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Sanctuary OOC

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    So what do ya have in mind for your chara?


      hmm... since you have 3/4 characters so far and seem to be able to deal with it, i think i will introduce one more, i will just work on it now, the current number of characters...seems to me to be...relatively limited.

      but, anyway, the main point of this post was to suggest to you that since you have a story (All those things you keep mentioning in your posts etc) , You could post it in the literature section:
      How many times can you die a day~?
      How many times have you died a day~?


        True that...I have my main Story "Eternal Galaxy" Which is this 2 part may-become-three-depending-on-the-ending-I-finally-choose saga...
        80 some chapters I had planned out and so far I wrote only 5 of them and I'm currently re-writing them...again...
        Plus there's the substories for each character... which I keep to only around 5-10 chapters each and so far I've written part of Eternal Galaxy: Mirror Sea, Reaper's Call, and Shattered Ice Flower.
        ...I probably should write them out in the forum section...that way I can get feedback on it...
        And aye...If I don't stop myself I would wind up introducing the entire 6 main characters of my story, which is not including Aetheron, Anankerisa, Erebos, Aurora, Dalia and Revere...oh shoot...I actually do have at least 12 important chara in my storyline...

        >.>;; right then...

        Oh and curious by what ya see on what's "limited" (which to me means something's missing and I be curious on that...)
        Last edited by Cucoo5; 09-11-2013, 11:55 AM.


          book means limited to have a good control in characters, lets say you have 10 characters who are with other people´s characters, you may forget one of those 10 between the post thus making the other person wait for quite a long time until you give a response

          In another note I feel like a noob when you talked about your enormous story, I only have 8 chapters on mine and don´t know how many will be at total XD
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



            Ha, don't worry.
            I planned this puppy out for 7 years and barely have anything done. Started as a fanfic of LoZ, then slowly evolved into something deeper and far more complex. Touhou helped break a writer's block I had. Specifically Flandre. The girl I referenced just now with Mercurius is the result of that. Anankerisa, who before I had as a "false goddess." A puppet to the self proclaimed god of destruction. but I refined that and turned Aion into the actual goodguy/badguy and left Anankerisa as a possible character should I need a contrast.

            And ya. All I really have are notes... 7 years and just notes...
            You got 8 chapters. you beat mine so far as I'm concerned.


              well... most of the story comes from my dreams, I have had very creative dreams and many of them (including the story one) have been constant

              Like i sleep here and wake up in dream world

              So far Im still adapting chapter 9 from my last dream
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                Ha ya...that's always the fun ones.
                Me, I had a dream that basically changed Kiara from a secondary to main character...cause I had no backstory for her. Hence, Shattered Ice Flower.
                Also I had a moment where I solved my entire plotline puzzle on how to make it work flawlessly. Then I woke up.


                  here she is.

                  Name: Amurei Beurade

                  Age: 1489 ( died at the age of 23 735 years after Lore's creation )

                  Gender: female

                  Race: ghost ( well since tewi added in those other planes of existence... )

                  Magic type if any: not really any magic, but can be considered to possess mild necromancy due to being a ghost herself and thus able to speak/contact to other dead/undead beings. She actually drains a small amount of energy from around her, she doesn't know this, but it sustains her spirit and allows it to remain in the world of the living, it is not very noticeable except for a very slight drop in temperature, she doesn't feel hot or cold and thus does not know about this. This also allows her wounds to heal much faster than a normal living being. Where it might take them a month to repair a broken bone, for her it would take only roughly 5/6 days, a fifth of the time it does for living beings.

                  Weapons if any: Has an incorporeal atlatl ( a wooden extension held in the hand that gives the thrower extra leverage) and quiver of darts that cannot harm living things and pass through them instead, but it can harm other dead/undead. But when the darts are coated in something that is from the world of the living but is already dead or never living e.g. bog,snow, when it is thrown, although the dart passes through the living thing, but the substance will have all the velocity of the dart, and for example, the snow can be transformed into a high velocity snowball, or the bog could become a mud ball which would probably splatter upon contact.

                  Faction: unaffliated

                  Appearance: . Usually seems like a flickering image, anybody looking upon her cannot be sure of what they are seeing. When she tries to show herself, this image solidifies into a person wearing a simple black kimono and simple straw sandals that usually do not touch any surface, due to always floating an inch above any surface. She has straight black hair and pale blue eyes. Her skin was quite dark when she was alive, but now due to her current state, it is extremely pale. She has a slight aristocratic look about her. When attempting to hide, she fades until you can virtually see through her, she wouldn't even cast a shadow then.

                  Personality: A scholar that gets bored easily and constantly seeks entertainment usually in the form of scholarly pursuits, she is hard to deter from her goal and would attempt to bulldoze through those in her way, either pig-head or persistent. Has intense focus, such that she usually misses nothing about the subject she is examining, but the focus can be too intense, often misses things in the peripheral, often only able to focus on one task at once, cannot multitask well, but what she does, she does well.

                  Was a scholar when she was still living, mainly studying the difference between abain and humans, back then she was a human. She had known about the arcane stones, but had promised never to take one (nor did she feel a desire to do so, she had formed close bonds with the Abain). She died attempting to defend the Abain from other Humans.

                  She was then trapped in limbo and got extremely bored, she tried to find ways to keep herself occupied but limbo was a boring place to her. She wanted to return to Lore, where the living were. So she began studying and attempting to return to the land of the living, roughly a century after her death, she managed to find a way, it was unreliable, but she could use it. It was to "piggy-back" a summoned spirit, those summoned by the necromancers. She followed them out one of the temporary "doorways" to the world of the living and one out, she broke free and became what was effectively a wandering spirit.

