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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Meet Prometheus:

    He is always with a sadistic expression on his face, Prometheus's figure exudes evil; he shows absolutely no mercy in battle, unless he was dealing with somebody of interest to the Game of Destiny. He tends to mock his opponents and make snide remarks when confronted. Prometheus is an arrogant fighter who enjoys nothing more than senseless killing and a good battle. Do not underestimate him though.

    Despite the fact that Prometheus is a Mega Man who is not directly based on any character within the Mega Man canon, he exhibits traits of two X Guardians: like Fefnir, he possesses absolute control over the fire element, and demonstrates this through long range attacks such as creating flaming skulls in the four corners of the screen to fire blasts through them with certain consistence, creating fire pillars which move around the screen, and creating flaming swords which travel around the walls and the floor; and like Phantom, he possesses a high degree of speed and stealth, which he incorporates into his style of fighting by teleporting relatively often, which involves dash-slashing in a fashion similar to Phantom, albeit with a scythe rather than a blade. He is a very dangerous threat and the only one who he works well with in a battle is his sister Pandora.


    Even less is known about Pandora than her brother, Prometheus. She rarely speaks, and usually lets Prometheus handle communication. During the rare occasions when she uses her voice, she speaks slowly and softly. She may be a bit more merciful than her brother, but she is still quite dangerous in battle. She is powerful and can be sadistic. She shows interest in strong opponents.

    Unlike other Mega Men, Pandora herself is not based on any specific character, but her abilities can be considered a mix of Harpuia's abilities over lightning and wind, as she is capable of using electrical blasts, as well as charge her staff with electricity. She also has the ability to control her staff at a distance and use it in mid-air for long ranged attacks. With Leviathan's abilities over ice, which make her able to use icy blasts, those being solid fragments of ice. In addition, she switches freely between elements by changing between her white/blue color scheme and a yellow/white color scheme, resembling the Variable Weapons System originally used by X.


    Yea I am, need a reminder of what's happening in... where is he again?


      John's going to panic over Prometheus' name for obvious reasons.

      Oh yeah. Im back.



        *pulls out a nuke*

        "Prometheans!? WHERE!?!?!?"

        Welcome back!
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          How would that go?

          No seriously.

          Oh and villains I'm going to introduce in the Awakening Zero Arc:

          Dynamo (Listen he's NOT on the Chrysalis right now. In fact he actually stayed behind on purpose.)


          Prometheus and Pandora

          Nightmare Zero

          Copy X

          Maybe Elpizo from Zero 2

          Oh and of course one of the most notable villains in the Mega Man series Sigma!... But wait Neo wasn't Sigma gone for good when X "killed" him in Axl's mind? No, no he didn't. That was a carbon copy of Sigma. The real Sigma is alive, and he is having a new body being repaired as we speak. Currently Sigma's current state is literally a robotic skull of his soon to be new body's head hooked to a bunch of wires while some scientist is being forced (literally) to build him a new body in a lab deep underground. Sigma is still conscious and is watching every second of his new body's construction.

          Oh yea the scientist that is being forced to make Sigma a new body is Dr. Cossack (an aged Dr. Cossack) from the original Mega Man series. Sigma also knows that Zero is "Awakening" as well as knowing what is going on at the current moment. How does he know this? Well it's a secret...



            He's seeing things through Zero's eyes?
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



              Damn it!

              Well mostly. Due to Zero having some connections with Sigma (like Zero being the original reason as to why Sigma went Maverick before the X series began.)

              Sigma always had an odd connection to Zero from X5 and on. Hell in X5 before Sigma's final form is revealed he said

              Sigma: "I met an old man who knows a lot about you... He told me an interesting story. He told me that you are something far greater than what you appear to be..."

              A LOT of people claim this mysterious Old Man to be an incredibly aged Wily.

              My idea was that not only did Sigma get a new body from this man (who is probably Wily) also gave the ability to see through Zero's eyes. However he cannot control Zero whatsoever.

              Also the whole Dr. Wily was the Old Man who built Sigma would make a lot of sense if you think about it.

