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[IC Board] All the World's a Game - Season II

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    Banished Library - Gensokyo | Day

    John remained silent. It was no wonder Patchouli hated her father so much. What he did was horrific, a deed that rivaled even what the Jiralhanae Brutes would do to their prisoners. Not only that, but she couldn't tell anyone about it because they wouldn't believe her. Finally, John spoke.

    "I see... Why did he do that? Why did he want to create a homunculus?", John asked Patchouli.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Banished Library - Gensokyo | Day

      Sakuyamon was thinking on what the magician had to endure at such young age and then something struck her mind

      "Does that homunculus you say is Koakuma, your assistant in the library?" she asked to Patchouli in a calm tone
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        Banished Library - Gensokyo

        "...yes. Koakuma is... the Little Devil. Pretty subtle, I know." Patchouli said, adding a small sarcasm at the end. "I hated her guts at first... but she ended up acting as a big sister figure for me... until I came to Gensokyo of course."

        "I feel like there's more to it." Zazz intervened, while Phio screamed to himself, No no no do not believe her! Elios the Creator is the holiest God and must not be slandered like that! "You're obviously hiding something. What did your father Elios do to you directly?"

        "Well..." Patchouli fidgeted, and let out a deep sigh. "Alright... there's more to the story... I'll tell you, but you won't like it."


          Banished Library - Gensokyo

          "Whatever that might have happened on the past, it doesnīt matter know, you can stay silent if you want to Patchouli" the priestess spoke reassure the magician

          She then looked at the mouse who had a disturbed face "Also you might want to keep some parts of your life to you if the time isnīt right" she saud looking at Patchouli, but making a small gesture towards Phio
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



            Banished Library

            Jason knew that feeling. Thugs using people for their own purposes, then throwing them away like trash. He just hoped that if he saw him, he can get a lick of the action. He didn't like the feeling of killing someone, especially if they were so close to them. The man was her husband for god's sake!

            "Is that man still alive?" He asked.

            Forest of Magic

            Jack bent back to avoid the gunsaw. He then NT'd on to Takoizu's shoulders. He took out two revolvers.


            He shot her in the head with both revolvers, unloading the entire barrel. Then, he took out two knives.

            "Your bones cannot protect your-"

            He stabbed the neck.

            Kappa Village

            "Thank you."

            Otori went on to Nitori's house and knocked on the door.

            "Hello? Is anybody home?"


              Banished Library - Gensokyo

              "Eep!" Phio squealed, and then said even more slightly: "Sorry..."

              Amsterdam - 200 years ago

              "Happy birthday, Patchouli!"

              "Happy birthday!"

              Patchouli was 9 now. Not that it mattered to her, since the one person that she liked the most in the family, her mother, was revealed to be brutally murdered by her own father. She has grown extremely reclusive since the discovery, keeping to herself in her library and never leaving not even for supper. Concerned maids and Bailey brought her food from the supper and granted her as many books as they can get, and the Little Devil, who has now grown into a full woman, (she was denied any clothes because she was still considered a "thing" by the tall man) came to the library almost every day to read with Patchouli. Little Devil reminded Patchouli of her mother. Her mother, like Little Devil, was red-haired. They both had scarlet eyes, slender physique that made them look frail, and a slightly pointy ears. Patchouli's affection for the Little Devil grew day by day, as her resentment for the tall man, her father, grew even faster, fueled by the fact that the Little Devil was abused brutally every day by Patchouli's father.

              "Happy birthday, Patchouli!" Little Devil chuckled as she entered the library. Patchouli was sitting on her little couch, surrounded by dolls and other things to cuddle, a series of gift given to her by the English lady every time she visited Patchouli. "You're 9 now!"

              "And you're not even a year old." Patchouli sighed. Little Devil laughed and sat next to Patchouli. Even though the couch was made for one person, Little Devil's slender body was skinny enough to fit next to Patchouli without being too uncomfortable.

              "I have persuaded my master to prepare a huge birthday party for you. Surely you should come out for it." Little Devil announced.

              To which Patchouli stuck out her tongue in disgust. "I don't want to see my father."

              "Oh come on, I'm begging you." Little Devil snuggled to Patchouli, who harumphed and stuck her head into her book. "Say... what's your favorite book?"

              "...Don Quixote." Patchouli spoke. "It's the first book my father bought for me when I was 3. I didn't understand what it was at first, but now I find it very funny..."

