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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    well, for what I see, the meeting will take way more time than expected

    so.. yeah, no idea ._.
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      I looked back at the posts and realized I did not respond to Nevada, which is coming... Right about...


        Huey could hack into the Devourer's communication systems, crippling their ability to carry out orders.

        He's a known hacker, right?

        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Well, yea.

          Btw, I'm waiting for MGS V to come out so that I could add more to him. Ya know, Ground Zeroes and Phantom Pain.


            Guys, idk if you guys notice this or not, but if Devourer was not meticulous enough to let a hacker get through his systems, he won't have reached Earth. It's not going to be a walk in the park.


              But... What about a team of hackers? That should give them the ability to stare at an alien in area 51.


                It should be possible. But letting you know, Devourer's ship is tighter than a conservative Korean mother's purse.

                (I can make this joke cuz im Korean. Don't call out racism, it only embarrass you more.)



                  And plus, who needs improbabilities when you have GIANT F*CKING ROBOTS!!!


                    It's either that, or they could set off a ton of EMPs, frying anything inside of the ship.

                    If they set one off inside of the ship, it should work.

                    My reasoning is that their ship's hull is hardened against EMPs, similarly to John's armor, but that doesn't mean that the interior isn't.

                    They've probably never had anyone infiltrate their ship before because that would be considered absolutely insane.

                    That, and it would take forever to actually cover everything in a protective coating.

                    OMG, SO RACIST!!!

                    (Sorry, I just had to do it, especially since you mentioned it.)
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      hm.. I just had an idea, anyone can do it, but they should have minimal or none technological stuff

                      Since the devourer ship obviously has an impressive technology, they surely have anything to find technology out and in their ships, but what if someone gets in there with no technology on him/her?
                      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                        Originally posted by S121 View Post
                        It's either that, or they could set off a ton of EMPs, frying anything inside of the ship.

                        If they set one off inside of the ship, it should work.

                        My reasoning is that their ship's hull is hardened against EMPs, similarly to John's armor, but that doesn't mean that the interior isn't.

                        They've probably never had anyone infiltrate their ship before because that would be considered absolutely insane.

                        That, and it would take forever to actually cover everything in a protective coating.
                        Grunt: Okay, we covered the exterior in EMP-proof shielding. Should we get the inside too?

                        Commander: No.

                        Grunt: ... But sir-

                        Commander: I said no! It's too time consuming!

                        Grunt: but what if we have an intruder?

                        Commander: Bah! The day we have intruders will be the day I give you my badge.

                        During the devourer arc and everyone climbs aboard...

                        Grunt: So... Where's my badge... Asshole...


                          Srs Bsns 's bst bsns nd Dvrr Rc 's srs bsns.

                          Good luck trying to decipher that^
                          Last edited by WriggleRid3r; 07-03-2013, 01:13 AM.


                            Hmm... Well, I can't decipher it in english, but I can do it in keronian. Watch.

                            Ke kero's kero kero ke keroro ke kero kero.

                            Now then... I guess it's time for you guys to find Suwako.



                              You need to change from Patchouli to Alice. Patchouli had a mental breakdown and she's resting. Alice, who've been helping with the manuscript translation, is taking over as the mediator for the meeting.

                              [o o]
                              (◎u◎) <(I'm here!)


                                The moment you people said the ship is alive, it exploded ideas to my brain
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


