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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan

    "If we are invading their HQ, we will need a sneak team to atleast stop the security, from there the assault team will do their best to deal with any treath, but remember, try to just knock them down, they may have chosen that side or also the characters are slaves somehow" Renamon said thinking of the vault boy
    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



      John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan
      Time: 10:15 PM

      Soon the room was split into two groups. John had an idea of assaulting the HQ directly, while Yuuka considered an option of liberating the Characters from the minor branches and their subjugators. Either way wouldn't be easy.

      Yuuka's plan to liberate Characters from the clients would require a sort of reliable transportation. Once they get there, they will look for any Character who will allow them quarter. They will use that Character's shelter as a base of operation, and plan a strategy to liberate the Characters inside the branch/client location. Depending on the client and the branch, the force of resistance would be anything from none to President-of-any-nation level. Any Characters liberated can have their own way. They have the option of joining, but the number can only grow so big. They can only accept three to four Characters.

      John's plan to assault the Neo-Yakuza HQ would require them to travel to Osaka. From there, they will attempt on destroying any and all important facilities within the HQ. They will face heavy resistance, including 5000 elite Neo-Yakuza agents and at least 100 Lieutenant-to-Admiral-level Character forces. The boss of Neo-Yakuza will undoubtedly be here, and he will assume command for all security force in the HQ. Defeating this boss will have to come to one of the top-priority objective. Failure will result in subjugation and/or death.

      (It is now your choice to decide what plan you would like to take.)


        John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan

        I understand that we must deal with the Neo-yakuza´s HQ, but still we are only 5 people in total, the best option for me is that we get all the people we need to do it, Im with Yuuka, we must try to rescue the characters that are on the clients´hands Renamon said now determined to fight
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan

          "If we are invading their HQ, we will need a sneak team to at least stop the security, from there the assault team will do their best to deal with any threat, but remember, try to just knock them down,
          they may have chosen that side or also the characters are slaves somehow."

          "It wold be impossible for us to just sneak in. Their security wouldn't let us just sneak in. The only way I see that as possible is if one of us acts like a member. They already know me, so I can't.
          I'm not even sure you guys would be able to do it without getting caught."

          Using knowledge from his investigation into the Neo-Yakuza's methods, he continued to speak

          "They usually take one's "alignment", disposition, and morals into consideration before trying to recruit anyone.
          Sometimes they promise a favor in return, and sometimes they make false promises, kind of like that magician we saw earlier. If we do get someone to infiltrate their security, it would have to be Yuuka.
          They did try to contact her before, so she just might be the right person for the job. She will be sabotaging their weapons and supplies, reducing their combat readiness.
          There will be hostiles inside, but seeing her power, I think she would be able to handle herself. She would be causing havoc from the inside by both breaking their equipment and killing their men.

          While that's happening, X and I will on foot and distract the enemy. We will use the environment for cover, and draw them out.
          They will see only us and will attack, but once they see that we are a huge threat, they will send more and more people after us.
          They will probably send Characters after us, and we will face incredibly tough opposition, but all we have to do is distract them, not kill every last one.

          While we distract them, Renamon will get on Aqua's glider and will enter with Aqua on the top of the building. The Agents will be too preoccupied with us down below, so they will have an easier time.
          They will place explosives inside the building and collect intel. Intel is anything with information regarding their activities, so if it looks important, grab it.
          Not only that, they'll also be placing C-4 explosives throughout the building, on vital areas in the building.
          I am fairly sure they will have to fight a character or two, but nothing impossible.

          The enemy will be attacked on three fronts; Yuuka with their equipment, X and I with their men, and Renamon and Aqua with their intel and building.
          Once Renamon and Aqua give the signal, we will all evacuate the building. Once we get out of range, one of us will detonate the building, destroying it.

          If we play it smart, it will only take five of us. You might think this plan is crazy, but this is the kind of stuff Spartan teams used to do all the time."

          John then turned to Renamon and addressed her concern for the other characters.

          "I cannot guarantee all of the characters' safety, but this plan will minimize their deaths.
          I am not going to lie, there will be Character casualties, but with them out of the building, they at least have a chance.
          There will be some that won't quit, there's nothing that I or anyone else can do about that. They wont give us a choice, so we'll have to do what we have to do.
          I say this because I understand why you are concerned about it. You are probably still shaken up by that man in the sewer, but we couldn't do anything about him.
          We gave him a chance to walk away, but he didn't take it, he chose to continue fighting."

          John turned his gaze over to the rest of the group.

          "Does the plan sound good to you?"
          Last edited by S121; 05-01-2013, 01:50 AM.
          Originally posted by S121
          Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


            John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan
            Time: 10:30 PM

            John's presence as a battle veteran faded Yuuka's experience as an elderly Youkai. His strategy-forming skill was as formidable as Patchouli or Yumemi's intellect.
            "That sounds... risky." Yuuka muttered, hanging back. Come to think of it, Yuuka hasn't exerted any of her full potential in battles yet. Her Master Spark, for example, was only 10% of her entire power. "Actually, it sounds perfectly executable."

