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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    I mean John would try to kill HM with a virus barrage.



      Either that, or rip his head of, then toss a grenade inside.

      (Depending on his body shape.)
      Originally posted by S121
      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


        Lol wut head? He's a freakin MIHI.


          What does one look like?
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            Well, since I made the MIHI, I might as well tell you what a MIHI is.

            MIHI- Manually Input Human Intelligence.

            Basically, it is a mixture of a perfect AI and a perfect human; one that never gets infected with a virus, and one which never ages. A MIHI can take the form of anything that
            a. Has an electric powering and
            b. is connected to it's current form by something (i.e. wiring).
            For example, say John is randomly holding a copper wire for some random reason and it is connected to a computer that a MIHI is using. It can travel through the wire and since the suit is electrically powered, it can take control of the suit. So don't touch a wire connected to a MIHI. In other words, a MIHI is quite the adversary. And if you want to catch one, good luck. it can travel from electric appliance to electric appliance. So hints: Don't go into a room full of computers. If a big number of computers are closely linked together, the MIHI can take control of all of them at once. So in other words, imagine going to a haunted school at night. the intercom goes on, but no one is here. You hear the voice of the MIHI over the intercom. God forbid you go into the computer room to find the MIHI making your life a living hell. So all in all, a MIHI is basically a ghost that possesses any electric appliance. Basically a more perfect version of SCP-079. He can close doors on you and talk to you. A MIHI can do all that and more. An adversary not to mess with.

            Anyways I might as well make an application for HM, or the announcer.


              John better get his EMP ready.
              Last edited by S121; 07-06-2013, 01:40 PM.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Yerp. That will be a pain in the ass for HM to recover from, but it won't destroy him completely. He's basically an equivalent to Cortana, if not more human. By the way, I'm writing the application in another tab right now.


                  Anyway, It might not be the best idea to try and hijack John's suit.

                  It's connected to John via a neural uplink, making it a battle of minds.

                  In the wiki, it says that an AI can take control of the armor, but the user has the ability to override the AI.
                  Last edited by S121; 07-06-2013, 01:43 PM.
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    Well HM is mentally insane. But fortunately even HM knows better.


                      That would be a bad thing.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        What would and in what sense?


                          Going into John's armor.

                          It would basically turn into a prison, a prison where the Announcer would be stuck inside the suit with John.

                          No escape, unless John's holding an electric device.

                          Also it's a bad thing that he's an HM.

                          Better get Renamon for this one, this is not John's area of expertise.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            Originally posted by S121 View Post
                            Going into John's armor.

                            It would basically turn into a prison, a prison where the Announcer would be stuck inside the suit with John.
                            HM: So, uh... how was your day?


                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                NCP Character of Choice: HM (Hell Master). Real name unknown yet.

                                Game of Origin: N/A

                                Species: MIHI (Manually Input Human Intelligence.)

                                Abilities: Possess electronic devices. Unaffected to viruses and aging.

                                Weapons: Anything that an electric appliance that HM is possessing carries.

                                Weakness: None. Closest thing to a weakness is being trapped in a computer.

                                Appearance: Anything that HM possesses. Avatar depicts a blue background with binary coding falling through the screen like a waterfall. In the foreground is a black long haired man with a twisted smile and hair covering his eyes.

                                Personality: As a human, he was very eccentric and rather insane. As a MIHI, though, he is more of a cool and collected personality, but is still tweaked with insanity. Can be found chuckling a lot, going "Kukukukuku..." in between sentences.

                                Morality: Chaotic evil.

                                RP: Used to be a spy in the Neo-Yakuza until a recent battle with John had struck him down. Then an engineer named DiZ took his heart and put it in a computer form.

                                "Canon": EDIT: His father taught him to be an elite fighter, teaching him in the many arts of fighting. His father was despised, however, by HM because his life was modeled after his father's virtual hero, Petty Officer Spartan-117 Master Chief John. Later in his life, he became a leader in a dangerous street gang until a recent battle with Otori Inozuka struck him down. Then an engineer named Leroy Terreson took his memories from his dead body and put it in a computer, making him a MIHI. He then began committing haenous crimes. But what he really wanted was revenge on the one who took his life; Otori Inozuka.

                                Traumas: N/A

                                Notes: He is mentally insane.

                                EDIT: He is also very unpredictable.

