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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    I wonder what would happen if someone showed John this video:


      @ S121

      The Dragon form gets it's head blasted by having the Avatar attacked. Robin kills Grima by striking down the Avatar with a shadow magic attack of sorts. It gets put to sleep for a few hundred thousand years by Chrom striking it down with Falchion.
      I'm treating it as though Six did what Crom did, except because it wasn't Falchion, it's not as long.
      Also when Grima returns I'm making him immune to that trick of atom cutting laser to the head. ^^;


        Finale is nigh.

        Good night.


          Goodnight Wriggle



            Nighty night.


            John would definitely feel embarrassed by the video.

            "No, no, no, no, no. I do not dance like that. I don't dance... ever. I also don't think about Cortana.. that way... No, I'm not going to dwell on that thought. I'm done."

            How about this video? XD

            Just imagine his reaction to this. XD

            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.




              Anyways I thought of a good idea for the party.

              Maybe Karaoke or something and Axl gets Alia to sing... and she sings this song

              Heck maybe Alia might even try to get Yukari to sing with her! It seems like a good song that just fits for EVERYONE in the RP (well all the protagonists at least.)


                What insane videos did I just I watch involving Halo?
                And that megaman song is pretty good...

                oh and
                @ S121

                just fyi
                I had Joe in EG:SoS respond to John a few posts back ^^;



                  You think that song was good? Well check this one out (this next one is personally my favorite MMX song.)




                    I looked up Master Chief sings becaus I was curious about what he would sound like and got THIS!

                    THIS ruined my mind!!!

                    Anyways, the karaoke all depends on what happens next.


                    Ok, I'll get on that soon.
                    Originally posted by S121
                    Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.




                      I also know it depends on what happens next. It was just an idea :P

                      Also I'm off to bed.



                        Nighty night.
                        Originally posted by S121
                        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                          Actually I might stay on a little while longer.



                            Welcome back!

                            I'm just responding in another RP, but I'll still check back as I work.

                            I also need to fully update John's profile, as well as add some Spellcards, seeing how a couple months are said to pass.

                            Do you want to see what I have so far?
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              Ok I'll be back in an hour...gonna take a nap and this time not fall dead asleep for 12 hrs =w=;



                                I need to get to work on my characters apps and upgrades for the sequel.

                                Zero will not be getting much upgrades.

                                Axl like he has now has his White Armor upgrade active

                                X will understand a bit more about his latent abilities, but not how to use them at all.

                                Chris will become a Spartan.

                                Claire will still be... Claire

                                Phantom will ???

                                Gate will probably go Maverick once again (much to Volgin's dismay.)

                                I also have an idea for an upgrade for Model X and Koishi.

                                Also I have been planning on having Model O be a decent part within my story arc in the second season. (Model O as in Biometal Model Omega.)

                                Speaking of Omega...