                  The first time she managed this, she had "piggy-back"ed a spirit summoned by an Abain with necromancy. The Abain was trying to defend himself against a horde of humans but was overwhelmed. She thought that it was due to her revulsion at what the world had become that sent her back to limbo, regardless, her first visit was a brief one.

                  The second time, was about another century later, she once again managed to successfully chance upon a spirit that was being summoned and managed to catch a ride. This time, she shut herself off from the world in the Gensei woods and concentrated on learning about being back in the world of the living. She discovered she was still the same as she had been when she died. In limbo, she had been without a body, now she regained her own, although it was not corporeal. She even had her atlatl from her last battle. She slowly learnt about her limitations in this world. After a while, she went around a looked for an interesting human to go along with, she chanced upon a witch-doctor who was attempting to fuse humans and animals. To her it looked quite interesting and secretly helped out on the experiment, not knowing what the hybrids were meant for. For a while, she lived with the Yaju's in the silverwood grove. A year after the experiment's success, she felt drawn to the Abain Necromancer that had unwittingly helped her enter the world of the living. She found him being attacked by the Yaju's and he was killed. And once again she was sent back to limbo, now she found out, that the death of the necromancer that summoned her would cause her to return to limbo. She had heard that some necromancers could cause their creations to go on after they died, but that wasn't automatic, and required conscious effort, since the necromancer did not know about her, she was sent back to limbo when he died.

                  The most recent time was nearly more than a millenia after her last visit, this was due to the lack of summonings, which she later learnt was due to the persecution of necromancers. Suddenly there were spirits being summoned everywhere and it was easy to "piggy-back" one of them. This time, the necromancer was a woman named "Kami". Amurei had entered the world of the living upon the attack of the fire shrine, and was quite disorientated. First the humans attacked the Abain, then the Yajus came in, but now it seems from what she gathered, necromancers were persecuted. She was tempted to support the necromancers, due to the fact that if they were killed, she would be stuck in limbo forever, but she also did not want all the other shrines desecrated. She was conflicted about what to do and wanted to find something constant from the last time she was here. So she set off for the one place she was sure would not change much, even in a millenia : Gensei woods.

                  She is now wondering through the woods, lost, attempting to find someone she knows from her prevous visit, she is hoping perhaps she could stumble upon Silverwood grove and perhaps meet an old Yaju who remembered her, but Silverwood grove's location had changed and she cannot find it. She attempted to follow the recent flood of Yaju, but instead found they were headed towards a city, where an undead army seemed to be laying siege.

                  Strengths: Able to move with inhuman speed and strength. Can fade until she is barely visible or solidify to pass as a human. Cannot be touched by living things.

                  Weaknesses: Still hampered by physical limitations, at least while still on the orld of the living. Meaning she is cannot pass through solid objects like any normal living being. Still hampered by gravity, thus although hovers around an inch over any surface, she cannot fly. Still can be felt,seen,heard etc by living things, can be touched by items wielded by living things, provided the items are not living, thus she can be caught in for example a cage. She doesn't like being trapped though, and above mentioned strengths make it hard to do so. Due to lack of ability to interact with living things, unable to defend against or help living things much.

                  ok. I just noticed those new planes of existence XD so I made use of them. I will just post in the IC tmr once I wake up...IF I wake up, my sleep patterns have been all weird recently, nvm it is the middle of the night, gd night.

                  edit: sorry, I missed a few things >< i was doing it in bits and pieces, jumping from one section to the other. and as for my statement about waking up...I didn't manage to do so...slept for 12 hours, thank goodness it is the holidays.
                  @cucoo: sorry, I am really really bad at descriptions as I said, is this much enough? and of course that is one heck of a character bio, she is nearly 1500 years old
                  Last edited by bookdragon2000; 09-12-2013, 12:49 AM.
                  How many times can you die a day~?
                  How many times have you died a day~?


                    @ Book

                    Oh my~ That's one heck of a bio.
                    Just curious on her appearance some more and alittle more clarification on how her ghost status really is?

                    anyway gonna get sleep here. later peeps.
                    Tomorrow I'll probably work on the minigame map now that Remi has released the gensokyo file. I'll do a rough draft of everything I have in, cheers


                      goodnight Cucoo
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        More for my notes than anything

                        Tempus -
                        Section 1-1: Lucas sabotages the Trebuchets of the undead army. Undead army has breached the walls. General Rem is returning to base. Lucas is in pursuit
                        Section 2-1: Aetheron has changed a small aspect of the battle. Trying to piece together the riddle of the Blood Tome. Hyperion is mentioned
                        Section 3-1: Nera takes advantage of the opening and aids the fight in the inner walls. Aion meets Nera and helps her fend of the Undead from a group of civilians. Aion unleashes Mercurius. the two work their way to the castle.

                        Land of Cinders and Ashes -
                        Section 4-1: Toran has reached a village and seeks to rest there. Dalia appears and is attempting to take the geo arcane stone from Toran. Kiara causes Dalia to miss multiple opportunities to get rid of Toran.

                        Gensei Woods -
                        Section 1-2: Amurei sees the battle at Tempus and notices General Rem retreating.
                        Section 5-1: Azeruk is training by a lake.

                        ...shoot did I miss anything?
                        Last edited by Cucoo5; 09-12-2013, 12:47 PM.


                          Actually it wasn´t Nera who sabotaged the trebuchets ^^;

                          anyways, back to class!
                          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                            I knew I put the wrong name to the wrong thing.
                            Ok time to have Aetheron be the voice behind the curtain...


                              someone give me a quick summery on anything i missed. oh and did any new applications come in while i was away?


                                Nm. Cucoo pretty much did that in the first pussy of this page. And Toran had just found his master... Or what would seem to be her...

