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Yup, Ex-Nitori inbound. And it's not going to be pretty. Imagine the might of Pacific Ocean crushing down on you by a waterfall of 12,000 gallon+ instantly.
Seven stages of Danmaku spell cards are available: Easy, Normal, Hard, Lunatic, Extra, Phantasm, and Last. Final boss/Ex-bosses also carry the 8th form called the Zero Spell.
All Youkai that come in contact with human must set their spell cards to Easy. Normal is allowed during battle. Hard and Lunatic aren't permitted unless both sides of the fight are clearly aware that there are no fragile humans around.
Extra, Phantasm, and Last are reserved for increasing emergency followed after the fall of Great Barrier. Zero Spells are illegal unless the entire Gensokyo may be destroyed.
I don't think Dante would be able to survive all that has happened to him with how I decided to nerf him a bit... unless I could be allowed to unnerf him for this battle.
Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...
Naw, I aborted Honolulu from being destroyed by sending Iku in there. Knowing Iku's strength, she can wipe all of the others except Auditor out using her Last.