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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Well I just found a new avatar. You like? Makes me think of a VergilxYoumu sort thing... they both have swords that can cut through pretty much everything.
    Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


      I showed you the Vergil x Youmu crossover pic before, right?


        I think so...

        Also I found something truly scary

        Yukari with Sparda's sword. DAMN that would be terrifying if she came back to life and somehow got his sword! I mean Sparda's sword is supposed to contain all of Sparda's power.
        Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


          @ Wriggle + Mega


            Well... anyways...

            Here's this little picture!
            Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


              Good night everybody. Hopefully we get everyone online tomorrow so we can end season 1.



                Nighty night.
                Originally posted by S121
                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                  I'm still here
                  Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...



                    I'm still here too, trying to do research on how to kill reality warpers.

                    If there's going to be a timeskip, then John would most definitely do research on the Auditor and how to kill reality warpers.

                    Technically speaking, John would be considered a reality warper too.

                    Luck is the manipulation of probability.

                    If that's the case, then it would be a battle of probability vs improbability.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                      I was also thinking what it would have been like if the RP had a different "main" character other than John. I mean seriously. In this first season John pretty much was the true main protagonist.

                      I was wondering what it would have been like if...

                      X became the main protagonist instead of John

                      Renamon became the main protagonist instead of John

                      Raven or Chung became the main protagonist (if they were introduced earlier in the RP) instead of John

                      or if Dante was the main protagonist instead of John.

                      Mostly the Dante one. I wonder how drastically different the plot would have been.
                      Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...



                        I don't know, I simply did what I thought John would do.

                        The question is, what choices would the other Characters make? Choices are what directed the flow of this RP. Each and every choice has a consequence and triggers a chain of events that can eventually alter the entire RP.

                        Oh, and a funny thing, I'm trying to research reality warpers and I keep getting references to Yukari. At this rate, you would think that she's the posterchild of reality warping.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                          Yea I know that. It would be sort of interesting to see what choices other characters would have made in John's place.

                          I was also thinking of since Dante will be staying in Gensokyo for a good while (even during the sequel) he could be a sort of sparring partner for John. I mean Dante can pretty much keep up with John in combat. Dante is an extremely adept combatant. He is incredibly proficient with any type of weapon, displaying near-mastery of them within moments of picking them up. He is also quite skilled in unarmed combat, managing to disarm and subdue Nero barehanded in their second fight; his hand-to-hand combat skills are also displayed by his usage of gauntlet-style Devil Arms.

                          Dante's skill with firearms is impeccable. He has displayed enough accuracy to hit targets as small as the pommel of his sword; shoot his opponents' bullets out of mid-air; and hit the same target over and over with such unerring precision that his bullets stack on top of each other. Dante is also shown to have incredible hand-eye coordination; for example, he kicks the Neo-Generator into the statue above the bridge approximately 20 meters away from where he stands in Devil May Cry 3, and kicks the seed of Echidna the She-Viper back at her to get her attention in Devil May Cry 4.

                          Dante is also strong enough to keep up with John (to an extent), definitely agile enough (his speed rivaling that of Wesker's [able to dodge bullets at close range] though far more mobile and light weight), and can pretty much heal almost instantly (on the wiki it says he can heal instantly from any wound), as well as shrug off wounds that would have crippled if not downright killed normal people like being shot point blank in the head and stomach, being impaled through the heart, and struck by opponents with super-human strength (such as when he showed no discomfort when Nero repeatedly punched him in the face with Devil Bringer [Nero's demonic arm which has super human demon strength].)

                          Dante can also channel his own demonic power into objects, his weapons, and even the air itself. Not only that but he has the Devil Trigger which basically increases Dante's abilities (albeit temporarily due to the energy consumption.)

                          I think Dante would be a perfect sparring partner for John.
                          Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...



                            They would be pretty equal.

                            The Halo games don't really show it, but John should be able to dodge bullets, even see them slowly approach him. I have no clue how fast he's supposed to be in terms of movement, so he could move anywhere from fast, to blur, based on whether or not you believe that he can move normally in Spartan Time.

                            More often than not, I've had to take parts from the games and books and try to come up with a fair maximum potential for John.

                            For instance, in the books, they say that Spartans can lift about twice their weight, yet they show Spartans lifting cars in another chapter. In the games, you can lift objects that weigh 400 metric tons ("Elephant" vehicle).

                            Heck, in the comics, they show John getting shot by multiple Hunters and their Fuel Rod Cannons, yet shrug off the damage. I tend to go for a middle ground for this one...

