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[OOC Board] Eternal Galaxy: Shards of Starlight - Part I

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    @ Kristia
    (reason I'm back: realized suite mates are the ones playing the loud music, so waiting for music to download onto phone so I can use it as earplugs...)

    Now feel free to play out the scenarios out of context in the IC of this

    H4X S1GN will be the thread where the RPers are the Life Hackers like Cicero was in this one. Venturia is a simulation where you all control it. everything is truly possible there. You all can even go ahead and control my characters in it. (For example you could go ahead and have Kiara and control her as you interpret her. I want to see this. That's why I'm encouraging it.)

    Oh and @ Hat

    If you need me to I will advance your story end further if you need it (if you can't think of anything) otherwise, go to the other IC I mentioned and create mini scenarios that don't have to have a context. like have a scene with the Operator and whoever her higher ups are when the somehow actually find a Shard of Starlight. Do things like that.

    @ Everyone else that is reading this.

    Use H4X S1GN for if you are thinking of joining but don't know about a character. play out an imaginary scenario of any kind in the IC of H4X S1GN. just play out something, anything.
    Just Do It.
    Last edited by Cucoo5; 12-02-2013, 02:32 AM.


      Ok dropping by~

      So @ Hat + SUS
      Do you guys need me when I get back officially to advance/add something more for your characters to work with?

      @ Book
      If you need anything to help advance your plot, just say so, k?

      @ Everyone
      So everything here is still good, aye? Would ya all have preferred this RP to be moving a bit faster or...?


        Sorry, I think I'll bail on this RP for a while. Finals are coming up and I need to study a lot.


          @ Hat

          2 weeks?
          (Mine end technically on Weds of next week, but I keep saying 2 weeks.)

          If that's the case then we be on the same boat.
          Last edited by Cucoo5; 12-03-2013, 06:54 PM.


            Nah, the ones in Australia are a bit different. Basically the entire last year of High School is one massive grindfest that essentially determines your work choices in the future, so I'm cutting down on non-essential tasks like gaming and stuff in favour of studying. That being said, I'll still be updating Eisenhower and stuff, but will do so at a slower pace but first priority is getting that 95% or above, so I'll be changing my work ethic to suit how my first exam results come back, which will probably tell me that I need to stop playing vidya gaems and pull all-nighters all night every night.

            But hey, I've still got ATLAS to cheer me on, right?


              @ Hat

              Wait...that's High school?
              Or is that college?

              Because it sounds like College here in good ol' 'merica.

              @ Everyone

              Ok I've finally pieced out a way to end Chapter 5 so we can progress to Chapter 6 in a way that makes so many references to the later parts of the story it's sending chills down me spine.

              Chapter 5 is Fragments of Life
              Initially I thought this would be about the Shards of Starlight, but I've came up with an even better thing for it to reference.
              All life in the galaxy and hinting at something about Aion in the process.

              So I'm gonna do this: progress the Cortana Simulation so the duel gets through to a somewhat decent length, progress the Pub scene so that Nero and Mima would be heading back to the Study, then make massive end post for the Combat Simulation.

              The end of the combat simulation will be called a Nightmare Simulation where someone's memories overpower the system and adapts it to that nightmare scenario. This + what happens when everyone wakes up in reality + Aion's reaction vs everyone else's reaction = The best subtle reference for this chapter.

              Then Chapter 6 happens, interrupts everything that's going on in the Delta Division Fleet, and we prepare to move the Mainstream Story on to the Celestora System.

              Once things reach the Celestora System, then the main story gets moving really fast.
              Even though I have no specifics, I know what points are needed to be hit.
              The ties between Aion and Kiara are revealed. The first Shard is found and recovered by Delta Division, Starla joins the group, and then promises are made.

              When the story hits Egale, then things just get fun. Knights of the Sky, Legend of Zelda reference, Eleos joins the group (begin womanizer jokes) And then Revere becomes an even bigger bada$$.

