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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    "Tricky has a habit of not staying dead." Hank replied.

    Somewhere in Nevada

    Sanford and Deimos got on a motorbike with a sidecar, and drove to the train wreck, Deimos wielded a pair of G36s, while Sanford kept his hand on his trusty hook while driving.

    Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

    You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


      Train Wreck, Nevada; Otori

      No one was coming out. This was getting too nerve racking. For all I know, I was fighting Tricky, or worse... that guy who killed Tricky. I was getting extremely nervous.

      "I said get out here before I shoot you!"

      Nothing happened.

      "That's it, you had your chance!"

      I fired.



        John was bored, so he looked up Gensokyo on his visor. He came aross a wiki that ontained a whole assortment of locations to explore. Unfortunately, it didn't have a map.
        He looked at Komachi and spoke.

        "Hey, I actually found a site on my helmet that tells about different locations and the inhabitants that live in Gensokyo. Perhaps we can use it as a guide."
        Originally posted by S121
        Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



          While Renamon was waiting for Chen´s answer, inside her head, the jackal and ghost were discussing

          "Even though I would love to cause mischief on the real world, Im worried that this thing of resurrection may hurt her" Mara said looking at the horizon.

          "I know.. but we have seen how strong Renamon has become, maybe she will endure it and we will be free again" Nera said with hopes.

          The ghost faced the jackal and said with a serious tone "You know this because of real facts or because of dreams and hopes Nera?" "What do you mean?"

          "Just look at what happened when she fought to save those girls, she got a pierced in her lung and cracked many of her bones, any creature would have given up, but that darn fox is too stubborn to accept that she can die" Mara said almost harshly, but got countered by Nera "I know she risked her life, but that thing you call stubborness is what keeps Renamon alive, that inner strength is what have saved her in her battles and moments of peril"

          "But.. what would happen if she get part of her soul ripped off? we merged our souls with her.." Mara asked sadly. The ghost looked at the floor almost crying "I don´t want her to die.. not like us.." then she felt a paw on her shoulder "Don´t worry, she will endure this and outlive it, like always, now that she remembers us again, Renamon has gained more strength to keep moving, just look up and believe Mara" Nera said smiling and comforting the ghost
          Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



            Yuuka's Sunflower Field, Gensokyo; Komachi

            "Ah, that's a great idea! And look, We're here!"

            The light opened up to be a giant sunflower field.

            "Hey, look, it's Yuuka's house, Let's see if she's up."

            I slowly walked in. "Hello, Yuuka?"

            No answer. I did see Medicine though.

            "Oh, hi Medicine. Do you know where Yuuka is?"


              Yuuka's Sunflower Field, Gensokyo

              John looked around and saw a huge field of sunflowers that were at least 12 feet tall.

              Before John could explore more, Komachi's voice snapped his attention to a tiny girl.

              She looked as if she was only 7-9 years old.
              Last edited by S121; 05-28-2013, 11:24 PM.
              Originally posted by S121
              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                Garden of the Sun

                Hank looked at the giant sunflowers and pondered.

                ("Hmm, I wonder how big the bees are for flowers this big.") Hank thought.

                Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

                You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                  Garden of the Sun

                  "Yuuka...?" Medicine reiterated. "She went to Human Village to buy some stuff."

                  Pentagon, Washington DC

                  "Calling all Lt. Trelawney squad!" Lt. Trelawney slammed two frying pans together in front of Zero's chamber and Nitori's room. "Gather round!"


                    Yuuka's House, Gensokyo; Komachi

                    "Oh, John, this is Medicine Melancholy. She's a youkai. She looks sweet, but she likes throwing around poison, so one would consider her as hostile. She kills almost as much as Yuuka. For all we know, the little dear might be batching up a poisonous mixture right now. Well, Medicine, tell Yuuka that I said hi when she get's here!"

                    I walk outside. "Well, look around! It looks quite majestic around here, doesn't it? But I wouldn't pick them if I were you. Yuuka might not like it."

                    I began flying. "It's also a big field, too. We might have gotten lost should we not have taken the boat. So, John, you choose where we go next."

                    Train Wreck, Nevada; Otori

                    I looked at the body I shot. It was a big body, like the one we found when we met Hank. I examined the body. It was dead long before I came. But he had scorch marks. Judging from the distance between the burned area and these scorch marks, the fire was hot enough to burn someone without touching them. This did not look good.

                    I saw two figures in the distance. I readied my shot gun, but it was just Sanford and Deimos.

                    "Oh, hey there. I just examined this fire, and the flames seem to be so hot it could badly scorch a body from a distance where if it were just a normal wreck fire, It would have never been this big, let alone this hot. What do you think, guys?"


                      Yuuka's House, Gensokyo

                      "Well, The Wiki says that the Youkai Mountain is dangerous, but so is every other place here. Hmm...
                      There's Old Hell, Youkai Mountain, Eintei, The Human Village, The Sarlet Devil Mansion, The Moriya Shrine, The Hakurei Shrine, and The Myouren Temple. You're the guide. Where do you want to go?"

                      Pentagon, Washington DC

                      Isaac walked over to Lt. Trelawney and gave him a casual salute.

                      "So It's time to go?"
                      Last edited by S121; 05-29-2013, 12:12 AM.
                      Originally posted by S121
                      Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                        Pentagon, Washington DC

                        Zero who was still chatting with Alia hangs up on her as he hears the sounds of frying pans clashing together. He stands up and leaves his chamber. "I suppose it's time to go?" Asked Zero as he looks at Trelawney. "If you wish I could go wake up Nitori myself if she does not awake soon." Said Zero. His voice sounds a bit... more cheerful than last night. As though he is actually eager to go.


                          (Ima go watch 300. Don't worry, I'll still be here.)
                          Pentagon, Washington DC

                          "Yup, gather your suitcases and meet me outside on the plane takeoff ground." Lt. Trelawney answered, slamming the frying pan still.
                          "Uwaa, what's all this noise?" Nitori got up, still half-sleeping, and came outside to find the lieutenant's silly behavior. "It's rowdy, stop it."
                          "But it's the only way to wake sleepyheads like you!" Lt. Trelawney shouted giddily.


                            Pentagon, Washington DC

                            Zero who doesn't have any suitcases to carry due to him not having any personal belongings except for his saber looks at Nitori. "Hey Nitori need help with your bags, it's the least I can do. Besides I think it would be wise considering the wound on your body." Said Zero to a still sleepy Nitori.


                              Had to do research on the Australia side of the story. Apparently I didn't read the responding post from Wriggle, so I'll pick it up from here
                              Australian Bar; Snake
                              "But... it's just... it's impossible!"

                              I decided not to think on it. "Oh, well. Seeing as how you just, ah, swallowed a bomb, I guess I can trust you."

                              Well, with all their hard work in helping me, I guess they deserve some trust.

                              Base 2, Australia; Volgin

                              "What?! Snake destroyed them all?!"

                              I couldn't believe it. Snake and some other team destroyed an entire army. I began slamming my fist on the desk, but then I stopped.

                              "So, you took out an army, eh?" I chuckled. "This... will make our match more entertaining."

                              Shinki's Palace; Shiki

                              Well, time to give back the plate as promised. The cake was quite good. Louise is not a bad chef at all.

                              I landed and began looking for Shinki. I saw Yumeko.

                              "Good evening, Yumeko. Do you know where Shinki is?"


                                Pentagon, Washington DC

                                Isaac prepared all of his belongings before coming to the Pentagon, so all he had to do was wait. In the mean time, he used his holographic display to surf the internet, looking up funny videos and funny pictures.
                                Originally posted by S121
                                Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.

