then to Reims, on horseback to Paris and from Paris we took a steamboat to Ashford, and then from Ashford we went to London. The journey took another year. I was 11 and I mapped through the hearts of Europe already."


        Prometheus Labs - London | Night

        "And you?", Jack asked Raven with very little emotion.

        Lily simply looked at Jack. Even with her helmet on, it was evident she was slightly glaring at Jack. Jack didn't really care about her glaring at him. After all, he considered his question to be a valid one. Lily then turned her attention to Raven and spoke.

        "You don't have to worry. We're better trained than anyone else on the planet. We're very mentally strong. Besides, instead of swords and magic, we have guns and plasma.", Lily assured him as she lightly smiled under her helmet.

        Banished Library - Gensokyo | Day

        "What happened when you got to London?", John asked Patchouli in a curious tone.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Banished Library - Gensokyo

          "Queen Victoria took us in as her royal court. Head Librarian. She knew how much I liked to read, so she made a role and put me into it to help me fit in." Patchouli recalled. "It wasn't a placeholder either. I went to a lot of places: France, Spain, India, United States... And that's how I knew Ulysses S. Grant. To answer the previous question, Grant was not a magician, but an Armis Amet, a magic swordsman."

          "Anyway, I lived in Great Britain until I learned of sorcery when I met Grant. He offered me to come to his library and learn how to use sorcery to become impervious to natural death. This piqued my interest, because I wamted to be able to stay with Koa forever, so I pardoned myself out of Queen Victoria's court and went to United States. I was 26."

          "I became a magician shortly after I came to America. Koa's magic power flowing through her vein aided me in most parts. Grant was shocked. What other people takes lifetime and a half, I did in under a year."


            Prometheus Labs - London | Night

            Raven looked at Jack and scowled. "Listen, me and my friends have dealt with the Dark El, and demons enough to know how to fight against it. If your not careful, and you let negative thoughts go through your mind then you are more susceptible to the Dark El's corruption. Besides... at least we know what the demons are capable of." He said as he turned to Lily. "Good point Lily. Here we have better tech... then again these are demons we are talking about... futuristic tech might not do anything against them unless they are enchanted." He said to Lily as he began to make his way out of the Labs, and to the nearest vehicle while Elsword followed suit.

            Chung turned to Lily, Jack, and Daniel. "Okay this plasma stuff or whatever might be strong in this world, but it might not be enough to take out the Glitter Demons. Yet in my world a single demon can take a Destroyer MISSILE to the face. Just... do what you do best, and follow Raven's advice about keeping your mind free of any negative thoughts. Only think of positive thoughts... like... what makes you hap-" Chung was about to say as he looked at Jack. As soon as he looked at Jack he scowled a bit. "I mean just think of things that are just not bad okay?" Chung said as he took off after Elsword and Raven.
            Last edited by SUSTIC; 01-11-2014, 03:43 AM.


              Banished Library - Gensokyo | Day

              John was surprised to hear that a historical figure was a magic swordsman. John really would never have thought such a thing was possible. Was the Grant in his universe the same way? He didn't know, and perhaps he would never know.

              "What happened after that?", John asked Patchouli in a curious tone.

              Prometheus Labs - London | Night

              "I.. kind of doubt they'll be immune to plasma. Our plasma weaponry is able to burn at temperatures reaching 40,000 *F.", Daniel explained to Chung as he followed suit.

              "Then we'll just have to see how they like lead.", Jack said to Raven with little emotion.

              After that, Jack turned over to Chung and spoke.

              "It's not a bad thing if I think about them dying. They will no longer threaten any civilians, therefore it's a good thing for me to think about killing them.", Jack calmly replied.

              "Were your weapons enchanted when you fought the Glitter Demons?", Lily asked Raven.

              "Why do they call them Glitter Demons? That's not a very intimidating name.", Daniel said to the group.
              Last edited by S121; 01-11-2014, 03:56 AM.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Banished Library - Gensokyo

                "I went back to Europe to tie up loose ends... The Knowledge manor was in shambles... Known as a haunted house, with no one living in it, and the ghost of the daughter lurking in the shadows... Ahaha, how amusing."

                "By this time, I was skilled enough to kill a man, so I vowed revenge. I first went to University of Amsterdam to find Sir Erickson. I quickly dispatched him: severred head. They still only suspect it to be an assassin from Belgium."

                "The American, formal vice presideny John Taylor was next. Coming back to America, I tracked down his retirement home and silently murdered him. Poisoning. The authorities thought it to be food poisoning."

                "The Shogun was the most difficult. How was I going to get to Japan? Fortunately... Funnily enough, the whale hunting boat crashed and Koakuma and I was stranded in Japan. So we went to Tokyo, pretended to be the emissionaries from America, and silently killed the shogun. Koa seduced him in bed while I hid around with a knife."

                As Patchouli explained her revenges, anyone could see that behind that booksmarts was the coldness of one of the most ruthless killer.


                  Banished Library - Gensokyo

                  Sakuyamon couldn´t hide the smile on her face "A skilled person who follows her instinct to reach her goals" she spoke while charging her digivice peacefuly
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    Banished Library - Gensokyo | Day

                    John was actually slightly impressed with Patchouli's skill in assassination missions. The soldier in him actually admired her skill, her ability to go in, get the job done, and get out without leaving a trace. She was a very intelligent person.

