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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    Argh... CAN'T F*CKING SLEEP!!!

    Hey guys, did any of you read my fan fiction?



      You wrote a fan fiction?

      Oh I remember now.

      No I didn't read it yet.



        I read it.

        I don't really know about the books, but it sounds good so far.
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


          Damn... things are slow today.

          The first day I've been on since pretty much morning, almost everyone is busy doing something else....



            I'm just working on the forest while I wait for posts.

            It's going to be a looooong night.
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              It's been a loooooong day already for me, and now that it's night time it feels like time is flying by.

              Also I already hate this job advancement to Code: Nemesis quest...


                Leaving this here because I'm just kinda bleh

                And so everything slowed as the night finally crept over all. It was the close of a great chapter and everyone enjoyed the change of fortune to that of peace. It was now a time to rebuild old lives and begin new ones. To start anew and to shape the future for the better. The game of life, where all the world was the stage, reached a closing....

                "For now." A group stood on a perch overlooking the Ancient City as everyone finished their last few tasks that they had to attend to. "...For now you all can rest easy. But know this is just Halftime. And once Halftime is over....It's game on all over again." Then the group slipped away from the city, into the shadows.

                "Good Night."

                Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-18-2013, 01:00 AM.



                  That... that actually sounds like a nice end post.

                  I really should have mad a true "The End" post for Chung and Raven's side of the story...

                  Too late now.


                    @ SUS

                    It's a classic type of closing, so it should work for anything.
                    Simple, and all inclusive.

                    of course, whenever I write an ending, I try to reference a title that was seen at the beginning. I paraphrased the Title in the last line of the first section. I would try to figure out how to better just use the exact title as is instead. Heck maybe make a reference to the first scene that Major had in the IC....

                    But I digress.

                    And then I have this sinking feeling wriggle and wonder have this insane concept trying to chase some obscure end that will just drag this on and would go with that regardless of just saying "enough is enough."

                    Its something I had to do with Eternal Galaxy. I initially had no true end for Echoes of Time. It kept going. Finally after I tormented myself where I kept planning on and on and on I finally said "Ok I want a tragic ending? Lets just kill everyone so that way I can't write a sequel anymore..."

                    And that's exactly what I did.
                    But then I wrote Part III anyway. =w= At least I ended the main arc with Aion....
                    Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-18-2013, 01:18 AM.


                      They probably do. Knowing them it will probably be another few days (maybe a week) before this RP officially ends.


                        And I ninja edited again.

                        Something I learned with Eternal Galaxy when I was writing it...

                        Because I started with the end and focused on the end for such a long time, I kept expanding on the end of the story. I wrote sequels to the end, adding more scenes to it, never coming to a decisive end. I kept adding "Ok I'll have this happen and end it there...but wait...I could throw this in and use this as a plot twist and do that and then end it...but then I could...and then...and then..."

                        I kept going with that to the point where I had what I called "Part IV" (this was before when Echoes of Time was Part III and I had Blaze of Chaos as Part II)
                        Basically It was an inside joke where I said that my entire ending sequence for Echoes of Time could be a stand alone part If I wasn't careful.

                        So I nixed it.
                        All that planning I threw away.
                        Instead I went with my second ending after my overhaul. My more decisive ending that was to prevent me from writing a sequel.
                        Have everyone die.
                        Simple, Tragic, and powerful. Just what I wanted.

                        It worked for the most part....
                        But I wrote out the current Part III anyway. But I still deem my Part II end perfect as I prevented myself from continuing on with Aion and the main group.
                        I ended that story.

                        That's sort of what I want to see here right now. An end to this story and then lead in to the next. We close the curtain and say
                        Exit Everyone.

                        and then have it where we can finally say

                        Begin Act II (Season II)

                        Also I kinda cringed initially because this scenario that happened with me in Eternal Galaxy happened back when Wriggle wanted everyone at the funeral to be the end, but then that card game happened...

                        the "but wait...I could throw this in..." situation I went through with my own story.

                        I find it Ironic that I would find myself looking at a situation similar to what I went through not that long ago (a year...and it took me a year to finally end my madness) and see it practically repeat before my eyes now that I finally look at it in comparison...

                        It's scary...
                        Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-18-2013, 01:38 AM.



                          Well, were supposed to be working on it, but things have been very quiet for the past 3 days. -_-;

                          I am almost done with John's story, but can continue no further until I get an update.

                          Anyways, now to change topic... Too bad I can't think right now and feel like headbutting holes in the wall, due to today being plain sh*t... -_-;

                          What do you guys want to talk about?
                          Originally posted by S121
                          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                            I see...

                            I've never been good when it comes to making up endings to RP's and such... well I wouldn't actually know because I never led an RP to it's end (all my RP's die either halfway, or before the halfway mark.) I really wish I could have had an RP I've owned reach an ending.


                            IDK. I've been thinking of different scenarios for Chung, Raven, Alucard, Sonic, and Elsword in the sequel.


                              We should find every loose end post that would need an update and put it in a floating post so that it can easily be found.

                              Then once we have that, things can quickly be updated accordingly and we should have it so that those updates will be the last.
                              End of story. Pun intended.

                              That way it gets closed quickly and decisively.

                              Also whoever is opening the OOC and IC for season II (I assume we intended it to be wriggle...?) should do so now.

                              That way there's no "dead air" and its a smooth transition. Of course this should have been done a bit earlier but alas beggars can't be choosers.
                              Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-18-2013, 01:45 AM.



                                I can't help it, but I keep thinking up of various strategies for EG's simulation, variations to my original plan and images of the fight flashing through my mind as the plans are carried out. I think my current one is the best though.

                                I feel like I'm going to claw my own hair and eyes out in frustration, but I have no idea what I'm frustrated at. Maybe I need sleep, even though I don't feel tired...


                                Well, we've been telling people to post, but they soon disappear afterwards. I think it would be helpful though.

                                So, how goes EG? Does John's plan sound solid? I tried to cover every opponent on the field, and I think I did well.

                                What are your thoughts, your feedback? Any weaknesses in it? Possibly anything I missed?
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

