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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    I feel like raining cucooŽs party with Nera and RenaŽs abilities

    But IŽll speak about it later, too tired.. goodnight^^
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      @ Kristia

      Well I have a counter which is Eleos. It would be the challenge of them vs a Sniper. I would assume they could sense him, but by the time they do, could it be might be too late.

      and g'night



        Nighty night.


        If Eleos kills them, then he is going to make a lot of enemies... 0_0;
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



          (I wonder if John would take more damage too.)



            What do you mean?

            Do you mean that video of the monk with the drill?
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Oh no, Cuckoo said something about a sniper, and the only Sniper that came to my mind was the Australian Hunter.


                @ Wriggle

                "Thanks for standin' still, wanka!"

                And speaking of super humans, Eleos might not be this good in this RP, (but he was almost in my story) but imagine if he came even half as close with a sniper.



                  Well, it would depend on the sniper rifle being used. .50 caliber snipers can pierce the armor, but you need to destroy the shields first. Iy takes one shot to destroy the shields, and one to pierce the armor. The odd thing is that headshots are insta-kill, despite the shielding. (Most likely for gameplay. It would be lame if headshots weren't rewarded.)


                  Haha! XD

                  Did you see the one with the "Cowboy"?

                  That is fast!

                  Some of these people are better than John and Dante!
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    @ S121

                    And to think, they were natural humans...
                    And I did, I followed it to that one :P
                    To have eyesight like that would make for a lethal sniper...

                    And speaking of Spartan shields, would it be plausible there might be a "thin spot" in the shield's generation? Just random curiosity

                    Also I don't intend on killing Nera or Renamon, but perhaps, taking out of the equation for a while.


                      Let's see...

                      Sniper uses his own handmade sniper rifle (same goes for Pyro who uses his (He is a homosexual male proven by science) homemade flamethrower) which means the weapon is pretty outdated. Even then, with a single headshot dispatching any class, Sniper can do some serious damage to almost every Character in the RP. He's just a true glass cannon.

                      Bah I'm tired. GG guys, good night.



                        WTF is with these people! It's amazing!!! XD

                        Anyways, in Canon, the soles of John's feet are less shielded, to allow him to get traction on the ground.

                        John's energy shields remove all friction, and the very first step he took in the armor, he almost fell over.

                        He had to weaken the shield's concentration on the soles of his feet, to allow him to walk without slipping. He still has shields there, but it's weaker.


                        Nighty night.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          I'm back guys. Anything I miss?


                            @ S121

                            So...let me get this right...
                            Eleos could pierce his shields and armor, thought the bottom of his foot.
                   if this was CoD, then getting shot in the foot is instakill. (True story, it was W@W and a guy's foot was glitching through a wall and I decided to shoot him in the foot with a bolt-action sniper to get him to move, and I killed him instead. =w=...)

                            Anyway, how well would Spartan shields fare against an explosion and then a sniper round? Would that pierce?

                            Oh and I think I really need to study Samurai lore and what-not for Aion in my story. I knew I wanted him to have an oriental style of swordplay, but damn...from the little bit I heard of Samurais, this fits the bill



                              Welcome back!

                              We didn't really get anywhere.

                              Right now, we're sharing videos of super humans.


                              It depends on the explosion.

                              How much are we talking?
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Oh :P

                                Well I've been listening to Mega Man music xD

                                As well a decent way for some of the characters to get some upgrades in my Arc.

                                Meet the engineer and mechanic for the Maverick Hunters. Douglas:

                                Douglas is a mechanic, and a very skilled one, but his character doesn't reach far beyond that. Dialogues show that he is optimistic, but not naive. When situations confront him, he shows confidence in the best-case scenario, but when things go wrong he's not blind to them.

                                I have a feeling that Isaac and Douglas will get along quite well.

                                Throughout my Arc Douglas could be developing parts, weapons, armor and such as upgrades for the other characters.

