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[IC] - All the World's a Game

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    Voile Library

    "Miss Patchouli is physically very weak." Koakuma explained as she flew through the skyhigh bookshelves, swerving through seemingly recurring background. "She was very anemic and asthmatic to begin with, and the recent flu has really gotten to her, so I was worried something like this would happen..."


      SDM, Gensokyo; Komachi

      "Oh, geez. I hope I don't have to carry Patchouli to Shiki-sama. Then again, it's not like she did anything too good or too bad. She'll probably get ressurrected."

      I looked at Renamon.

      "So, you're trying to revive a friend?"

      Shooting Range, Nevada; Otori

      "Sorry. I only know them by the way I raised myself to know them. But I sure as hell know how to operate them. What position will you place me in? What weapons will I be using for these upcoming missions?"


        Scarlet Devil Mansion

        "Please give her some warm water and fruit, that should help her health" Renamon suggested to the demoness

        "Yes Im trying to revive 2 beings, I have their souls within me and can create their bodies too" the fox explained to Komachi
        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



          SDM, Gensokyo; Komachi

          "Ah. Say, can you tell me their prsonalities? Like their moralities?"



            John overheard Komachi and Renamon talking.

            "Yes Im trying to revive 2 beings, I have their souls within me and can create their bodies too.", Renamon said.

            "Ah. Say, can you tell me their prsonalities? Like their moralities?"

            John turned his attention back to Koakuma.

            "She was very anemic and asthmatic to begin with, and the recent flu has really gotten to her, so I was worried something like this would happen..."

            "If she's in such bad condition, why doesn't she see a doctor. I don't know how advanced medicine is in Gensokyo, but it's at least worth a try."
            Originally posted by S121
            Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


              Scarlet Devil Mansion

              Renamon thought about Nera´s and Mara´s Moralities

              "One of them is calm minded as she tries to keep everything on good terms, her morality is good if that is ok" the fox talked about Nera

              "The other one likes to cause some mischief, but she has a good heart since she cares for people too, probably a similar good morality"

              The vixen then asked "May I know why are you asking this?" she said facing the scythe user
              Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                Voile Library

                "Well, you see, Patchouli-sama has never left the library until recently, and staying inside this dusty library, as well as experimenting with toxic metals have worsened her health. We could go see the doctor in the bamboo forest, but Patchouli-sama can't travel that far- ah, here we are."
                At the center of the library was a large circular-designed office desk with Patchouli resting on the chair, reading a book.
                "Patchouli-sama, are you feeling better?" Koakuma asked Patchouli.
                "Yes, my asthma attack has passed." Patchouli answered, her eyes not leaving the book. "Did you bring in the visitors like I asked?"
                "Yes, they're here." Koakuma responded.
                "Good. You may dismiss yourself." Patchouli said, and Koakuma left the scene. "Have a seat, all of you. And you, Shinigami, don't you have ferrying work to do?"



                  "Have a seat, both of you."

                  John looked at the chair, then at Patchouli.

                  "I'd rather stand. I'm way too heavy to sit in wooden chairs."
                  Originally posted by S121
                  Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.



                    "Thank you for accepting us into your library, if I may say, to help your asthma, smelling eucaliptus oil while sleeping and drinking some water with half lemon juice can help you with it" Renamon greeted the librarian

                    "Now, I wonder what you know about this book" the fox said handling the diary to Patchouli
                    Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                      Voile Library

                      "Observe these two tomes." Patchouli opened two books on the desk. One of them was full of gibberish, another one was in clear english. "What do you see?"


                        Voile library

                        Renamon looked at both books, they looked rather similar, except that one was written in english and the other in atleast another language for what the vixen could imagine.

                        "I see that they are written atleast in different languages, but there is something else that gives a feeling of something special on them" she said to the librarian
                        Have you ever crossed the line between sanity and madness? You would be amazed by what lies beyond the fog..



                          Voile Library

                          Patchouli nodded, and then gestured to John. "Here, how about this? What do you see in this book?"
                          The book that Patchouli showed John also had the gibberish on one of the books shown to Renamon, except that the fonts looked dimmer.


                            SDM, Gensokyo; Komachi

                            "Shouldn't you be doing ferry work?" Patchouli asked.

                            'Oh, Shiki-sama let me off the hook for today and tomorrow. We're preparing for the trip to Hawaii on earth. And yes, that place called Earth exists. We've been there. Oh, and Renamon, if you want a safe way to revive your friends, you might want to talk to shiki-sama. She can bring your friends back. But that would depend on the morality of your friends. Not to mention the fact that you have to, you know, separate your soul from that of your friends. So, listen to Patchy. She may know how to revive your friends the hard way."

                            I looked at the book Patchouli had.

                            "On second thought, unless you learned gibberish, you might have a hard time. Hey, something understandable. What's it say?"



                              "Here, how about this? What do you see in this book?"
                              The book that Patchouli showed John also had the gibberish on one of the books shown to Renamon, except that the fonts looked dimmer.

                              "I see text in another language, but it's a little dim."
                              Last edited by S121; 05-30-2013, 03:15 PM.
                              Originally posted by S121
                              Every time I see a new post on the Forum, I feel like a little kid during Christmas, all giddy.


                                Voile Library

                                "Okay. This is the basic principle of spell grimoires." Patchouli put her book down.
                                "Grimoires can only be read by someone who has similar or greater magic power than the writer of the grimoire. The first book that I showed the fox was a basic fireball magic, and she had enough potential to cast the spell without risking her life. The second book, in gibberish, is a spell I created 80 years ago: Undine Princess. The gibberish means that you do not have enough arcane power to cast the spell."

                                "Now, what does the dimness have to do with spell requirement? Truth be told, it is possible to read what is on the magus book even if it is in gibberish: if you know your Runic language. However, magic spells are powerful: side effects of a failed spell results from minor dizziness to instant death, depending on how dim the Runes are."

                                "To me, these two books are clear as day. However, that book you hold: Rasputin's tome: Regenesis, is still very dim book. To you guys, it will look as if there are no words on it. If you try to even read the very very dim Runes on it, your soul will be sucked in, forever trapped."