              In X4 It is revealed that Wily created Zero (which was also confirmed in Bass's ending in Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters) Then X5 came along and was supposed to be the final entry in the X series (but no CAPCOM wanted more Mega Man X games due to the popularity... and we all know what resulted in that move... *cough*X6 and 7*cough*)

              It would have made sense that they would have a reference to Wily in what was to be the final X game.

              Also there are a whole crap ton of references to the previous Mega Man classic series and previous X games.

              List of SOME of the references:

              In the opening cinematic it shows pictures of important moments from the previous X games, and the opening theme is basically a remix of Mega Man 3's Get Weapon screen
              Mega Man 3: Get Weapon
              Mega Man X5 Opening theme:

              2: In the boss rooms of the final stages you can see Wily's logo in the background.

              and 3: If Zero manages to survive the mission of flying the shuttle into the Eurasia Colony and you get to the Third Sigma Fortress stage where you fight X in his Ultimate Armor (Vice Versa if playing as X. X was fighting Zero to try and bring him back to the Maverick Hunters base to scan for signs of the Maverick Virus which Zero refused, causing X to try and take him back by force.) Well in the battle against Ultimate Armor X, X uses the charged forms of the special weapons from Mega Man X4.

              X5 is also chock full of finality. It was supposed to be the final game where Sigma died for good, Zero died permanently (until the Zero series that is), and the end of the X series and the beginning of the Zero series (which had to be altered with the production of X6-8. Keiji Inafune was not involved in the development of X6 as he was in the middle of working on the Zero series.

              Oh great I am missing the first time I ever played X5. That game made my love for the X series grow FAR greater than the Classic series.


                JEEZ!!! I can't get a break round here!!!



                  I was guessing.

                  I guess it was luck.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Oh and sorry for my massive fangirl explanation of X5 and other things...

                    I just... really like X5...



                      No problem.

                      It's similar to how I start posting Halo music and little bits of info.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        I guess everyone has a game where they just absolutely fangasm over.

                        Mine is Mega Man X, and most notably Mega Man X5.


                          Either way, to answer your question, Neo, Phantom was dragged away by Ocelot who is currently hauling ass to avoid further conflict with Shadow. Now then... I think it's time to bring them onto a plane to anywhere... or they can do more cross country to anywhere.

                          Actually, to northern Cali. That is where Dr. Frankendrevis will be waiting.

                          And for those who read my last post (which went like this... 'Well, it's quite chilly,' Alfred said to his maid doll. 'Right... Marie?') and who didn't get why it would be such a big deal, well, thing is... Marie was Alfred's lover. Well, he was having an affair with his wife behind her back, anyways. 'But Wondiez, Marie never died, and Alfred was never to be seen again!'

                          Otori, care to re-explain the gen. theory that is specialized for Alf?

                          "Very well then.

                          As stated earlier, many characters come from many different time periods, the most common being the ones that appear in their latest games. However, if a character is from a video game that is categorized as 'RP,' then the stakes are divided even further. Not only can they come from different time periods, but from different 'endings' as well. Unfortunately, in Alfred's case, he came from the bad ending, where in spite of the main character, Aya's, peace bringing with the souls, she hadn't revived Marie. Therefore, when it was revealed that Alfred wanted to keep Aya as a doll and went chainsaw mad, there was no one to kill Alfred while Aya was pinned down by a doll, thus the doctor lives.

                          In conclusion, he may have recovered Marie's body and turned her into a doll as well. However, it also stated in the bad ending that Aya was turned into a doll. However, there was no evidence that she was brought to the real world as well. That is all I have."

                          Thank you, Otori. Always helpful, and the guy didn't even finish 6th grade.
                          Last edited by wonderweiss; 08-15-2013, 08:40 PM.



                            And mine is quite obviously Halo. Even my name reflects it.

                            I was actually just a little bit of a fan of the games until I got on this RP.

                            I needed to do some research on John, but the more I read, the more of a fan I became.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              How does S121 express that?


                                S usually refers to "Spartan", while "121" is the identification number.

                                Sort of like "Sierra 117".

                                In the military "Sierra" would mean "S".
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