                            My point is, I might not be completely accurate with John's abilities, but this is what you would get if you pick the middle ground for all John's abilities.

                            Great, now you've got me talking about John's stats. -_-;

                            ANYWAYS, yes, they would make for good sparring partners, possibly friends if Dante shows some restraint around John.

                            For the most part, John will be researching reality warpers and how to kill them, as well as developing Spellcards, like Duality Spark, or Flying Sign ~ Like a Brick.

                            Of course, they aren't just his upgrades. John would be able to give them to other Characters for them to use.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Yea I have to show restraint with Dante a bit as well. For the sake of the RP he would have the healing factor, and durability factor (hell some characters sort of already have it in this RP), the speed would be like Wesker's, same with the strength. Though his combat skills, and marksmanship would also remain.

                              Dante rarely shows himself to struggle in battle and wins most of his fights with such ease it's as if he was merely toying with his opponent, however his brother Vergil did defeat him once, then again as Nelo Angelo. Nero apparently defeated him at the beginning of Devil May Cry 4, but Dante admitted the battle only ended the way it did because he underestimated Nero. In their second fight Dante soundly defeated Nero and made the latter realize he was being toyed with from the beginning.

                              Dante never really fights seriously unless the situation truly is serious. Like say an end of the world, or the fate of humanity sort of thing.

                              Personality wise Dante and John might seem completely different. Dante taking things not very seriously even when things require a serious attitude. Yet deep down Dante is like John. He wishes to protect those he cares for, and will even occasionally put others before himself.

                              His personality from all the games (except DmC the stupid reboot), the manga, and the animated series:
                              Earlier in the series' story, Dante is incredibly flippant, casually mouthing off to even the most powerful of demons, and he generally enjoys rubbing people the wrong way. He does mature as time goes by, but never really loses his attitude. Dante is sometimes presented as a show off as, on several occasions, he performs exaggerated and over-the-top moves. Dante is seemingly unflappable, not showing fear whether he's being attacked by the Seven Hells in his office or being swallowed by a giant serpentess demon. With the exception of Devil May Cry 2, Dante rarely shows any seriousness. He can be serious when the situation calls for it, but he still maintains a laid-back demeanor during such situations and is never without a witty taunt or comeback. Dante can seem at times to be uncaring or even callous, but actually has a very strong sense of justice and prefers to fight fairly. He can be counted on to do the right thing, even if he makes cynical quips about it the entire time. Unusually, while he has issues with his own demonic side, Dante has little qualms about accepting demons that choose the side of good, such as Trish and Bradley. Though Dante is quoted as believing that "Humans are often worse than demons" in the anime, he refuses to kill full-blooded humans for any reason. Dante values family and friends very highly. He cared deeply for his mother and, despite their differences, for his brother, Vergil. Even after all the fighting the two did over the course of Devil May Cry 3, Dante still tries to save Vergil from falling into the Demon World, and goes so far as to cry over losing him.
                              Dante also enjoys fighting, shown when he sometimes does not fight at his full potential so he can toy with his opponent or make a fight last longer. In the anime, Dante gets bored with fighting weak opponents and finds entertainment in fighting strong opponents who will give him a challenge. Dante's enjoyment of fighting was reflected in his dialogue with Echidna during which he asked her if she agreed with him that a fight every now and then makes life more interesting.

                              In the animated series, Dante was shown to be one of the few characters in the Devil May Cry series to swear. Dante was frequently shown to be foul-mouthed, repeatedly swearing in almost every episode.

                              Despite verbally complaining about being in debt, Dante seems quite willing to perform missions solely for the good of them, and rarely enforces payment from poor clients. In fact, Dante will typically refuse any job he dislikes, regardless of how much it pays, but will immediately take on any paranormal cases, especially those involving demon hunting, with or without pay. Many of his clients take advantage of this good nature of his, and leave bills for property damage caused during the mission instead of paying for his services. He often borrows from Lady or gambles to repay these debts. However, he has extremely bad luck with all forms of gambling (Dante even has bad luck with a simple coin toss), and loses any game not involved with demon hunting. As a result, he is horribly in debt to Lady, and is often left with no money at all after she takes her cut. However, in Devil May Cry 4 Lady actually pays him a small amount for his "assistance", implying that he no longer owes her money.

