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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    @ S121

    Some can cause permanent damage. But I would say there's two potencies (for a contrast later on with Eleos)
    We can say that eventually the poison would wear off but it would take a few weeks or months. Basically they would want to make it so that SCAE leaders can't get to their powers before they can organize a rescue party indirectly or directly.

    @ Wonderbread

    Hit meh with that list, your's is one of the few last ones I need so I can organize your characters that have already been mentioned.
    and it's driving me crazy cause I can't organize em until ya gimme the list =w=;
    Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-08-2013, 02:54 PM.



      Remember that some magic is different from other magic. Magic in KH is where the brain would do the work. Things like light, darkness and nothingness are different however. They bind themselves to the person itself. If you remove that part of them you are pretty much removing a them too.


      I would say that he still have protection, but due to the armour also originating from a game it would be a bit weaker than in the actual game.
      Born in the light.
      Molded in the dark

      Never Forget,
      Keep Fighting.
      –Don't Forget.
      Always, somewhere,
      someone is fighting for you.
      –As long as you remember her,
      you are not alone.


        ... Bread?


          @ wonder

          sorry, it seems hunger got the better of me for a moment there.


          @ Katrix

          Right. so is there a way to "jam" their magic with like nanobots laced into the poison that once injected into the body would lock down the abilities?


            Oh yea lol I see now.



              To my knowledge, no. As I see it, it's more that you attract the darkness, light or nothingness to you and make it do things for you (conscious or subconscious).

              A example of this is when Sora read Kairi's letter. Sora himself is never show using light. Before reading it Sora had pretty much lost hope. After he read it he found a new hope and when he did the door to light opened.

              As for darkness, it's been said multiple times things like "Open youself to the darkness". This is different from "Use the darkness".

              The main difference is that while normal magic requires toughts to function, these special types require something more like emotion or will. Something you feel you want to do.
              This means that if you want to shut down this compleatly you have to stop them from thinking completely. A single thought could spark a dark attack.

              As for poison, I don't know if it is correct, but I think I've heard somewhere that salt poisoning is untraceable. At least the salt part.
              Born in the light.
              Molded in the dark

              Never Forget,
              Keep Fighting.
              –Don't Forget.
              Always, somewhere,
              someone is fighting for you.
              –As long as you remember her,
              you are not alone.


                @ Katrix


                ok there has to be something. In the KH games, surely there was something that would prevent you from using certain moves. Wouldn't that be a means to block the magic?

                I mean, in any game I've played where the moves were set off like that, they always had something that would lock them from being used.



                  I actually have a very interesting question.

                  Would EMPs work on residents of Gensokyo and Characters if they are in a game world?

                  If so, then what about if they were IN Gensokyo. It is a video game world that has been slapped right into the real world, so would EMPs stop working against Characters in Gensokyo, considering that they would be in a game world?

                  My reasoning is that EMPs do not affect John in his world. Why? Because it's a video game world where he is not affected. Since Gensokyo is a game world, would the EMPs still affect Characters, or would it adhere to the game world's physics?
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    @ S121

                    I would say that weakness has wore off completely now. Just to simplify things.

                    ........the poison concept is gonna kill me trying to figure out how to make it work =w=....pun intended....

                    Oh and I'm gonna leave this here:

                    Anti-Character Organization [Name pending]

                    Goals: To stop the Leaders of SCAE from obtaining Game Character's powers and neutralize Game Characters as a general threat.

                    - Members typically are humans.
                    - They have undercover agents that are preparing to infiltrate and get close to the Game Characters in order to manipulate them. This is an attempt to save them from SCAE.
                    - They are developing a methods that should be able to neutralize/suppress Game Character's abilities and magic.

                    Member list:
                    - ACO Leaders
                    - [ACO Officers]
                    - Assassins
                    - Eleos
                    - [ACO Assassins]
                    - Undercover Agents
                    - [ACO Agents]
                    - Scientists
                    - [ACO Scientists]

                    Anyone think of a better name for the organization?
                    Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-08-2013, 07:49 PM.



                      It's easy to hinder normal magic. In the original game there was a boss that cast Silencega on you, making it so that you couldn't use spells until you took away a life bar.

                      As for light, darkness and nothingness. No, as I said earlier, to do that you have to stop them from making the slightest contact with that element. The only one I can think off on top of my head are heartless. They are devoid of emotion. Positive emotions usually becomes light. As for darkness, this one is a bit more difficult because the way the games present it, it seems you don't need emotion here.

                      Normal spells are like a sword, you have to swing it to use it.

                      Light, Darkness and Nothingness are like armor. It just works whenever you need it to.
                      Born in the light.
                      Molded in the dark

                      Never Forget,
                      Keep Fighting.
                      –Don't Forget.
                      Always, somewhere,
                      someone is fighting for you.
                      –As long as you remember her,
                      you are not alone.


                        @ Katrix

                        Ok so that's a lost cause then and SCAE would inevitably get their hands on that form of magic from KH. How powerful could it make the Leaders of SCAE?



                          Well, I wouldn't say that they would inevitably get it. It would be nearly impossible to capture John, or the Organization XIII's members, moreso with the members.
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            @ S121

                            Remember, SCAE is designed to be able to take down Game Characters and also has some working with them. I would assume from the events of Season I, SCAE would target Organization XIII. Plus, in this case, I would have Shulk work with SCAE because he fits the bill there...
                            ACO would do everything they could to stop the character and their abilities from being captured by SCAE.
                            Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-08-2013, 05:25 PM.


                              @ S121
                              Remember Gear Rex?



                                So are the ACO good guys or bad guys?

                                You make it seem like they're good guys, only that they really don't like Characters.


                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

