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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    It will be crumbled! Earth will split into different bodies of land, only to be barely held by the gravity of the core, which has gotten as hot as the next campfire!!!

    But seriously, sounds good, but does all worlds get destroyed?

    Another thing: I was thinking something like this. Otori: "Ever since our worlds have collided, the cluster of all worlds became a timebomb. Our worlds were never supposed to meet. If it gets any more intense, the fate of all worlds will all be decided! Everyone in every world will die!"

    A: Yes, this is indeed the potential plot of Bleach movie 1.

    2. It doesn't have to be that way, but something similar, assuming that you choose this path to begin with.

    C. Why Otori? Cuz he somewhat has a sense of whats going on. Well, better than anyone else with a good morality, that is.


      well then, goodnight
      Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



        Nighty night.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          K guys, I'm gonna go out. Things to note: Tomorrow I have to watch over my sister while sh sleeps in the crib. Otherwise, I'm free!

          Btw, I just watched Touhou Osana Reimu, and IT WAS SO FUCKED UP AND SAD AND TOUCHING AND GOOD!!!


            Nighty night.

            If you liked it, then you'll be happy to know that there's a sequel. -------------->

            Here's the first video.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              All shall be revealed -w-


                Originally posted by WriggleRid3r View Post
                Alright, I forgot to post the summary of the next two Arcs, so here they are.

                Part II: The Devourer Act

                After the fierce battle with the Neo-Yakuza, the Characters involved in the battle decides to take a chill break in Gensokyo... only to find that all worlds of video game has been targeted by a mysterious extraterrestrial army measuring in billions.

                Part III: The Apocalyptic Act

                The world has been left broken into pieces, with everyone desperate to forage and survive from whatever's left. The Characters are no exception, down in the rough, in the same situation as the humans, and the only way they can secure themselves into now apocalyptic world is to be the fittest.
                When I see the first act, all I can think is: Serious Sam. The bad guy, known as Mental, has an extraterrestrial army of creatures from across the known universe, and they number in the billions.
                Last edited by Koishi; 06-13-2013, 03:20 AM.

                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                  Seeing the broken world act gives me an idea for the Organization.
                  As they want to force other people to belive that all worlds should be mended together again they might go as far as this.

                  One idea I have for the cause is that as the Organization decided to attack each of earth's seven continents to form the x-blade (to lazy to look up right now).
                  The x-blade is formed sucsesfully but the world is destroyed.

                  Also Wriggle, Base 1. Remember that the Organzation have a video call with them that happened before Volgin sending his message.
                  Born in the light.
                  Molded in the dark

                  Never Forget,
                  Keep Fighting.
                  –Don't Forget.
                  Always, somewhere,
                  someone is fighting for you.
                  –As long as you remember her,
                  you are not alone.


                    I saw that people have returned to the bridge? I guess I can make a post with X now?


                      I'm back.

                      Go ahead.

                      Oh snap I forgot ^^; I don't know what the call's about so we'll have to redo the calling part again >w<

                      When I say "broken into pieces", I don't literally mean the continents going all Pangea. I mean that the alliancs between nations, states, disticts, and cities are broken.


                        I have an idea for an armor set for X later on. It's perhaps his most versatile aside from the Ultimate Armor.

                        Introducing the Neutral, Icarus, and Hermes Armors!:

                        They are all basically the same armor (they literally are, the Icarus and Hermes armors are just the Neutral Armor but with enhancements. I'm going to call them the Neutral Armor Icarus Type, and Neutral Armor Hermes Type.)

                        Neutral Armor Icarus Type:

                        The enhancements to make the Icarus armor type focus on enhancing X's power output, and aerial capabilities. When the complete Icarus Armor set is activated X can use the Giga Crash, a full area attack where he uses up all his special weapon energy to release a large explosion of blue energy around him to damage everything in the area.
                        • Foot Parts I - X's jumping height is doubled, allowing X to reach higher places where he won't be able to reach normally.
                        • Body Parts I - Damage done to X is reduced to 50%. In addition, recoil is eliminated. All the life energy bars lost will turn red and is recoverable if X is switched with his reserve Hunter to recover all his damage.
                        • Arm Parts I - X's charge shot is changed to a powerful beam attack. He can also charge special weapons. In addition, his standard shots now become level 1 charged shots and his fully charged shot is a powerful laser that can blast through multiple enemies at once. X will freeze on the ground or in mid-air when he fires the laser shot.
                        • Head Parts I - X will create a force field while jumping that can damage enemies and can also destroy certain ceilings with this attack.