              After that it's Sol Incineron and things heat up...especially when Dalia happens. Mercurius's origins type 1 and Aion takes a turn for the darker.

              Then its Venion, where I have Aion face that darkness, have Mercurius tied to the Goddess Venturia, and we bring in Erebos officially, where even though he is as powerful as a f*cking god, he somehow isn't. Logic.

              And then Helios revisited and Nexion...those two I can't say anything about yet.

              In the end, things can progress relatively fast in the mainstream...
              And that means we can get to the sandbox part III even faster where I can drop the need for me to micromanage things and everyone is free to build whatever they want in the Galaxy.



                While I was searching for music, I came across this. I don't know why, but the title and music reminded me of EG. Maybe it was because of the titles.

                A Piece of Eternity


                Universe Last Day

                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  Australian High School is from 12-17. We start University at 18 and finish whenever we want


                    @ Hat

                    That is age, right? Or is it like this other system where that's Grade?

                    @ S121

                    A Piece of Eternity...
                    .....WHY DID I NOT THINK OF THAT TITLE BEFORE?!
                    And if I were to make like those Movie beginning staff credit things (A blah blah film, Produced by Blah, etc etc) for Shards of Starlight...
                    Ya that one would be it.

                    Same with the second one, except I would say for Echoes of Time.

                    And the pictures match something also

                    first one could be like Anankerisa (though resembles more the Twin Sisters...which are two contrasting succubi.
                    Second one...if I really played out mech suits, maybe, though you could replace the Gundam with people (I'm thinking Revere for that one...) and it would work.

                    EDIT: This could work for the Nexion section

                    The title of this would match Cicero and Nero...

                    What is it with these "Most Epic OST" songs? Where do they come from and why are they epic ToT
                    Last edited by Cucoo5; 12-06-2013, 12:05 AM.


                      Well, if you're looking for somewhat fitting songs for Eternal Galaxy...

                      Tropic of Capricorn

                      Also, since this is one of the few songs I like with lyrics, I find this fitting
                      Build That Wall

                      Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                      You just discard their guts and keep on driving.



                        I don't know why, but I feel like looking up music for EG now, even thought it likely won't be used.

                        I gotta do something to occupy my time, now that I can't play Minecraft.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          @ S121

                          inb4 the time I intend on making a full blown game for this story where you could free roam the entire galaxy's solar systems...
                          ...and every game needs music...
                          ...of course that'll be a few years to come, but I will see to it that it happens...

                          @ Mima

                          First one I could see in like some sort of residential area...

                          Second one I could see in like a city at night,

                          Third one I could see as being for like Eleos for some reason.
                          Last edited by Cucoo5; 12-06-2013, 12:14 AM.



                            Next thing you know, all the RP characters will be secret characters in the game, albeit with differences, for copyright reasons.

                            Instead of John-117 and Cortana, you would have Johnny-711 and Crystal.

                            Mima would have to be something else too, something that kind of gives a hint as to who it really is, but keeps that sort of ambiguity.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              I was thinking third a bit more for Nova. Considering that Nova would rather dig a hole than be involved in the war.

                              First one I was thinking it could be used for a more ending kind of thing. Coming back to a place that invokes painful memories, or somewhere at the end of a long journey.

                              Second I could see in some ancient, forgotten place or ruin, filled with mystery and danger.

                              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                                @ S121

                                tbh I was actually thinking of having more Touhou Characters make Cameo appearances.

                                I was actually thinking on a scenario where Aion winds up in Gensokyo...
                                *insert every gappy fanfic here*

                                @ Mima


                                well interesting...
                                now that I've listened to the third one fully, I think there could be a contrast with Nova and Eleos then if you think Nova would be the one for that. I also took the song to mean rebuilding something, and that is what Eleos was trying to do with the Ruins of the city that was his home and the former Republic of Senarious.
                                Last edited by Cucoo5; 12-06-2013, 12:23 AM.