                              Dante has a fondness for pizza, and while he complains about olives, he always ends up with them on his pizza. His liking for pizza was added because the director believes that pizza is the "best food ever". In the animated series, he is also shown to favor strawberry sundaes as well as pizza with it being pointed out on several occasions that those two foods are all he eats. He has a habit of getting roaring drunk; in the first volume of the manga, he mentions getting so drunk that he proposed to a mop.
                              Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


                                Semi Final app for my roster.

                                NPC Character of Choice: Morgan (Female version)

                                Game of Origin: Fire Emblem: Awakening

                                Power: Wields various "offensive type" magic (Fire, Lightning, wind. Can have a skill that allows for dark magic. Also has an incredible ability to "read" opponents, knowing strengths and weaknesses and moods even at a glance.

                                Weapons: Tomes and Swords

                                Weaknesses: Grima + Mortal, Unlike Robin's case of being able to tie into Grima.

                                Appearance: Change hair to green

                                Personality: (As from Wiki)

                                Morgan is similar to the Avatar, having amnesia when they are introduced, though they remember the Avatar at least and their goal of becoming a tactician like they are. Morgan has a childish enthusiasm and is quick to play with others. They have a certain level of innocence and have an optimistic outlook of life, willing to see everything good about the world rather than the bad. Despite this though, they have their own insecurities regarding their memories. They express distress over the fact that they cannot remember their other parent and nearly every other memory that is not related to the Avatar. Nevertheless, they love their other parent and their siblings if they have any. Morgan moves around the most out of anyone in the army. Their birthday is May 5th.


                                Morgan is similar to the Avatar as their origins are a mystery. What is known is that Morgan is the future child of the Avatar who traveled to the past. Because of the Avatar's ability to marry all characters including the other future children, it is speculated that Morgan is a child from another timeline. However the possibility lies that Morgan hails from the same ruinous future as the other children through supports with their siblings who remember Morgan, but mostly in this case alone. Regardless of their origins, Morgan was apparently accompanying a much older Avatar, but somehow was caught in the flow of time and was transported into the past. Morgan awoke alone in a grass field just like the Avatar, but has lost most of their memory. Since then, Morgan traveled the world hoping to reunite with the Avatar.

                                In Morgan's paralogue, Morgan eventually arrives in the Ruins of Time. Alone, Morgan is attacked by Risen. Luckily, The Avatar, Chrom, and Chrom's army arrive to the Ruins of Time in search of the legendary Naga's Tear. Morgan and the Avatar eventually meet and talk. Though Morgan is confused by the Avatar's younger appearance they are happy to be reunited and joins Chrom's army. After leaving the ruins, Morgan is shocked to learn about the future and the fact that they time-traveled. Morgan shows distress for the fact that they cannot remember anything else aside from their memories of the Avatar and the fact that they are trying to become a great tactician like them. Nevertheless they take joy in knowing that they will be with the Avatar more closely now, eager to learn from them firsthand.

                                After the war, Morgan would never recover their memories; however, they were not troubled by this. Scholars would speculate that they came from a different timeline from the other children.

                                In Morgan's support with the Avatar, they spend much of their time trying to outwit them in various ways. The Avatar, however, effortlessly dodges a pitfall they made and found the book Morgan was trying to hide from them in a matter of seconds. Finally Morgan is defeated by the Avatar in a game of strategic wits, but once the Avatar is alone, they realize that Morgan nearly beat them and decides to study harder to stay ahead and motivate Morgan. In Morgan's support with their other parent, they spend most of the time desperately trying to remember from staring intensely into their face and to the point of bashing their head into a wooden post, hoping the impact would jog their memories. They finally do remember a small memory of an older version of them calling Morgan by name. Morgan's other parent promises to continue to help them recover their memory in any way possible.

                                In the future where the children came from, Morgan was present if they have a sibling. Female Morgan's sibling supports involve her asking her sibling about anything she did in the future. Her sibling, in return, worries about her drastic attempts to recover her memories because she was their only family once their parents died. In their final support, her sibling tells her that it is probably better not to remember the future because of the horrible memories it may bring. Morgan is thankful for their concern but still wishes to remember everything because even if there are bad memories, there are good ones too. Her sibling offers to help in anyway they can, but tells Morgan to spend some time with them because she needs to make new memories while trying to recover her old ones.

                                Morgan is part of the Justice Cabal along with Cynthia and Owain.

                                Traumas: Grima. Loss of memory.

                                All that remains is Link...
                                Last edited by Cucoo5; 10-27-2013, 04:26 AM.