              "How about this?" Little Devil smiled and proposed. "I'll have your father buy you as much books from Cervantes as he can. In exchange, can you come out of your library and eat dinner with us for your birthday? Please?"

              "...Alright, fine." Patchouli sighed and took the deal. Little Devil smiled again warmly and left the library, humming a happy tune.

              "I don't know why he created Koakuma." Patchouli shrugged. "It can't be because he wanted me to have companionship... He never cared for me to socialize. He probably does not either."

              "Of course this Elios is alive, you dummy." Zazz told Jason. "I've seen him."

              "You have?" Phio asked. "How does... he look like?"

              "He looked like he barely aged. In his 40s, silver hair, silver mustache, gold pocketwatch, a large staff encarved with ancient runes that not even the greatest mage of the city of magic can understand..." Zazz explained.

              Kappa Village - Gensokyo

              A minute after, Otori could hear a clamor inside the house with a faint Coming!. The door opened, revealing Nitori.

              Nitori was in a mess. Machine oil covered her face, while her hair was a bushy mess of blue fibers. She was wearing a black tank top with baggy blue pants. On her waist sat a tool kit belt.

              "Oh, didn't expect you." Nitori gasped in surprise. "Please come in."
              Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 01-10-2014, 11:20 PM.


                Forest of Magic - Gensokyo | Day

                Takoizu felt Jack's feet on her shoulders. She almost dropped the Lancer to quickly counter Jack's attack, but she stopped herself. This was the perfect time for her plan to reach it's final step. She knew that it was going to hurt when she woke back up, but it was expected. At least Jack would get off her back for a few days, hopefully forever. Takoizu heard the gunshots, but the the time it took for the bullets to reach her skull felt like minutes.

                (Took you long enough.), Takoizu calmly thought before a barrage of .525 caliber rounds pierced her skull and ripped through the other side, killing her instantly.

                There was a splash of red, and before she hit the ground, Jack stabbed her in the neck. After that, Takoizu hit the ground with a loud thud, no longer moving or breathing. After a couple of seconds, the space around Jack's machete flickered, and the blade fell to the ground, planting itself in the dirt.

                Banished Library - Gensokyo | Day

                John didn't like this man. He could now see why Patchouli hated him so much. He was abusive, uncaring, and monstrous. His deeds opposed John's morals and disgusted him.

                "What happened after that?", John calmly asked Patchouli, hiding his dislike for the man.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  ACO Helicopter - Russia -> Outskirts of London

                  "We're here." The pilot said, almost distractedly.
                  "About time...Is there a bit of forest with a clearing we can use as an LZ?" The leader of the group asked.
                  "Yes, and it has some cover from Prometheus Labs."
                  "Excellent. Bring us down."


                  As the Helicopter settled on the ground with the rotors still in motion, the soldiers helped Cole and Flandre out and the leader addressed Cole. "Due west of here should be Prometheus Labs. You two can get some proper care there and some rest." He then turned back to the helicopter. "This is where we leave you. And pray you never have to hear of ACO again." He then started to climb in but then realized something. "Oh, one last thing, you have a compass on ya, kid?"


                    Longsword Runway - Prometheus Labs - London | Night

                    As Raven took Richter inside for interrogation, Elsword turned to Lily and Daniel. "Hey thanks for everything and all, but I should head out and get some training in before bed." Elsword said as he stretched. Indicating he was somewhat tired. "Oh hey uh... you..." Elsword muttered as he pointed at Daniel. "Do you think you can tell Jack that I want a rematch tomorrow, and that I won't hold back as much now that I know what he is capable of?" He said as he waited for a response from Daniel.

                    However as he was waiting for a response what appeared to be a bright flash within the sky in the middle of the city can be seen. As soon as this dark flash occurred Elsword's eyes widened as he felt a very familiar power. "What the freaking hell..." Elsword muttered as he turned to the city...

                    Inside Prometheus Labs - London | Night

                    As Raven was taking Richter into the interrogation room Raven stopped as he sensed a very familiar, and dark power. "What the-" He muttered "What is that power doing here!?" Raven said as Richter turned to Raven. "So you can sense the dark power as well?" Richter asked as Raven did not say a single word.

                    Prometheus Labs - Sector 4 - Reactor Labs | Night

                    As Chung was "resting his eyes" at his work desk he suddenly began to have a nightmare... of London under attack by demons... with Dark El coursing through the streets. As soon as this nightmare ended he woke up as he felt the power of Dark El within the city... "Dammit... dammit! Why does that have to be here!?" Chung said as he took off his Lab Coat and ran into the armory to equip his armor, and grab his new and improved Destroyer. He didn't even so much as say anything to the other scientists in the lab.