                        Neutral Armor Hermes Type:

                        The enhancements of this armor focus on enhancing X's speed and mobility. Having the full Hermes Armor set active grants him the X-Drive a hyper mode where the blue on the Hermes Armor glows even brighter. In X-Drive his speed and mobility is increased even further. X-Drive quickly drains all his special weapon energy when active/
                        • Foot Parts H - X's movement speed and dash speed is doubled with the added bonus of shadow-dashing through enemies, with this part equipped. The abilities are further doubled when X-Drive is in effect.
                        • Body Parts H - X will take 2 units less of damage than he normally would. Against enemies that only hit for 1 or 2 units of damage, X is completely invulnerable. Invulnerabililty period is doubled when X-Drive is in effect.
                        • Arm Parts H - X's fully charged shot will be changed to a 3-way blast. He can also charge special weapons. In addition, X gains a fourth level charged shot of 5-way blast when X-Drive is in effect.
                        • Head Parts H - X-Buster charge speed is doubled with this Part equipped. Charge speed is further doubled when X-Drive is in effect.

                        Don't know how I'll introduce this armor though.


                          Name: Forum name? Icebeam. RP name? Ace

                          Timezone: Mountain Time (US + Canada)

                          NPC Character of Choice: Male Scrafty

                          Game of Origin: Pokemon Black and White

                          Power: He can spit low-toxic acid.

                          Weapons: Acid Glands (inside of the cheeks in their mouth), a knife, and a stick, maybe.

                          Weaknesses: They can carry very limited amounts of things, as they only have 3 fingers which are all spherical.

                          Appearance: An orange, 4 foot scaled reptile with a tail, and cream-colored pants, that has a black stomach area going down to the underbelly, with a large, red, mohawk-like crest on their head, their eyelids are always half-way closed, and can literally never close their mouth, since they dont exactly have lips, or if they do, it's just only enough to close the bottom half of their mouth. They have a light-orange hood, made from shed skin. scrafty.jpg

                          Personality: To be RPed, as you said
                          However, you can develop the character!
                          Morality: Chaotic good

                          Biography: When he was made from the sparks, he saw a person putting others in large brownish boxes. When it was his turn to go into the box, he had spit acid at them, but it only made one retract their left hand. After he was put into the box, he was shipped over to a place called 'um-air-ee-kuh' really quickly, and he would be really confused on what to do. He was picked up by people in blue and red flashing cars, and they took him to a place with beige triangular prisms that you could climb into. He was given a paper with a language that he couldn't understand on it, but it said 'To do: 1. Wash the dishes in the river, and then dry them by the fire every day. 2. Follow what the instructor says. 3. Pick your tent buddy, and make sure that that person is one that you'll like.' He did the third thing, but he still needed to be taught English. He would go into the big tent every day to be taught English, and once he learned how to speak, read, and write in English, he found out what he needed to do. He didn't do the exercises very well, and as a very bad discipline, the instructor told them that every time he had failed to do something, they would have to do a lot more work. A few of his 'buddies' who were sick of doing push-ups and situps every day would climb into his tent once a month, gag him, and start beating him with dirty socks with soap inside of them. This didn't help, and only made their work harder. He would often play some games, such as Pine cone soccer, tag, and swimming. He started to get the exercises done, and would be able to do at least 1 chin up. They deemed him strong enough to let go when he could do 15, like the others, yet by the time he got to 15 chin ups, a new batch of game characters were shipped in. Once he was released into society, a person had tried to mug him, and found out he had no money. He would often steal eggs from the farmer that lives 30 minutes away in walking time for money, and had racked up enough money to go into Martial arts, only 30 dollars a month, and he would sell the eggs for 15 dollars a dozen. After getting trained to protect himself, he had found out that all of his eggs that he stole were stolen as well! He heard loud bangs, and saw that a person was pressing on a lever, sending tiny balls of metal at him. He got hit by one, but grabbed a stick, and run up, jamming the stick into the gun, and it had partially worked. It gave him time to do a Tornado kick, and a Rear Horse Kick. The man was hurt, but not dead, and he charged at Ace, only to get thrown on the ground again by a Faith Throw, where he puts his foot on their thigh, grabs their wrist, an falls backwards to throw them on the ground. After a while, someone had called the police, and the man was arrested, and Ace was taken to the hospital to get his bullet treated.

                          Traumas: His friends breaking into his tent and beating him with soap in socks. When he sees a bar of soap, he hisses at it.

                          Notes: I'll be gone for 30 minutes every 1st and 3rd Monday.
                          *Le general internet addict*


                            A pokemon? Hmm, interesting. Though, I would recommend spacing out the large wall of text known as the biography, i can barely read it without losing track of where I am.

                            Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                            You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                              Ooh, a new face!
                              A mischievous reptile that steals stuff and hisses at bars of soap? SO MUCH YES

                              Well you're going to have A LOT of reading to do... Or we can summarize things for you.
                              In all due cases..

                              WELCOME TO THE RP!


                                Hi IceBeam, glad you decided to join these forums XD

                                Also FYI people I know IceBeam from the MinecraftForums.

