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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    How is it a lot like Touhou?

    Can you explain?

    I'm thinking about it, I most likely will.
    Originally posted by S121
    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


      Well, first of all, there is an incident (the end of the freaking world), Take care of some useless stages (The camps in Gensokyo) then, once that's done, we go into the actual plot (the ship) Then, you fight the head honcho (... that boss guy). And if things play out well, there is the ever dangerous extra stage boss (HM if he finds out). See the relationship? Of course the gameplay...


        Ahh, I see.

        I was thinking of gameplay, that's why I saw no similarities.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          If Touhou was FPS...


            FPS? Wuzzat mean?



              I like the music.

              Anyway, I'll be bringing Spartan-B312 (Noble Six) into the RP.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Where, the streets or the forest?


                  i knew you would like it utsuh
                  Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                    The streets.


                    I'll have an app soon.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      I wonder how tough an HM battle would be... Hey, what do you guys think would be a good comparison in difficulty level for an extra stage boss? Cuz the only one I know is Flandre, and I'm pretty sure there are more.


                        Originally posted by wonderweiss View Post
                        Well, first of all, there is an incident (the end of the freaking world), Take care of some useless stages (The camps in Gensokyo) then, once that's done, we go into the actual plot (the ship) Then, you fight the head honcho (... that boss guy). And if things play out well, there is the ever dangerous extra stage boss (HM if he finds out). See the relationship? Of course the gameplay...
                        I think in this case, the Auditor would be a good extra boss, considering he's sending everything out to also pretty much destroy the world.

                        Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                        You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                          And Auditor, yes. And who else... Lucian (if Wriggle evar UPDATES ON HIM) and Wesker.


                            I've been thinking, since I came up with the whole HM is the extra stage boss, this is what I came up with:

                            MIHI Sign: Overclock (increases overall performance)

                            MIHI Sign: Glitch (causes all electronically based materials to slightly be dysfunctional, including the suit)

                            MIHI Sign: Perfect Being (greatly increases performance at the cost of some features of the siut to blow up, rendering them useless)

                            MIHI Sign: Breaking Sound (Surprise)
                            Do you really want to know?
                            Are you sure?
                            Okay, it is...
                            a surprise. trololol.


                              Hi guys. I'm back.


                                Welcome back!

                                Someone's there to help Chris...VVV

                                Here's Spartan-B312's (Noble Six's) Profile.

                                Character: Spartan-B312 (Noble Six)

                                Game: Halo franchise


                                Abilities: Spartan-III Chemical Enhancements.
                                8942-LQ99 (Carbide Ceramic Ossification Catalyst drug) - Skeletons become virtually unbreakable, allowing survival in harder impacts.

                                88005-MX77 (Fibroid Muscular Protein Complex drug) - Increased density of individual's muscles, allowing heavier lifting.

                                88947-OP24 (Retina-Inversion Stabilizer drug) - Color sharpness is significantly improved upon, and night vision is adapted.

                                87556-UD61 (Improve The Colloidal Neural Disunification solution) - Greatly improves the individual's reaction time, decreasing the time taken to react by 300%. "Spartan time".


                                Height - 6' 9" (2.057 meters).

                                Weight - Not known. Around 1,000 lbs (With suit).

                                Speed - Not known. Can run at around 34.2 mph.

                                Strength - Not known. Weaker than a Spartan-II (Spartan-IIs can lift over 66 metric tonnes).

                                Reflexes - Reaction time is 4 times faster than the average human. With the armor, it goes up to 20 times faster than the average human. Spartan Time makes it faster.

                                Misc - It is said that as Spartans age, they become faster and stronger, due to their bodies adapting to augmentation.

                                Skills: Efficient lone-wolf assassin, having single-handedly broken organizations and made entire militia groups disappear. Piloted experimental YSS-1000 "Sabre"-class starfighter. At one point, B312's superior allegedly used the SPARTAN as "his own private grim reaper". Hand-to-hand expertise, trained to use a wide variety of guns. "More of a hyper-lethal vector than a soldier."

                                Equipment: MJOLNIR Powered Assault Armor MK V, Carbon Steel Alloy Combat Knife, MA37 Individual Combat Weapon System (Assault Rifle) (M118 7.62x51mm Full Metal Jacket Armor-Piercing Rounds) , M392 Designated Marksman Rifle (DMR) (M118 7.62x51mm Full Metal Jacket Armor-Piercing Rounds), M6G Personal Defense Weapon System (Pistol) (12.7mm x 40mm M225 Semi-Armor-Piercing High-Explosive/.50 Magnum Caliber Rounds), M319 Individual Grenade Launcher (40mm grenades), 4 M9 High-Explosive Dual-Purpose grenades, 4 Plasma grenades, a Barret .50 caliber Sniper Rifle, and a Healing Drop Shield armor ability.

                                Weaknesses: Despite all of his abilities, he can still be killed. His armor lacks Biofoam Injectors, so if anything pierces the suit, Spartan-B312 will remain damaged. The best way to kill him would be to target his soft body tissues (skin, muscle, organs, etc.).

                                Morality: Neutral Good. Spartan-B312 usually follows orders. He has yet to come into a situation where he's needed to disobey orders. That being said, he follows closely to his orders, but will occasionally bend the rules.

                                Personality: He is a little bit of a loner, but is willing to converse with others. He displays a humanistic personality, despite his Lone-Wolf tenancies, his obscure past, and his Hyper-Lethal Vector status. It has been implied that he is a little bit of a sadist though... Not only that, but he's a cold-blooded killer in combat. He shows no mercy and expects none in return.

                                Bio: After countless hours of battle, Six was injured by the torrent of Plasma fire. Noble Six took off his helmet and was firing at the Covenant surrounding him, desperately trying to survive. A Sanghelli Ultra charged at him with a Plasma Rifle, but Six gunned it down with an Assault Rifle. An Sanghelli General then charged at him with an Energy Sword, but Six slammed the rifle against the Sanghelli's face, knocking it down. Six then used his pistol and scattered its brains all over the ground. All of a sudden, a hail of Plasma fire strikes Six from behind. Despite his grievous injuries, Six manages to keep standing. Six turned and returned fire with his rifle, while shooting at another target with his pistol. Six killed a Sanghelli Minor and Zealot, but was then knocked down by a Sanghelli Ultra. One of the Zealots charged at Six while he was on his back, ready to deal the final blow, but Six managed to kick away an Ultra and knock the Energy Sword out of the Zealot's hand. The Ultra pounced onto Six again, but Six elbowed it in the jaw. The Zealot then draws out an Energy Dagger and stabs down into Six's heart... only to hit dirt.

                                Six was gone. He disappeared.

                                Six opened his eyes to find that he was not on Reach anymore. He was in a new world, a new universe. The technology was primitive compared to the technology he was used to, but he managed. In fact, it gave him an edge when it came to contracts. Six became a hit-man, an assasin-for-hire. He then moved to London and met with the researcher there. He now regularly accepts contracts and is often hired by organizations and governments to make entire groups and armies disappear...

                                Traumas: Not really any. He is without fear. That being said, his only trauma would probably be the Battle of Reach. Many of his fellow Spartans died. Jorge's death is the most personal to him.

                                Notes: He knows the unknown researcher in London.
                                Last edited by S121; 08-07-2013, 03:06 AM.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