                    Middle of the city - London | Night

                    Meanwhile in the middle of the city a glowing dark purple orb emitting black lightning had formed. As the silhouette of a man in armor, and wings can be seen in the orb forming. Once the silhouette became more important the orb shattered, and a massive shockwave of Dark El coursed through the city. After the orb shattered a man in black armor, and devilish wings can be seen. The man after being free of the orb let out an extremely loud roar of pain and suffering that could be heard from the runway at Prometheus Labs.


                      Longsword Runway - Prometheus Labs - London | Night

                      As soon as the flash of light appeared, Lily and Daniel snapped their attention towards the light. After a few more seconds, a loud scream could be heard, echoing from within the city.

                      "What was that?", Lily asked Daniel and Elsword in a confused tone.

                      "I don't know.", Daniel said to Lily, his eyes focused on the scene before him.

                      Whatever the light was, Daniel and Lily had a feeling that it wasn't good.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Longsword Runway - Prometheus Labs - London | Night

                        Elsword looked at Lily and Daniel with a look of dread. "I... I could have swore that was Dark El energy I felt..." Elsword said as he grabbed his blade, and without a second thought he ran into the building after Raven.

                        Prometheus Labs - London | Night

                        As Elsword ran into the building he looked around for Raven. Raven just got done getting Richter into an interrogation room where one of the other security guards had begun to interrogate Raven.

                        "Raven did you just sense that Dark El just now!?" Elsword asked in a rushed tone as Raven has a slightly nervous yet calm look on his face. "Yeah... I did... it was Dark El... and that could only mean that demons had entered this world..." Raven replied as Chung who just got done getting changed into his armor could be seen entering the sector while holding the Destroyer in both hands. "Guys where is Lily!? We need to get to the city NOW!" Chung said in an extremely urgent, and panicked tone as he ran up to Elsword and Raven.

                        "Chung we can't just go running out there all guns blazing and stuff. We don't know if there actually are any demons, and if there are we don't know how much there are. There could be an entire army's worth of demons..." Raven said as Chung glared at him. "Or it could be Ran!" Chung replied as Raven sighed. "Or it could be him... either way we need to be careful, and not rush in. If not you will just end up injured or killed Chung... and I'm sure your father wouldn't be proud if you did something that reckless as well..." Raven said as Chung lowered his head as though he was punished.


                          Forest of Magic

                          Jack stood there, knife still in Takoizu. Then, his eyes widened.

                          He killed her.

                          He took the knife out and backed away a few inches.

                          "... No... This... This is not what I wanted... She could've... She didn't have to die... She could've gone back. I... I told her that we could've avoided unnecessary deaths... Takoizu..... I'm sorry... But it had to be done."

                          Jack then grabbed his machete, grabbed something else from the ground, and walked back to Takoizu.

                          "... May you rest in peace... Alongside your family."

                          He placed a blue flower on Takoizu's chest. He then turned away.

                          "... The woods be lovely, dark and deep... But I have promises to keep... And many miles before I sleep... And many miles... Before I sleep."

                          He walked away.

                          Nitori's House

                          "Oh, thank you Nitori."

                          He walked inside the house.


                            Amsterdam - 200 years ago

                            "Happy birthday!"

                            Patchouli looked around. To her opposite, her father sat, with his smug smile that was obviously fake. Next to him sat Little Devil and Nancy, and between Little Devil and Patchouli sat Bailey. Plates and plates of fine dishes only nobles can eat: sweets, rare meat, and fresh vegetables, adorned the table, along with silver and gold tableware symbolizing the royalty.

                            "I will give you the finest poems of Edgar Allan Poe." Elios handed Francesca, a petit maid, a brand new book wrapped in an elaborate gift wrapping paper. Francesca walked over to Patchouli and gave her the book, who took it begrudgingly and merely mumbled her thanks.

                            "Also, I want you to know that I will also grant you any one wish you want." Elios continued, still with that sinister smile.

                            "That's great!" Nancy beamed. "What would you like, honey? A Scottish pony? Maybe a new dress?"

                            "No..." Patchouli sighed and spoke out to her father. "I just want to know... why would you kill your own wife to create something like Little Devil?"

                            The house grew quiet.

                            "I cannot answer that, honey." Elios shrugged and began serving himself a turkey leg.