            (Last post for the day! Tomorrow, we attack, hopefully!)


              The Inventory-Somewhere in New York

              GLaDOs dealt out a new hand, and Barney immediately folded, leaving Foster and Marisa to duke it out in the ultimate game of chance.

              "I call." Marisa started.

              "Check, ya sodding machine." Foster retorted.

              The claws under the table opened, revealing a ace, a jack, and a 7.

              "Oh, sod it, I fold." Foster said, putt his cards face down on the table.

              "Marisa takes the pot. Again. It's quite saddening, really. That even the people with firearms can't beat a simple girl with magical powers." GLaDOs insulted in her usual tone.

              "Go fight a Fleshpound, see how you come out." Foster replied.

              Sometimes when you're driving down a road, a bug hits your windshield. It's ugly and unpleasant, but you just activate the wipers / cleaning fluid and it's gone in a few seconds. It's just part of driving down the road. You don't dwell on it, because that'd be silly. Bugs aren't worth the time.

              You just discard their guts and keep on driving.


                John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan

                "Sounds like a good plan. For my part I think it will be difficult to fit to persons on a Keyblade Glider. It might work tough.
                I also think i might be able to pull of some magic to get most people out of the building. For that to happen tough i need everybody else here out off the building already."

                Aqua thought of how risky it would be to execute a gravity spell at maximum power inside of the building to trow everybody else out but quickly thought of something else.
                Born in the light.
                Molded in the dark

                Never Forget,
                Keep Fighting.
                –Don't Forget.
                Always, somewhere,
                someone is fighting for you.
                –As long as you remember her,
                you are not alone.


                  John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan

                  Everyone seemed to be liking the plan, but they still needed supplies.

                  "We would still need to go to the army base first, though, to get supplies."
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                    John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan

                    Since everyone was deciding for attacking the base, renamon didn´t have any choice but to follow them "I can help with the transportation problem, we could use their computer interfaces so we can travel via internet, I have traveled some times and know how to reach other computers the fox said
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan

                      "Good that you can transport yourself another way. Also just remember to get out when i tell you to. Things might get dangerous"
                      Last edited by Katrix; 05-01-2013, 12:55 PM.
                      Born in the light.
                      Molded in the dark

                      Never Forget,
                      Keep Fighting.
                      –Don't Forget.
                      Always, somewhere,
                      someone is fighting for you.
                      –As long as you remember her,
                      you are not alone.


                        John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan

                        "So far we got atleast two ways of transportation, if you need anything from me, I´ll be testing my digivice" Renamon said preparing to get up and then looked at John.

                        "Do you happen to have a computer here? I´ll need to use it" the fox asked to the soldier
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan

                          X looks at the group and smiles slightly. "Okay I will call a helicopter to pick us up in the morning. It is a Military Base so they will not let anyone in, so we will need to think of how to get you all inside." Said X as he crosses his arms. As he does he looks down at the cracks on his armor. "When was I damaged?" Asked X as he turns to John.


                            John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan

                            "Do you happen to have a computer here? I´ll need to use it"

                            "It's in my room. Last room on the right."

                            X then asks John a question.

                            "When was I damaged?"

                            "We were in a warehouse, stopping a Character trade-off from occurring. Some agents started to shoot at you, but you didn't return fire."

                            (I hope he'll be ready to do what needs to be done, when the time comes...)

                            John then turns to the rest of the group.

                            Anyway, I'm going to prepare some food. An army marches on it's stomach (Napoleon), so do we."

                            John then got out of his chair and proceeded to the kitchen.
                            Originally posted by S121
                            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                              X looks at John and looks down at his arms. "Strange... I don't even remember something like that happening..." Said X as he walks up to the nearest window. He looks down at the streets and smiles. "This city seems so nice... it seems as though something like a Yakuza wouldn't even exist here..." Said X as he continues to look out the window.


                                John's Apartment - Tokyo - Japan

                                Renamon nodded to John´s answer and went towards the pc. There the vixen turned both the computer and the digivice on. Both objects glowed with electricity and Renamon started pressing the digivice buttons trying to synchronize it to the computer.

                                ("Come on.. im sure it is still possible..") Renamon thought focusing more in her job. Suddenly both objects beeped in unison and started to give a stronger shine. Renamon smirked at the response and gently touched the monitor, her handcrossed it easily and her whole body got sucked in.

                                The view was amazing, it was like being inside a computer´s brain, there were many electrical lines and numbers were flying around in rivers of information. "Guess we can travel" Renamon smirked looking for the interface to John´s computer. The interface was only a window that opened to the real world, there the fox touched the screen again and was sent back to the real world
                                Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..


