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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Oh... So you were angry back there... Either way, it was Kilel's choice. And since he's the GM, we can't do anything about it. Though I do believe that AtWaG has an ending. It'll just, ya know... Take longer.


      I am angry becuase he insulted us like if we were small kids without cult
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        I know. I feel kind of offended too. But he strives perfection, and perfection makes an amazing story. He just didn't find our progress perfect. After all, we're all machine gunning randomizers here. But, random isn't the opposite of perfect.

        It's too bad though. I was planning a completely epic fight and everything... Well, in the mean time, cool off with this by staring at it for 10 seconds.


          Something tells me that Kilelicus doesn't like ATWIAG...

          It bugs me that people cast judgement before trying to understand things.

          I suppose I can understand his distress over not being able to work with more proficient writers and wanting out of his RP, but it seems like he attacks this one without bothering to read it or trying to understand it.

          Yea it's rough, but it's called an RP for a reason. It's a conglomeration of ideas where many people try to react to others' situations. It's a very expansive universe, due to having video games as the topic.

          I hold no contempt towards Kilelicus, but it does irk me a little bit that he attacks this one. It's as if he assumes that the majority of us are literary geniuses or have degrees in literature.
          He can do what he wants with his RP, but this RP is ours.

          In truth, this is the first RP for many of us, myself included. Perhaps it holds some sentimental value. Perhaps that's why it bothers me.

          Heck, I'm pretty sure he considers this RP to be a cancer. I think I hit the nail on the head with that one.

          Again, like he said in his post, he was not trying to an @$$hole by closing his RP, but does that really mean that he has to attack this one?

          I'm not mad at him for closing his RP, but it would be nice if he didn't attack this one in every example he brings up.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            @ S121
            I guess. But I'll try and support him for a while.

            1. According to his post about closing Aeterna, he mention that he bailed this one along with Remi. Meaning, he musta been a part of this one before. So maybe he does have reason to attack this one. But it's still not kewl. It's like slandering a business...

            2. Aye. This rp hold no GM. It is free to the open and is willing to accept or so help me Kristia, me, you, Neo, and Wriggle be the only ones left.

            3.He does kinda have a point as far as the fact that this rp *kinda* steals the show from the others. But hey, it's successful. I can't argue.

            4. Yea, it does kinda bug me that he uses us as a non-example.

            Btw guys, two things. A. I regained my drawing magic (yay!) so I might be a little more descriptive of HM's weapons or whatever else by drawing it. And B. As I am in 3D animation, I will try to model the characters that aren't, ya know... characters, such as Otori, HM, Gerard, etc.


              What's going on?


                Kiloli got tired of it and shut down Aeterna.


                  Oh ok cool.



                    Wow, you all are taking this well... a little too well, actually. I'm actually a little bummed that Aeterna has shut down. But hey, he does what he wants, so...

                    Either way, what the hell is Daiyousei reading in the Truth?


                      Uh can't tell ya :3


                        -w- alright. But can you at least tell me when you plan on waking Dai?


                          Anyways, I was thinking about how Wriggle is going to drop the Touhou characters once the Devourer is done.

                          I might have an idea on how to keep them in the RP without them dropping from the face of the Earth.

                          Each of us has a distinct personality "archetype". What if we were to assign certain characters to certain "archetypes", based on their personalities?

                          For instance, I can play a sort of playful, joking character, but at the same time, I can play serious. That would mean that I would use so-and-so and another character.

                          What do you guys think?
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            I don't get it... give example!


                              In other words, any character that has a playful, joking attitude would be one that I would use.

                              I could also use a character with a serious personality type, or even one that's a little bit darker.

                              I would be a good match for using Momiji, or maybe Nue.

                              Kristia usually portrays her characters as having wisdom, or having a somewhat calm personality. She would probably be best suited for Eirin or Byakuren.

                              Do you get it now?
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Uhuh... WHAT WOULD I HAVE?!?! I WANNA KNOW !!!!