                            "Why not?" Patchouli raised her eyebrows while Bailey and Nancy urged her to stop her pursuit for the truth. "Is it too confidential? Shall I reveal the secret to everyone that you knew and trust?"

                            "Now, now, surely you won't do that." Elios chuckled as Patchouli held a paper. The paper was a letter from Queen Victoria, addressing the issue of Patchouli's father, his madness, and his abuse towards his creation. Queen Victoria took pity on young Patchouli, and has said that she would notify the people of England of Elios' horrible deeds at the reply of Patchouli.

                            "I am serious, father. Tell me what caused you to kill my mother, and I-"

                            A knife went through her shoulder. Blood began sprouting from the pierced wound. The knife was thrown by Elios, whose calm calculating smile turned into that of pure wrath.

                            "You witch!" Elios's face distorted. He drew his saber from his hip sheath. "You schemer! How dare you rebel against your own father!"

                            Bailey screamed in terror as he knelt and prayed to God for mercy. The maids, including Nancy, scurried off to their chambers in fear that they might become the next target. The only person who dared to protect her was Little Devil, who had nothing on to protect herself when the saber strikes. And it did. The steel glint sliced Little Devil's body like a hot knife through butter, forcing the girl to kneel in pain. That, however, helped Patchouli to gain enough time to initiate her own counterattack. Clutching her shoulder with another arm, she began chanting.

                            "Pulso, Elido, Subdomo, Excludo... Pulso, Elido, Subdomo, Excludo..."

                            "What! You learned sorcery? No, wait-"

                            A blast of power knocked Elios out, sending him flying through the dining hall. He struck a wooden barrel and laid there, unconscious. Patchouli, her visions dimming from the blood loss, staggered over to Patchouli and laid her head on the Little Devil's knees. Little Devil, who sustained a larger injury, merely let Patchouli's head sit on top of her lap, tending to Patchouli's hair.

                            "We must get out of here soon, Mistress." Little Devil said to Patchouli. "I heard today that Sir Erickson will be coming here to join us for dinner. If we were to stay safe, we must hide our presence from that man as well."

                            "I know... I just can't walk..." Patchouli moaned, the blood loss beginning to take toll. "Little Devil... can you carry me to my library...? We can escape from there to the balcony."

                            "Of course." Little Devil nodded, and hoisted Patchouli on her back and began climbing the stairs to Patchouli's library, all the while her bleeding wound continuing to take effect.

                            "...Little Devil... Is this what dying is like?" Patchouli asked Little Devil as the two headed up the stairs.

                            "You won't die, mistress. My instinct forbids you to." Little Devil panted. "There must be some bandages in my former master's laboratory. I must go grab some for you."

                            "...thanks." Patchouli weakly replied. Little Devil went silent, focused only on restoring her now new Mistress back to good health.

                            "I don't know how I uttered that spell. It just came to me, like some voice in my head kept repeating it." Patchouli explained her usage of magic spell. "I never knew what he meant by sorcery until, well, until I came across a man named Ulysses S. Grant in 1860."
                            Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 01-11-2014, 02:28 AM.


                              Banished Library

                              "Those who seek knowledge may find it, but it wonīt matter if they canīt understand it" Sakuyamon spoke those words as if they were a metaphor

                              Nera sighed "Life has its ways of teaching us how to survive it"
                              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                                Prometheus Labs - London | Night

                                While Raven, Elsword, and Chung were talking to each other and preparing, Lily went to go get her equipment, while Daniel ran to Sector 4 to get Jack. After a short while, Jack, Daniel, and Lily entered the room Elsword, Raven, and Chung were in.

                                "What's going on?", Jack asked Raven and Chung in an almost indifferent tone.

                                Forest of Magic - Gensokyo | Day

                                Takoizu laid there on her back with a blue flower on her armored chest, motionless and with her heavily damaged head and neck drenched in an expanding pool of blood. Little did she know that the entire battle took place next to one of the roads in the forest. Somebody was bound to find her, and if they did, she hoped that they wouldn't think she was Yukari, or that she was truly dead.

                                Banished Library - Gensokyo | Day

                                "What? Are you telling me that General Grant was a magician?", John asked Patchouli in a slightly surprised tone.

                                All of a sudden, John quickly changed his attention back to the story.

                                "Ah- Sorry... Maybe there was a reason you knew that spell before learning about it.", John said to Patchouli, implying that maybe she knew it all along, or that there might have been another reason.

                                "What happened after that?"
                                Last edited by S121; 01-11-2014, 02:37 AM.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

