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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    I know utsuh, I can handle the harsh comments since Im used to related treatment for many years

    Im more worried of Rebeca, she has just started that path, obviously im there to protect her though

    But seriously, im impressed many men (no offense to all) think that girl/girl rellationships are either sex-crazed nymphos or ugly looking women

    Im not Miss Universe, but have my perks too you know?
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




      It's because a lot of people are ignorant. What I've noticed is that many people pass judgement before trying to understand the subject at hand.

      How I see it, it's the equivalent of any other relationship. It's nothing to think bad of, it's an every day relationship.

      As for Rebecca, it's good that you're there for her. It sucks when you don't have someone to look to for support, so it's good that she has one.

      Im not Miss Universe, but have my perks too you know?
      Well I'm no pretty-boy either, so don't worry too much about it. XD
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        oh well.. what to do, lower to their level?

        "Oh look at me! im so awesome with my skinny pants and thight shirt to show my muscles!"

        Seriously, how can a manīs package can survive in those pants? (no need to answer if offended/bothered)
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          No worries, I've never understood that either! XD

          Baggy pants are better. They don't restrict your movement, they have large pockets that can be used to hold virtually anything, and they don't crush your precious things when you sit down.

          The only time tight clothing is understandable is if you're trying to be as aerodynamic as possible, like if you don't want the wind to cling to your clothes and hamper your movement.

          Seriously, how can a manīs package can survive in those pants?
          To answer your question, they don't. I learned that from a dare from my sister. She said that I should try it out, but in the end, it crushed what I hold dear... critical hit, massive damage, game over, lost a life, fatality... you get where I'm going with this.
          Last edited by S121; 09-13-2013, 01:32 AM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            lol utsuh XD

            but sadly I shall take my leave, I got some little demons (kids) to take care of in 6 hours

            Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..




              Nighty night and good luck. You'll need it for those "little demons".


              I'll be gone for 30 minutes to an hour. I'll be back as soon as possible.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Sorry I blacked out, got distracted with other things.


                  Also here is now an edit of my previous post (note the new nick-name I gave him.)

                  After the procedure Raven's arm was repaired, and heavily modified. However due to the recent events he is beginning to remember how much pain his arm has brought him. Raven who is now holding back his rage over his Nasod arm is now beginning to fall back on his swordsmanship like he originally planned. However he cannot ignore the modifications that have been done to his arm. Raven begins training his body to it's limits even further. Becoming a dangerous soldier that can close the distance with powerful blasts from his Nasod Arm, as well as tearing an opponent to shreds with his blade. The stress of his training however had caused his hair to become white in certain areas. Raven's clothing also becomes worn out from his intense training, and as such he had gotten a new outfit and cut his hair.

                  (Except with the Nasod Arm he currently has which is the Veteran Commander Nasod Arm.)

                  With the many new enhancements to his arm, and his newly found skill with a blade he has now become the new Grandmaster Veteran.


                    I'm back.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      Welcome back, and I thought of a possible name for the new "what if" Job Class I have planned for Raven as listed above.

                      Grandmaster Veteran

                      Other names could be:

                      Commanding Technician

                      Blade Technician


                      Blade Commander


                        Grandmaster Veteran would work.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Oh god... I just found something that reminded me of what helped introduce me to Touhou:

                          That exact video helped to introduce me to Touhou, though after I first saw it (and after watching it over 50+ times) I still didn't know what the hell it was from. After that I remember watching this video

                          Then a year or so after that I slowly started to watch more Touhou stuff until I finally started to see a pattern (a lot of the same characters appearing in other videos) then I finally decided to do research, and then in 2010 I discovered what Touhou is!

                          Nitori is still one of my favorite characters along with Suwako.


                            For me, it was this video that started it all.

                            (Do you see a pattern with me and weird @$$ videos?)

                            From there, I began to look up more music, and in the comments section, the name Flandre Scarlet was mentioned. I then looked up the name and went on a Touhou info binge, just like the binge I had with Halo.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              I remember how because of that one video you mentioned that their was one of the worst trolls I've ever seen who claimed that Mcroll'd came first and U.N. Owen stole from Mcroll'd. That troll was the most annoying people I've ever seen in Youtube comments at all. I remember how he pissed off so many Touhou fans.


                                Morning guys. I'm bout to head to school, so I won't be long.

                                Oh, and Kristia, about your conversation (and do not take this offensively), I honestly do not give two rats' ass cheeks what you are. Or anyone else. They can be bi, straight, white, Latin, smart, challenged, I don't care. If you're nice to me, I'm nice to you, simple as that. That was am Eminem quote, but it's true. And about those guys... They've got a special place in hell already reserved for them...