                    "I should probably tell you that killing is bad, shouldn't I? What happened next?", John said to Patchouli in a slightly light tone, implying that he wasn't really bothered by what she did.
                    Last edited by S121; 01-11-2014, 04:08 AM.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      ACO Helicopter - Outskirts of London | Night

                      Cole stopped his story telling to Flandre. He had gotten to the point where he was fighting Alden Tate on the bridge of Empire City. In Flandre's perspective, it would have looked like an intense fight between Cole and a large robot mech similar to one that she heard about from one of her sister's staff. But in truth, it was one of Cole's toughest and most climactic fights ever and had Cole on edge the whole time. The story telling massively helped to calm Flandre significantly and in fact gave her a sense of security and a hint of idolisation. This man not only saved her life but also performed numerous amazing feats in his time. Flandre did not know why he did what he did or what he even is but she felt somewhat safe around Cole. But not completely.

                      The helicopter promptly lowered and touched the ground. The helicopter shook slightly as it landed making the passengers move and adjust to the change of force. Cole and Flandre were promptly escorted out by a few ACO soldiers and one of them looked to Cole and spoke up.
                      "Due west of here should be Prometheus Labs. You two can get some proper care there and some rest." The man spoke towards Cole. It appeared that the best place for the duo to go to would be a laboratory known as Prometheus. ("Great. From one accursed lab to another.") Cole thought to himself. All Cole wanted right now was to rest and not be forced into another laboratory. Cole didn't want to stay in another facility like Organisation XIII's but if he was to have a place to stay. It would have to be this Prometheus Labs. "This is where we leave you. And pray you never have to hear of ACO again." The man continued. If Cole was lucky, he would not have to see these people again. But knowing his past experiences with mysterious organisations and gangs, Cole would undoubtedly see them again. This time was merely a friendly encounter. The next time might not be on such nice terms. "Oh, one last thing, you have a compass on ya, kid?" The man asked Cole. Cole froze on the spot. A compass. Cole always kept one on him back from his days working as a courier. But Organisation XIII took away several of his items and equipment. Including the Amp, his weapon of choice when fighting people. Searching himself, he checked his pockets for any items that Organisation XIII may have left behind. If they were generous, he would still have it. When Cole searched his left pocket, he felt a decently sized round object. Pulling it out, it revealed to be his old compass.
                      "Yeah, I've got one. From my days working as a courier." Cole replied to the ACO member.
                      Last edited by Luna Pixu; 01-11-2014, 01:09 PM.
                      Smash through the blocks that bar your way; No time for fear, just let it all fall away; Nobody believes in me and you, Just look at the way they stare; So what if we live in a walled garden, As long as I've got you then I don't care!

                      My 3DS Friend Code: 2208-5334-3531 (Ask for Pokémon shenanigans or random multiplayer games)
                      My Switch Friend Code: SW-1503-3394-5328
                      My NNID: OfficialTRXD


                        Banished Library

                        Jason heard her assassination tactics.

                        "... Seduction... So what happened after that? It's pretty obvious you don't assassinate anymore. Not to mention you seem pretty comfy in your mansion considering how clean and pale you were at first glance."

                        Nitori's House

                        "Hey, Nitori, have you heard of any strange activity lately?"
                        Last edited by wonderweiss; 01-11-2014, 01:30 PM.


                          Banished Library - Gensokyo

                          "We just travelled the world using the fortune we managed to salvage from the now-ruined Knowledge mansion, gathering books for my private library until I managed to stumble across the Scarlets in Romania. The rest, you know."

                          A long silence after Patchouli finished.

                          "I don't know what to say..." Zazz spoke out, breaking the silence. "But I do know that we're here."

                          Zazz was right. At the end of the sewer was a small, undecorated room with a spiral staircase downwards.

                          "I can only accompany you guys up to here, since I gotta go back to the city of magic and announce my return." Zazz added as he began heading back. "Good luck on your journey! Make sure you visit me in the City of Magic when you have more time!"


                            Forest near london

                            As DiZ waked up he walked into the where i could see the data on what was going on at the moment. When he looked at the monitor for the city he saw a terrible thing. It was beeing attacked. "Riku, come here at once. London is being attacked" he said as Riku came into the room. When Riku reached the monitors,.he pointed at one of them. "ACO in the forest. There is a unidetified man there and the character known as Flandre was dropped of by a helicopter. who of us should go to the city and who should go to those?" Riku asked once he had gotten a firm look at things. "You go to those in the forest. I'll go to the city. Come to the city as fast as you can" DiZ replied. Both of them then disaopeared into corridors of darkness and appeared at their destinations.

                            Sent from my Samsung Galaxy S using Tapatalk 2
                            Born in the light.
                            Molded in the dark

                            Never Forget,
                            Keep Fighting.
                            –Don't Forget.
                            Always, somewhere,
                            someone is fighting for you.
                            –As long as you remember her,
                            you are not alone.


                              Outskirts of London | Night

                              "Good." The man nodded and then he and the group got into the helicopter. "One last thing: You'll hear things that will most likely put us in a darker light...But remember this: ACO has two distinct divisions, we're not one organization. Everyone that hears of us will probably think we're one collective group. They're wrong."
                              The helicopter began to take off again. "Godspeed, kids."


                                Banished Library - Gensokyo | Day

                                John listened to Patchouli's whole story and quietly digested the information. John now knew how Patchouli came to be the person she was today. Before John could think further, Zazz spoke to the group.

                                "I don't know what to say... But I do know that we're here."

                                "I can only accompany you guys up to here, since I gotta go back to the city of magic and announce my return. Good luck on your journey! Make sure you visit me in the City of Magic when you have more time!", Zazz said.

                                "Ok. Good luck in the Magic City. Hopefully we'll meet again.", John calmly said to Zazz as he held out his hand for a handshake.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

