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[OOC Board] - All the World's a Game

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    @ Mega

    Lemme rephrase what I said:

    No human being alive could sense a bullet from a sniper before it hits them.

    As the saying goes, if you hear the gunshot, it's too late.
    Translation: if you hear the gunshot, you were lucky cause it missed or didn't instantly kill you.

    So what I'm saying is...
    Imagine Dante as being...just human.
    That's what the toxin would do. Turn him purely human.
    No demonic abilities
    No shrugging off shots or w/e
    No sixth sense
    Just Human


      Originally posted by Cucoo5 View Post
      @ Mega


      So he relies a lot on that demonic side huh? would be mighty inconvenient for him if someone that was close to him inadvertently slipped a toxin into a drink of his that suppressed that ability...


      @ SUS

      Don't worry. He would just incapacitate him at most.

      And yes, the Barrette .50 Cal is a sniper rifle that is effective up to about 2,000 meters. 4 more football fields on top of what you saw in the video if you saw the scene I mentioned (and the scene I mentioned is the Barrette in action).
      I just hope that Eleos would do that =w= I still think that Eleos would develop some respect for a sharpshooter like Chung. Despite using only handguns and a heavy artillery weapon. Hence could result in some interesting dialogue between the two.


        @ SUS

        When Eleos turns around and wakes up Chung after almost being captured by SCAE or any of the other organizations and from being shot (by him) in such a manner to make Chung seem dead, then we can go on about that.



          You know, Eleos wouldn't actually be safe from Chung's missiles.

          Missiles are able to achieve speeds much higher than rockets. If Chung's homing missiles are anything like cruise missiles, then he wouldn't even hear the missile coming, considering that most modern missiles can travel at supersonic speeds.

          Not only that, but Eleos would have to guess where a character would be at any given time, and he only has so much C-4. He couldn't cover an entire forest.

          There's also that poison. Unlike magic, Dante's abilities are genetic, meaning that you might slow them down, but unless you have a pill that eliminates genes, then it would do very little. Even if it did remove those genes, you would cause cellular damage that could kill the Character. I highly doubt the ACO would try and kill Characters, but if they did, then they would quickly "raise more demons than they could put down."

          Just making things seem a little more realistic.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



            Another question is how would they develop such a toxin, and how would they even be able to mess with Dante's drink/food?

            Actually I have another idea...

            When he orders pizza have someone kidnap the delivery guy, put the toxin in powder form on a pizza as seasoning on the pizza and have a disguised delivery guy deliver the poisoned pizza to Dante... one problem with that though... Dante knows his pizza well -_- it would probably be hard to poison a pizza without Dante noticing -.- One would have to be incredibly sneaky in order poison any of Dante's food or drinks.

            Also it doesn't explain how Dante is affected by toxins and poisons.

            For all I know Dante could be immune to almost all toxins. For all I know toxins could be his greatest downfall.


            THANK YOU for explaining that. I should have mentioned that Dante's abilities aren't supernatural, but genetic on a supernatural scale. The toxin might slow Dante down and all which would give Eleos an advantage, but if Eleos does want to do some serious damage then he would have to get a Devil Arm (Which are a demon's soul in weapon form, and are incredibly powerful against other demons.)
            Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...


              @ S121

              I had already considered that.

              Genetics would be something that it would counter.
              I doubt anyone that was sick and not at their peak performance could dodge a bullet, no matter what their reflexes are.

              Also that's what I meant by Zone control. Eleos would set up for one area one zone. Once the character enters that area, it's show time. Of course, to prevent characters sneaking up on him, he might set up some sort of motion detectors (trip wires and noise makers) and also...radar jammers.

              @ Mega

              ACO had some time to research the game characters. They might have been testing some prototypes all along...

              Does Dante ever catch the common cold? I would doubt it but...

              Oh and I already mentioned a similar scenario

     would be mighty inconvenient for him if someone that was close to him inadvertently slipped a toxin into a drink of his that suppressed that ability...
              Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-24-2013, 09:10 PM.


                Also random info dump time.

                I'm trying to make a new Guild (working on the guild creation quests) for our little forums group. A completely private guild only exclusive to us here who play Elsword.

                Need a name...

                Possible names are


                Please note one cannot use symbol's like () or stuff in Guild names.



                  if that's not available try it with a "z" at the end.


                    Might not have enough room for that. Also I need these names for later. I can't create the guild now.


                      ThatOneGroupThatSpamsOOCBoardsWithInformationThatI sn'tRelevantToTheRP

                      There, that's a good name.

                      Seriously though, try Mumble. That problem saves migraines.



                        Here's one way that one could get under Dante's skin. Hold someone like Lady (that's seriously her name... well nickname)

                        or Komachi hostage. Would get Dante pissed off, but he would probably do anything to get them back. Including handing over something valuable, or doing something for them in promise that they would be released.

                        However Dante is much smarter than that.

                        Now I imagined something...

                        At the end of the RP, and after the battle against ACO is over... Eleos and Dante would probably be at a bar just relaxing.

                        Not talking, not doing anything... just sitting next to each other drinking alchohol... getting drunk... and the occasional exchange of "hey" once they run into each other at a bar.
                        Do you really think I'm that stupid? *Walks into a door* Okay maybe I am that stupid...



                          Uh... some problems with that...

                          For some odd reason I can NEVER get Mumble to work on my computer =_= seriously I tried everything to get it to work =_=


                            @ Major

                            most of it was relevant. We were discussing Snipers and how my Character Eleos would fare against the other game characters and such.

                            ...but that does bring up the question...why don't we use mumble?

                            @ SUS

                            oh well...that's one reason...
                            How are ya installing it and what OS ya have?

                            @ Mega

                            ACO won't do hostages. Rather infiltration.

                            Also if we put Eleos in a bar...he's a womanizer. He would be recruiting Dante as a "wingman."
                            Last edited by Cucoo5; 11-24-2013, 09:19 PM.


                              Which dungeon was the last one you guys you passed?


                                Originally posted by SUSTIC View Post

                                Uh... some problems with that...

                                For some odd reason I can NEVER get Mumble to work on my computer =_= seriously I tried everything to get it to work =_=

